Game lag and disconnections
Suppose I will add my bit.
I don’t have any lag but I get random and instant DC’s every 10minutes or so, after a few of them I get a “fatal error”.
I have:
1. tried to repair
2. Resetting my router
3. stopping all my background processes
4. lowering all my graphic settings to the lowest
5. -clientport 80 (read somewhere it might help. didn’t)
6. Hitting a wall (did not work either)
I’m still experiencing this random disconnecting, i will mention that last night i successfully managed to stay logged in for 2 hours before i logged out but then the disconnecting started again in the morning. This does make playing rather difficult
Ever since the April 23 patch, i cannot play in the evening without constant lag and DCing. It never was an issue before.
I’m not getting the lag necessarily. I’m just getting the disconnects – I’m assuming by disconnects you mean game crashes? I get the little window saying GW2.exe blah blah blah, would you like to send a report to Anet.
It happens when I approach a gate in WvW or in large battles. Of course the fps slows down in large battles but never before had game crashes.
I’m not getting the lag necessarily. I’m just getting the disconnects – I’m assuming by disconnects you mean game crashes? I get the little window saying GW2.exe blah blah blah, would you like to send a report to Anet.
It happens when I approach a gate in WvW or in large battles. Of course the fps slows down in large battles but never before had game crashes.
Disconnects and Crashing are two totally different things.
Yeah..I was out of town when the patch happened and only started playing with the new updates this week, and okay for the first few days all I did was stand in vigil keep and chat with my friends…
But the last couple days when I’ve been out starting to try playing again, the lag is ridiculous. I mean, I’ve had lag before but never ever like this in this game. Now it’s like this huge delay between when I click a skill and when the skill actually activates. But I can move around fine, and my enemies’ movement and skills are perfectly fine- which obviously puts me at a huge advantage. And I’m talking like, regular pve maps against pve monsters and stuff. Tonight is wvw reset night which I’m hoping to participate in, but honestly I don’t know if that’s even possible with this lag.
Plus last night my game crashed 3 times. This game almost never crashes on me. And even when I’ve had super terrible lag at like, temple runs in the past, it was never this kind of skill delay. I have never had these problems before in this game and if I have trouble killing little destroyer crabs because my skills are so delayed, there’s no way I’m going to be able to do dungeons or wvw or anything.
Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.
Its really bad, really really bad. If this doesn’t get fixed before the reset, all hell is gunna break loose because this just isn’t playable for the ones effected.
Ok well I managed to fix mine, I didn’t mention in my older post but I never had to set up the “ports” manually, the game all ways worked perfectly from day one.
I decided to do just that, set up a static IP and then manually set the ports I needed, game is working perfectly although I’m still getting lag if the map is full and we r all traveling as one big zerg, but it is much better then DC’ing every 10minutes.
add my to the list started yesterday evening ingame chat works fine but kitten that latency tried to do world events, was in a TS and the boss died 2 minutes ago while i still fight it aka over 500+ ping ( yes i play from out of europe but this was redicioulous never had the problem) same with wvw today couldn’t do anything to help the zerg
never add so MANY disconnects and this laggy as today…. in 30 minutes i was DC’d more than 15 times! and everytime i log im always lagging like hell…i mean all my skills take 5~10 seconds to activate already restarted router, PC…checked speed connection…a lot of test already done and its not my connection that i am sure!
Same problem here. Can’t play. i keep getting d/c’ed. I tried to open ports manually, open firewall, blah blah… i give up for now.
The lag issues really started for me april 26 around 2pm GMT. Skills don’t activate, everything rubber band like crazy and after a couple of minutes the game disconnects.
I did a gw2.exe -diag and without much doubt I’d like to say now that the problem is on Anet’s side :
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
14 —- 25/ 25 =100% 22/ 25 = 88% []
I hope it gets fixed soon, the game is totally unplayable at the moment.
Additionally and are also extremely slow to load in every browser and through any ISP I could try. FYI there are several timeouts on the last hops of the traceroute to these URLs and a ping timeouts 50% of the time.
I guess it’s time to play something else.
(edited by rainstaff.6290)
Having the same problem. And now I’m dishonorable in sPvP too… I really hope it can be fixed soon.
Lag seems to be gone since 1pm this afternoon. The traceroute is clean through all the hops. I hope it’s the same for everybody!
yep im getting connetion issues alot since patch.
Spvp dishonour is annoying because of server issues.
Alt: lvl 80 Mesmer
Just got DC´ed while doing Tequatl (was one of the Commanders there)… again.
Of course, no chance to getting back in.
I played a few other games in the last time to test a few things out.
Even free to play MMO´s manage to build in a handshake between client and the game itself. After a DC you even get on the same map you were before. Your spot is reserved there for at least a minute.
If this would happen only once in a while, then there would be not a problem.
