Gold missing from Inventory [merged]
so now that I am back from being banned over this thread and one defending myself after I was told by anet staff that I was hacked(thats how I was missing 1g, and 8 items to the mystic forge bug back in August and then more items to the Wed rollback) even though their team verified I wasn’t..
There are two issues mashed into this one thread… problems with the TP and randomly lost gold(my issue falls under the latter). I seriously hope the TP issues can be sorted out but I think they will.. they at least are tracking that. They are NOT tracking it outside of the TP though.. and since there is a nasty bug out there make money disappear they need to. We need to know WHY money is missing randomly when we are NOT hacked. Actually I dont care WHY.. please just figure out a way to fix it as you cannot have a bug out there eating up gold randomly.. The game will lose its entire playbase if is does.
@Bigtalon My lost gold happened 8/29 and after it was determined that my account wasnt hacked the ticket was ignored until Gaile closed it a cpl days ago when I found the 5 days or older ticket thread. It is currently back to updated but I think that is because I made a harassment ticket soooo in short I think thats a no, my ticket hasnt been dealt with. I dont think they know what to do with the missing gold issue for either issue on this thread.
I was playing on the 20th of Septemeber 2012, 6:30’ish UK time, I was buying a large amount of gems and clicked the buy button, it grayed out as if it was clicked and then the TP went down and would not operate at all. The gem store also stopped working at that point. I had around 28g so I could see the purchase did not go through.
I logged again today (21st, again around 6am UK to make the purchase) and found the money had gone from my account (10 gold), my account was down to 18g or so at that point but the gems were not credited. Please investigate this as its a sizable loss.
@Shy Ya thats whats happening to all of us, We ordered items, Did not recieve the items, but yet after the TP went down, it vacuumed up our money… and the lack of response or assistance is appalling.
Gaile is still pointing people making similar threads to this one, so they do have their eye on it, though another ANet post here would be comforting.
Gaile is still pointing people making similar threads to this one, so they do have their eye on it, though another ANet post here would be comforting.
>.< she is also telling us we were all hacked.. see her post in this thread.
Gaile is still pointing people making similar threads to this one, so they do have their eye on it, though another ANet post here would be comforting.
>.< she is also telling us we were all hacked.. see her post in this thread.
I was online the whole time that’s not possible. Just suddenly when I went to a shop to sell junk a gold or so was missing from my inventory.
Gaile is still pointing people making similar threads to this one, so they do have their eye on it, though another ANet post here would be comforting.
>.< she is also telling us we were all hacked.. see her post in this thread.
I was online the whole time that’s not possible. Just suddenly when I went to a shop to sell junk a gold or so was missing from my inventory.
Ya… 100s of people hacked all at once right lol, If that is the truth, then that would mean there servers where compromised, So either they A. Got hacked, or B. Have a glitch, Either way its there fault and we should be given our money back!
In reference to 120920-005177
I’ve posted elsewhere, but this is the merged thread so here goesnothing
Since the maintenance that occurred to the Trading Post on 9.19.12 I’m missing 25g25s and a pair of khilbron’s leggings of the lich.
Shortly before the trading post went down I canceled a bid on a different part of khilbron’s set (I received this 5g50s yesterday) and then proceeded to try and purchase khilbron’s leggings for 8g50s. In doing so I received an error message telling me the item wasn’t available at that price and to try again. I did so a few more times (4 times in total) and nothing happened so I logged for the night.
I woke up the next morning and found that I was left with 28ish silver (I was charged times for the leggings) and in my history tab only shows i purchased one. Further, I have not received even 1 pair of said leggings.
Currently I’m looking to receive my pair of leggings and the 25g50s as this is clearly an issue that was beyond my control.
Any feedback/help would be greatly appreciated.
12 hours on and Im still wihtout the rares I listed on the TP…
I highly doubt i was hacked, nor do the sales appear if they really did sell.
I am hoping we get a more substantial reply on this issue.
I’ll post some tips again, because they helped a LOT of players, and also share some info. Your gold is not across your account, but on each character. Sometimes when a player looks in each character individually he/she finds the “missing” gold on another character. I hope you’ll give this a try.
