Game has been unplayable for me.

Game has been unplayable for me.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: blim.6320


70% of the time I cant play this game due to lag or overflow reasons.

I will lag in WvW like everyone else but I’m still being killed 1vs1 because my spells will not cast.

I never get packet-loss. The red lines here are me applying setting to my router or changing gateway. I also use DMZ.

At the end of the day whats the point in putting the player limit so high in WvW that we all lag out. Its not fun. I personally think this game needs some new battlegrounds anyway. WvW maps lack content and I spend more time running around looking for commanders on the other side of the map then I do having a battle as a newbe.

Game has been unplayable for me.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ash.5034


Looking at your Internet stats, I can’t see how you can complain too much.

I play from New Zealand, and my latency is 1/4 sec to 1/2 sec worse than that.

Try fighting like that!

If I were you, I would just get on with fighting and not worry about anyone else.

You obviously have the greatest advantages in this game!

Game has been unplayable for me.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: blim.6320



Did you even read what I typed?

In a 1on1 the other person can be hitting me no problem and yet I cant cast one spell!

Clearly the connection I PAY to be this good is not doing be any favors under these conditions.

I hope this isn’t some stupid lag compensation thats unable to process (handicap low latency players) because of the WvW over load. Welcome to the future.