If it would only happen to me then it would be ok too.
If it would only happen since the patch… well halfway ok then too i guess.
But we have this since launch.
We had around 20 players (all on TS) DCing during the run and we have this on every single fracking run.
Now with the new timers, there is only one chance per day for most people (you know, those with jobs) to acutally get this.
I am so annoyed and kittened off right now, that i would even be willing to play a game with a monthly subscribtion fee if it would be at least stable in that regard.
P.s. for game suggestions, pls PM me
Edit: read in another thread a suggestion to introduce queues like in wvw also in pve.
Do NOT do that if there is not a reserved spot for DC´ed players in place FIRST.
Otherwise you will never have a chance of getting in.
(edited by Thareen.5471)
The lags are as bad as ever today. But with all the maps so full of people, the servers must be having a hard time keeping up.
Technical Support
For those of you experiencing connection issues, please check out this KB article below if you haven’t already:
Additionally, often times after a patch or new content is released, as there are many more players jumping on at once, some performance issues are likely to be experienced.
If you are simply experiencing skill delay or skill lag, I highly encourage checking out and contributing to this thread for visibility:
Lastly, should the steps in the KB article not resolve your issue or answer any of your specific questions, please submit a technical support ticket by clicking this link below:
Absolutely unplayable latency tonight.. problem is solely at (700ms), which belongs to Level 3 Communications (as ANet once told me in a ticket.) ANet says this isn’t their problem, it’s out of their control… but this ip address pops up very frequently with problems when you search for it on Google. Can ANet not act as an advocate for us players.. or even for itself considering Level 3 Communications is kittening ANet over as well?
Absolutely unplayable in germany / eu too. Had a guild-raid this eve, but stopped it after an hour just because every 5 minutes another one “lagged out”. This kitten can kill games anet, please take it as serious as it is..
i am d/c from a pvp match like a few other people + my friends and now we can’t log in again plz fix this
For those of you experiencing connection issues, please check out this KB article below if you haven’t already:
Link does not work for me, tells me i have no access. Nice one.
Anyway, got the info whats on there from a guildie.
Seriously, thats just stuff for internet newborns without any clue how that stuff works.
Already tried that stuff long ago.
(edited by Thareen.5471)
i am d/c from a pvp match like a few other people + my friends and now we can’t log in again plz fix this
and there we go again another disconnect (4th today) and can’t log in (megakittenserver maybe?)
and dishonored because of this junk
EDIT: 4th time now in hotjoin because 3th time got me dishonored
(edited by My Attack Will Kill.7816)
Starting today, I keep getting one of the following two errors whenever I select one of my characters and try to play:
Network error. The inability to connect to Guild Wars 2 may be caused by Internet routing issues or a server network failure.
If the problem persists, please visit our support website. (Code=5:11:3:159:101)
The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again. (Code=7:11:3:191:101)
If I restart the game about 10 times I am finally able to select one of my characters and play, however, I either get disconnected after a few minutes of play or when trying to cross / waypoint to another map.
At this point the game is practically unplayable.
EDIT: Game seems to be working now. I didn’t change any settings on my end, so I’m sure it was the server’s problem. I hope it won’t happen again, I really don’t want to go through this every day.
Playing on Seafarer’s Rest
Ellen! Ellen! She’s our woman! Don’t vote Charr! Elect a Human!
(edited by LightOfTheMoon.4261)
Wow so I downloaded the game today and it gives these errors after about 1 minute. I log back in, works fine for one minute, then disconnects.
Everything else plays fine so it is not the connection. Guild Wars 1 is stable for me. Probably the worst welcome to a new MMO I’ve had, especially strange for one that has been around for so long now.
“There appears to be a routing issue of sorts, where Arenanet has chosen to route the traffic through a very busy server in Virginia that has very high latency and packet loss.”
What’s this guy doing working for your ISP’s tech support when he evidently has no clue how the internet works (or is simply lying)?
A-net has no control as to how packets get routed to their servers, which are in Texas.
People, please understand that there are many network nodes that data must travel through in order to reach the game servers. Sometimes individual nodes or ISP’s themselves have problems. I’ve had this same issue with an ISP before though it didn’t affect WoW – I just couldn’t reach certain web pages.
The only thing you can really do in this situation is to contact the server admin or wait until they fix it. You might be able to get your ISP to reroute your connection, but it’s not very likely unless they receive lots of complaints.
Good luck.
(edited by abomally.2694)
hi all. See my post “GW 2 is crashing when large zergs meet” for my suffering on the DC side of the house. Not having any DC problems in PvP.. yet.
In what possible way can this game be fun or enjoyable when so often I get disconnected at events like Jormag and Tequatl’e. After spending more than an hr. at these map and halfway (and near the end also) of the event, BAM, disconnected. And if I’d had time to get back on time, well it’s to another mega where the same event is failing. Totally unacceptable. What a Disgrace.