Additionally, what we’re finding is that sometimes there is lag in a transaction — not just a few seconds, but occasionally an hour or more! So before assuming that the issue is permanent:
- Check all your characters.
- Log out of the game completely.
- Check again several hours later.
- Be aware that even if you cancel a transaction, you will still be dinged for the 15% fee, so that that into account when calculating what you should have.
Having said all that, we should be able to look at logs and see if we can figure out what happened. But the reason I’m offering the suggestions above is that we’ve done some of that research and we’ve found the player got his gold or stuff and all is well. So I’d like to be sure I don’t ask for dev time unless there’s a real issue.
I’ll speak with our expert on this subject and get an update on this.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Placed orders for some exotics and clicked submit a few times and decided to wait. Trading post was starting to slow down for me so I removed the buy orders totaling anywhere from 50-100g and then the trading post crashed 2 minutes later when it went down a day or two ago. My gold is currently in no mans land, hope this gets fixed within 24 hours.
Posted that 21 hours ago in
Leader of Cryptic Gaze[iSpy]
Evermoor Alliance (iSpy, JAWA, WAR) – Dragonbrand
Hi Gaile,
“Additionally, what we’re finding is that sometimes there is lag in a transaction — not just a few seconds, but occasionally an hour or more! "
– Been about 2 days for me. See my post below for more details.
“Check all your characters.”
– Only 1 character stores/buys items off the TP I do not have high level Alts.
“Log out of the game completely.”
– Done multiple times
“Check again several hours later.”
– Been checking for 2 days
“Be aware that even if you cancel a transaction, you will still be dinged for the 15% fee, so that that into account when calculating what you should have.”
– Not possible, I do not have that many items in the TP that would merit a 10G transaction fee. As far as I’m aware, the 10% transaction fee is automatically deducted from the purchase price before the money is available for pickup for the seller.
The issue at hand here is that the trading post is ATE our gold/items without giving ANYTHING back.
It has been 2 days, unless the lag time is that long, I have not received anything.
As mentioned in my earlier post I tested out the response time.
I opened the trading post yesterday
Found a buy order for something small (Salvage item)
Sold it
The transaction registered and I was able to pick up the 24 copper or whatever the amount was.
Now the items/gold that I had up for sale/bought on the 19th/20th are not there. Additionally, the money that just poofed from my inventory while I was running around doing map completion….
You’re thinking “Your account got compromised”
I have all my items in my bank, as well as the small amount of coin in my bank for my future Alts to use.
From hacking posts I’ve seen, hackers empty out EVERYTHING, not just “Hey, I’ll take X amount and leave the rest”
I was also online and in-game as this happened.
I would appreciate if you contacted your Dev team to take a look at the trading post logs.
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]
Follow up: I’ve checked all my characters, logged out of the game completely, checked many hours later (its been over a day), didn’t cancel any transactions.
No gold, no items in pick up.
Thanks for responding!
Edit: Pretty much everything zephyr said.
GaileGray that may help some people but it doesn’t address any of the issues most of us are having. The items or gold are not “misplaced” you treat us as if we are morons. It has been clearly stated its an issue on YOUR end with the BLTC it took our money it took our items that people had listed and never gave anything back.
For example i went to buy 4 Globs of Ectoplasm which turned out to be during the time the BLTC was messing up which i had no idea about at the time. I click buy it says error failed transaction NO money was taken from my invo at the time.
So i assume ok it messed up no money was taken im fine lets try ordering those 4 again error happens again and again NO gold is removed from the invo at the time. Ok lets try another time maybe its being weird atm same exact thing happens.
Ok maybe a lot of people are buying globs at once and i need to try ordering 1 at a time i do that error again no money removed at all during this entire time.
BLTC goes down say oh well ill buy the glob of ectoplasm later still have all gold in my invo at this time. I go about my day mining and killing in orr a couple hours later im looking through my bags to see what ive gathered etc look at my gold total and im missing like 3-4g i did not log out once during this entire time.
So im like ok thats weird but then it occurs to me that the gold was taken by the BLTC for the globs i ordered even tho it kept saying error. So i just wait it out figuring when the BLTC is back up ill collect the globs even tho its like 9 more than i ordered.
