Game unplayable in Dry Top & Silverwaters
Game unplayable in Dry Top & Silverwaters
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234
You might consider working with the Tech CS Team, as most players don’t encounter this problem. (I don’t have an FPS drop there.)
Top/Bottom of Page – Support – Submit a Request
Good luck.
I get this too, its just horrible
Without some technical specifications, we can’t do much to diagnose the issue.
I’ve had no problem playing in SW or drytop
Game unplayable in Dry Top & Silverwaters
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: moonstarmac.4603
As odd as it sounds it could be a setting issue with the GPU. IE: If those experiencing this issue are running Nvidia cards, it may be a setting in the control panel, or if using AMD cards, a setting in the CCC. But as stated above, it is harder to determine without knowing the hardware / drivers in use.