Hi all I have been having the same issues lately! I noticed it happening maybe in the last week+ I usually play tpvp and a thief so even having a slight skill delay makes playing the game reactively impossible..
Im affected in solo and team queues and also hot joins, the lag that I experience includes major skill activation lags, watching teammates and enemies running against walls for several seconds before rubberbanding me back to a random spot in a teamfight where Im usually downed already or have no way to calibrate myself in a teamfight. The lag is so bad that Im unable to even play preemptively with my skills as its impossible to know if my skills activated or if I will be rubber banded back to where I was earlier it all seems random and it seems Im affected by it while others in the same game seem to be doing fine.
I’ve never had this sort of lag in this game before and it is completly random when it starts to affect me(usually when Im in a tournament)
In the past lag that I expereinced affected other people in the same games and noticeable in HoTM. Also previously when I experienced a rubber band watching myself and others run into walls caused a client login error which would take me back to character select; where as now it seems to be continous lag that would rubberband me back to random spots.
Hope it gets recognised and fixed soon!!!
I can accept a little lag. Living in the country and playing on a 4G hotspot is a given. I feared what the MEGASERVER start would do for gameplay on my end and it didn’t seem so bad, but the living world story patches for Entanglement is pure hell. Ever since that patch I suffer from extreme lag, and I’m not the only one. It’s not my PC, and it’s not JUST my connection. Some PVE content I can still play, but getting on TS and WvW is impossible. If I cant play WvW, I literally might as well not play, it sems to be less stress.
(edited by Ghostcat Mike.2061)
My guildmates and I get disconnected roughly about once every five pvp games… not too happy about this. There are also lag issues which can take up to ten seconds I’d say. Unfortunately this is enough to lose a game. It seems to happen more at certain hours, evidently around the peak times.
Not much to report in PvE though, even on crowded maps, although there have been some lags lasting ~2 secs.
It’s getting to the point where I can’t be bothered to even try to run many of the bigger events (let alone large scale boss fights, dungeons and fracs) cos the lag spiking at best sees you suddenly drop dead quicker than a lead balloon, at worse DC’s you and you might not get back on to the map instance or its all over, wasting players time and effort.
So many DC’s and lag spiking… there are just too many players being affected at the same time for it be classified as “our end, get a better ISP lalala,,,”
In WvW EU Gandara/Elona/Riverside we encounter massive DC’s and lags on eternal battlefields. In the last 2 hours we had serverwirde disconnects of like 20+ people at the same time and before it was like 40+ people who were disconnected.
Since a commander from the borderlands was rather surprised about the lags I guess its especially or only the eternal battlegrounds.
Please have a look at these DC’s and massive lags which happen very often and sometimes result in DC.
I had 3 or 4 DC’s the last hours and I hardly every DC and I’m only one of many who have DC’s.
I’d hope it’s something of their doing and not one of them kitten ed DDOS attacks that went around last week.
Not seen too much in terms of bragging by the “DDoS” freaks this past week.. maybe they got man-handled away by the boys in blue.
I would like o think its being caused by ANET setting up/testing things with the megaserver live in prep for the patch but either way its getting pretty annoying.. beginning to feel like I am going back a couple of years in time and playing another MMO with all these bugs and performance issues lately
Just got DC’d at the end of Jormag and missed loot, I wasn’t the only one.
Constant Lag spikes and DC’s, game is getting unplayable.
Judging my the mood in my guild, people will begin leaving soon if its not sorted.
Most people disconnect from time to time, it’s happening since the beginning of the games release, it shouldn’t be a big problem if people disconnect once a month or so. But in Guildwars 2 it happens on a frequent base. It almost feels like the game has a Ping-checker, people above let’s say 300 ping get kicked automaticly.
Like most people are saying they don’t have problems on other games and if they are having problem then the problem is with them or there ISP but most of us including myself have 1. Ports open, 2. No ISP throttle, 3. Stable connection.
I hope and i hope it deep that they start solving Network related problems, cause these kinda problems occur just to much, and for a MMO its crucial that network is working on a stable level. Because i am starting to doubt if i should start a world boss or go into PvP and hope that i don’t disconnect and that doubt should dissapear with alot of people. Because this could hurt the game itself imo.
The last week of playing the game this phenomenon has occurred for both me and my mates. This is obliterating the fun of the game. Tried to run some solo arena this morning, just to be slapped in the face with 4 disconnects in 2 hours.
There’s no problem on my ISPs end, followed arenanets guide without any luck and haven’t experienced anything this bad before this.
Been playing today for about 3hours and so far had about 4-5 disconnects from the game.
Checked my ISP and all it perfect there.
I bet ISPs will still say there is no problem if it looks like that :
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.