BLTC finally comes back up i go to my pick up tab and nothing is there ok wtf is going on? I check my items ive bought tab and it shows 4 globs of ecto bought 3 times and 1 ecto bought separately exactly how it was when i was getting the errors.
The BLTC took my money and did not give me the items back when it came back up this has nothing to do with a delay for the items to be received it has been over 20 hours. Plenty of other people have this exact same issue as me or the issue where the posted things on the BLTC and it sold but they never got sent money.
It is on your end thoroughly check the logs and you’ll see that it says the items where bought but where never picked up. Hopefully you guys are able to see that since it seems you lack a lot of tools other MMO’s have from what ive seen.
If i sound rude or something i apologize but it seems like you think we are all morons and this issue is on our end and you guys are perfect and do nothing wrong your system is flawless etc. Which is not the case this time a lot of us have missing items/gold that was never delivered to us through the BLTC.
Hello GaileGray,
on your points:
1. i only have one character
2. i completly closed the game client multiple times today
3. it is now around 24h after the tp is back again. i made many sucessfull trades in this time. only the purchase from inbetween downtimes are gone
3. i didnt cancle anything. i tried multiple times to directly buy items (50+20+20+x) everytime it was Globs of Ectoplasm
you really need to contact devs. this is serious issue for many players and thousands of gold were lost.
I’ll post some tips again, because they helped a LOT of players, and also share some info. Your gold is not across your account, but on each character. Sometimes when a player looks in each character individually he/she finds the “missing” gold on another character. I hope you’ll give this a try.
Additionally, what we’re finding is that sometimes there is lag in a transaction — not just a few seconds, but occasionally an hour or more! So before assuming that the issue is permanent:
- Check all your characters.
- Log out of the game completely.
- Check again several hours later.
- Be aware that even if you cancel a transaction, you will still be dinged for the 15% fee, so that that into account when calculating what you should have.
Having said all that, we should be able to look at logs and see if we can figure out what happened. But the reason I’m offering the suggestions above is that we’ve done some of that research and we’ve found the player got his gold or stuff and all is well. So I’d like to be sure I don’t ask for dev time unless there’s a real issue.
I’ll speak with our expert on this subject and get an update on this.
I’ve checked absolutely everything you have listed here. I’ve even been waiting since the Trade Post came back up some time yesterday evening.
Basically at this point I’m out 25g50s (my entire savings and many hours invested) and a pair of khilbron’s leggings of the lich.
Currently it shows in my history tab that i purchased 1 pair for 8 gold 50 silver. I have yet to receive said leggings, and the reality is that I have been charged 4x the amount.
I’ve opened a ticket 120920-005177 (for some reason it is flagged as a hacked account? This is most definitely not the case) and posted elsewhere on the forums.
A lot of people are experiencing issues similar to mine.
Thank you for your time!
48hours later, still out 25g from bids and items I canceled but never received gold/items and still no answer…
Gaile is obviously trying to help, so please try to refrain from attacking her or the devs.
The best course of action at this point it do what she suggests and then simply post back here with whether or not those steps worked for you. I’m sure that once she is confident that there is legitimate problem she will take the best course of action to get it solved in a timely manner.
On that note, Gaile, I did what you asked and I’m still missing the gems that I tried to exchange just prior to the TP going down, as well as the gold that I attempted to use for that exchange.
I’ll post some tips again, because they helped a LOT of players, and also share some info. Your gold is not across your account, but on each character. Sometimes when a player looks in each character individually he/she finds the “missing” gold on another character. I hope you’ll give this a try.
Additionally, what we’re finding is that sometimes there is lag in a transaction — not just a few seconds, but occasionally an hour or more! So before assuming that the issue is permanent:
- Check all your characters.
- Log out of the game completely.
- Check again several hours later.
- Be aware that even if you cancel a transaction, you will still be dinged for the 15% fee, so that that into account when calculating what you should have.
