Game not staying connected

Game not staying connected

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mystic.6385


Greetings all. I am not sure if I am even posting this in the correct forum but here goes:

I recently purchased a Netgear router, model number R6300. Reason for this upgrade is because I have 13 devices that connect to my home network at any given time. Most of the time however, not all are connected at the same time. If that did ever happen I wanted a router that could handle it.

Here is my dilemma: I am a gamer, my oldest son is a gamer and my youngest son is a gamer. Although the youngest games on his XBox, myself and my oldest game on our PC’s. I play Guild Wars 2, and he plays Rappelz. I installed this new router last night in record time!! My previous NetGear router took a bit more to set up. Anyhow, with the previous router, we had no game connection issues what so ever. Now that I have installed this new router, we can not stay logged into our games for more the 5 minutes at a time. Very annoying to say the least. Does anyone know why this all of a sudden is happening when before, gaming online was never an issue? Nothing has changed in Firewall settings, virus settings or anything else. Only thing that changed was the router. From an older NetGear router to a newer, more advanced one. Firmware is up to date on the new one as I did that last night upon setting it up. Web pages download/upload just fine. Anything else dealing with the internet works as usual except our games. Aion drops after 5 minutes as does GW2 and any other game I’ve tried.

If anyone can give me any clues or help as to how to rectify this on going issue, please reply to my thread. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Game not staying connected

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mystic.6385


So nobody knows or has any idears I can try? Been wanting to play since last nite and have not had any luck any where. This was my last resort. Somebody has got to know something…..

Game not staying connected

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kirito.4138


SPI feature of some routers are known to cause issues with GW2. Try disabling them if possible. Better yet replace the firmware with DD-WRT
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