Having said all that, we should be able to look at logs and see if we can figure out what happened. But the reason I’m offering the suggestions above is that we’ve done some of that research and we’ve found the player got his gold or stuff and all is well. So I’d like to be sure I don’t ask for dev time unless there’s a real issue.
I’ll speak with our expert on this subject and get an update on this.
I have checked ALL my accounts, None of them have my missing money “Why would they though right ? I only play on 1,” Its been over 24 hours since I lost my gold, so the wait a few hours and It will be back theory is also thrown out the window. It is crazy that you guys keep acting like its our fault, This is a glitch in your system, and it needs to be addressed immediately, because I forsee a mass loss of players when Mists comes out if this isn’t fixed, No1 wants to play agame where everything they earned is taken from them, and then the only response is, well its your fault we have a perfect game!
I was attempting to buy some rare/exotic level 80 greatswords to use; I put them up as a custom order bid, but it kept not going through. I thought: that’s ok, it’s probably just the trading post lagging out and that it would take the gold later.
A few minutes later the trading post went down for maintenance. The next day, it shows I successfully bought the swords in my transaction history; however, they were not in my pick-up tab, and I was also missing the 8 gold I used to buy them with.
AKA Trading Post ate my money.
I have checked ALL my accounts, None of them have my missing money “Why would they though right ? I only play on 1,” Its been over 24 hours since I lost my gold, so the wait a few hours and It will be back theory is also thrown out the window. It is crazy that you guys keep acting like its our fault, This is a glitch in your system, and it needs to be addressed immediately, because I forsee a mass loss of players when Mists comes out if this isn’t fixed, No1 wants to play agame where everything they earned is taken from them, and then the only response is, well its your fault we have a perfect game!
Responses like this will get you nowhere. Perhaps it is a lesson that you’ll learn as you grow older and experience the way of the world, but I’ll give you a tip….
The general rule of thumb is this:
If you’re in the position where you would like someone to help you out with something then the last thing you should do is spew anger and negativity at them
I bet if you went back and read your post you’d realize how you were probably so frustrated at the situation that you made a few mistakes yourself.
“I have checked ALL my accounts, None of them have my missing money “Why would they though right ? I only play on 1”
when in reality Gaile said
“Check all your characters.”
“you guys keep acting like its our fault”
when nowhere in her post did Gaile say it is our fault
“the only response is, well its your fault we have a perfect game!”
where was this said?
We are all in the same boat. It’s best to stay calm and give the facts….
Here’s my update for this thread: been 2 days now since TP has crashed. During a short spurt while TP was up I removed some items I was selling. These items have disappeared and have not been reimbursed to me ie. they do NOT appear in the “items bought” menu and yes I’ve checked on ALL my characters. It’s REALLY hard to misplace ~30+ items and I DID NOT get hacked. I am 100% sure of this because ALL my gold is still in tact.
Checked everything. I lost 33 gold and was left with 2… I never even put enough stuff on the trading post that left me with 2 gold. I did everything you said and it did not work.
I have checked ALL my accounts, None of them have my missing money “Why would they though right ? I only play on 1,” Its been over 24 hours since I lost my gold, so the wait a few hours and It will be back theory is also thrown out the window. It is crazy that you guys keep acting like its our fault, This is a glitch in your system, and it needs to be addressed immediately, because I forsee a mass loss of players when Mists comes out if this isn’t fixed, No1 wants to play agame where everything they earned is taken from them, and then the only response is, well its your fault we have a perfect game!
Responses like this will get you nowhere. Perhaps it is a lesson that you’ll learn as you grow older and experience the way of the world, but I’ll give you a tip….
The general rule of thumb is this:
If you’re in the position where you would like someone to help you out with something then the last thing you should do is spew anger and negativity at them
I bet if you went back and read your post you’d realize how you were probably so frustrated at the situation that you made a few mistakes yourself.
“I have checked ALL my accounts, None of them have my missing money “Why would they though right ? I only play on 1”
when in reality Gaile said
“Check all your characters.”
“you guys keep acting like its our fault”
when nowhere in her post did Gaile say it is our fault
“the only response is, well its your fault we have a perfect game!”
where was this said?
We are all in the same boat. It’s best to stay calm and give the facts….
Its because they give responses like this:
“Hey, I have some really interesting info for you. We have not been able to find a single case of gold going missing from an account unless:
It was hacked
The account holder is not considering that gold is based on characters and not the account, is looking for gold in storage instead of on a specific character
If things look normal but you feel you are missing gold, check all your characters and I bet the vast majority of you will find you do have the gold, after all, just on a different character.
If you think you may have been hacked, please change your password immediately and contact Support for assistance.”
Basically saying hey its not our fault it has to be yours, but the thing of it is that this happened to far to many people for it not to be a problem, and even Gaile said they don’t want to contact the dev team unless its a real issue, but it is quite clear that this is a real issue, and our tickets our being ignored, our problem is not being addressed, so where stuck here being frustrated with no answers because it isn’t being reported where it needs to be. This has been going on for atleast 2 weeks, and yet the devs don’t even know about it ?
I’ll post some tips again, because they helped a LOT of players, and also share some info. Your gold is not across your account, but on each character. Sometimes when a player looks in each character individually he/she finds the “missing” gold on another character. I hope you’ll give this a try.
Additionally, what we’re finding is that sometimes there is lag in a transaction — not just a few seconds, but occasionally an hour or more! So before assuming that the issue is permanent:
- Check all your characters.
- Log out of the game completely.
- Check again several hours later.
- Be aware that even if you cancel a transaction, you will still be dinged for the 15% fee, so that that into account when calculating what you should have.
Having said all that, we should be able to look at logs and see if we can figure out what happened. But the reason I’m offering the suggestions above is that we’ve done some of that research and we’ve found the player got his gold or stuff and all is well. So I’d like to be sure I don’t ask for dev time unless there’s a real issue.
I’ll speak with our expert on this subject and get an update on this.
On 20th of August I tried to exchange gold to gems via the Black Lion Trading Post currency exchange option. I tried to exchange around 6 gold to gems and once I tried to press the “trade” button it gave me a “failure” error. No gold was removed from my inventory at that point nor did the game add me any gems. So I thought everything was fine and nothing happened.
However, later on I logged in and saw that the gold amount that I was trying to exchanged had been removed from me. I then proceeded to check if I had received the gems I was trying to get. No gems to be found.
The missing gold was nowhere to be found either. I checked my every character and none of those had the gold. Gold was not in the bank either. I have tried to check every possible solution but nothing seems to help. The amount of gold I tried to exchange for gems was just suddenly missing without giving anything in return.
If there is a delay between gems being added to account then the delay must be huge as it’s been a lot more than 24 hours since this happened.
Lost about 22-23g when the log in issues occurred around 10 PM server time. Since I was on TP placing orders, and I did click “place order” several times because the “success” sign didn’t show, the gold is probably somewhere there. Hopefully I’ll get it back, but if it did somehow disappear, just letting the devs know my problem.
Guild Leader Of [LOOT]
Yaks Bend Allaince Commander [YBA]
Completed all requested. I am still missing 20-30 gold due to cancelled buy orders not being properly fulfilled by the trading post. The problem most people here are having is due to the trading post processing transactions during the time the trading post was up whilst not completing them, that happened during 19/20 of this month.
Be aware that even if you cancel a transaction, you will still be dinged for the 15% fee, so that that into account when calculating what you should have.
I was under the impression you would only lose the 5% listing fee if you cancelled a transaction? If you completed a transaction then you would be charged 10% of the final sale price that would bring it to 15%. Could you please clarify your statement as I don’t see a way to cancel any transactions after being charged the 15% listing/sales tax ?
Lost about 22-23g when the log in issues occurred around 10 PM server time. Since I was on TP placing orders, and I did click “place order” several times because the “success” sign didn’t show, the gold is probably somewhere there. Hopefully I’ll get it back, but if it did somehow disappear, just letting the devs know my problem.
Same here. Tried to re log and got locked out. Now that servers are back my gold is gone, no items in TP Lost 5g
Wow I dont feel like playing this game any more. Reminds me of other bad MMO experiences.
At least some MMOs would try to compensate in same way players. Totally disappointed. Feel sorry for you guys who lost over 20 golds…. Thats like losing 40-50 $US.
Logged back on after the login issue about 10 PM server time. I am now missing 10g and have back 4 “junk” items that I deleted before being kicked… would really like some form of response to this. Not sure if this was an already present bug or if it was cause by the last mini crash tonight. Please help. Thanks.
McKJr.4390 Check GW2 offical twitter link I posted in previous post. No refund.
Due to the nature of the outage, we will be unable to restore any progression or items. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience .” ^MK
Same issues others are seeing. I tried to do a couple of trading post transactions. Ended up being rolled back to entirely a different zone, but was down 40s and 400 gems.
If it was just items in game, i’d be willing to accept that. But one of my transactions was to exchange gems for gold. Since that’s an actually currency item, I feel like I’ve been stolen from.
AGAIN same BS. I click to place order in TP and get “network error”. Re log and sure enough gold is gone but I cant cancel order (if it was placed since it doesn’t show that order was placed) and I don’t have item I placed order for. TP is still bugged. This is how it started last time. With TP like this we don’t need hackers.
I haven´t been using the trading post but around 1am today/last night around 1g vanished from my inventory (I remember having carried around 2 gold 30 with me) and I have checked all my characters now (aprox. 12h after the incident) and it is neither there nor on my bank.
Since it seems to be tp unrelated I was wondering whether I should open a new thread?
Are you kidding me? exactly 12h after the first 1g vanished another 1g is gone…
im starting to move towards 0 money and I really dont like the idea of not even being able to move or repair…
(edited by Michael Walker.8150)
If is going to be Anet’s official response to this issue, then I think Mark Martin’s question re: whether or not Anet plans to address how to prevent this loss in the future is especially important and deserves and answer.
At this point it’s difficult to have confidence in a company that is not only unable to prevent its players from losing hours upon hours of progress, but is also unwilling to do something to fix the situation – regardless of how sincerely it apologizes.
Really getting tired of losing gold and items and being told “welp, tough luck” with zero indication they even grasp what the problem is yet.
I really don’t enjoy playing a game where I am risking a day’s play/work each time I press a button.
I find it extremely amusing how they still don’t think there is a problem yet.. Giving the same “advice” over and over again like we’re all mindless and can’t check the very simple things it offers. Funny thing is, I did all of that with in the first day, unknowingly, like most of you have I would assume. This is really disappointing how they don’t even think there is a a problem yet and we’re all just idiots.
“People are saying the black lion market screwed them over?”
“Can’t be!, that never bugs and is a flawless system”(chuckles)
“They must all just be idiots”
that’s how imagine people handling these cases are going about it.
I can’t even put to words how disappointed I am with these replies.
(edited by Moderator)
If that twitter link is referring to the TP outage… I do not know how to reply. I really hope, for Arenanet’s sake, that the link is referring to something else.
They have all the TP transaction history. When something goes wrong server-side, the correct thing to do is attempt to compensate your customers to keep them happy.
Arenanet may not be legally bound to do so, but to just slap a customer in face that they lost hours upon hours worth of gold, maybe even days or weeks worth, for something that was Arenanet’s server’s fault is not going to make the aforementioned customer happy.
there was short server/login downtime and a rollback of a few minutes. thats what the tweet was about.
stop spreading wrong information.
we are still watining on a response to our case. as its weekend i think we have to wait at least for monday for any news.
Gimme my gold back bros
On Sept 20 around 1:30 am I’ve taken down 3 orders on a rifle (Charrzooka) around 11g each, earlier that day i tried placing an order on this weapon and it didnt work multiple times, and thats why there were now 3 orders of it when i checked several hours later. Still didnt get my gold back from it.
Wow.. Are you serious!? 33 gold lost. Left me with 2!! Yea.. This is insane.
Logged in today to find myself over 1g down (only had 1.5g to begin with). Big loss for a low level toon…
Just to chime in here, amongst all the other technical bugs I’ve had so far, I too lost exactly 10 Gold from just standing next to the TP and browsing thekittenthing for upgrades. I don’t exactly know how or why, I was in WvWvW on Crystal Desert just the other night, and I was like…himm I had 12 Gold when I started “browsing” now I have 2 Gold. No purchases were made -
This post: – Not possible, I do not have that many items in the TP that would merit a 10G transaction fee. As far as I’m aware, the 10% transaction fee is automatically deducted from the purchase price before the money is available for pickup for the seller.
The issue at hand here is that the trading post is ATE our gold/items without giving ANYTHING back.
You are saying almost verbatim the same issue I had. I was in guild chat, in shock and awe, telling my guildmates that the TP stole my gold. No one believes me, and now I see this thread and know I am not crazy. Thanks for the clarification. I’m done making microtransaction purchases in this game, because the entire system of buying, trading, and selling is bugged, along with the itemization of certain items being more than misleading.
So lets say I spend REAL LIFE HARD EARNED money on this game to get gold. If this happens to me after purchasing the gold ArenaNet is saying in a nutshell, “Sorry, I cannot give your gold back because our game bugged. We do not have the tools to give your gold back but we will be attempting to fix this bug so it doesn’t happen again. Apologies for having you waste two weeks of your life. Sorry for the incovienience, but thank you for the [INSERT DOLLAR AMOUNT HERE].”
What great customer service.
I’ll post some tips again, because they helped a LOT of players, and also share some info. Your gold is not across your account, but on each character. Sometimes when a player looks in each character individually he/she finds the “missing” gold on another character. I hope you’ll give this a try.
Additionally, what we’re finding is that sometimes there is lag in a transaction — not just a few seconds, but occasionally an hour or more! So before assuming that the issue is permanent:
- Check all your characters.
A: Done and nothing
- Log out of the game completely.
Aone many times, and has not helped resolve the issue
- Check again several hours later.
A: Its been over 36 hours now
- Be aware that even if you cancel a transaction, you will still be dinged for the 15% fee, so that that into account when calculating what you should have.
A: I only order 2650 gems (approx) for 10g. The gold was taken, then gems never arrived.
Having said all that, we should be able to look at logs and see if we can figure out what happened. But the reason I’m offering the suggestions above is that we’ve done some of that research and we’ve found the player got his gold or stuff and all is well. So I’d like to be sure I don’t ask for dev time unless there’s a real issue.
I’ll speak with our expert on this subject and get an update on this.
A: I am a professor of databases at a UK University, sadly if the transaction failed the logs will likely have failed too. Presuming you use atomic transactions. This might explain why you feel there is not an issue when we know there has been.
MOST of the issues centre around the period where the TP was briefly back up. Clearly there were some issues hence it was brought down again.
I’ll post some tips again, because they helped a LOT of players, and also share some info. Your gold is not across your account, but on each character. Sometimes when a player looks in each character individually he/she finds the “missing” gold on another character. I hope you’ll give this a try.
Additionally, what we’re finding is that sometimes there is lag in a transaction — not just a few seconds, but occasionally an hour or more! So before assuming that the issue is permanent:
- Check all your characters.
A: Done and nothing
- Log out of the game completely.
Aone many times, and has not helped resolve the issue
- Check again several hours later.
A: Its been over 36 hours now
- Be aware that even if you cancel a transaction, you will still be dinged for the 15% fee, so that that into account when calculating what you should have.
A: I only order 2650 gems (approx) for 10g. The gold was taken, then gems never arrived.
Having said all that, we should be able to look at logs and see if we can figure out what happened. But the reason I’m offering the suggestions above is that we’ve done some of that research and we’ve found the player got his gold or stuff and all is well. So I’d like to be sure I don’t ask for dev time unless there’s a real issue.
I’ll speak with our expert on this subject and get an update on this.
A: I am a professor of databases at a UK University, sadly if the transaction failed the logs will likely have failed too. Presuming you use atomic transactions. This might explain why you feel there is not an issue when we know there has been.
MOST of the issues centre around the period where the TP was briefly back up. Clearly there were some issues hence it was brought down again.
I’ll post some tips again, because they helped a LOT of players, and also share some info. Your gold is not across your account, but on each character. Sometimes when a player looks in each character individually he/she finds the “missing” gold on another character. I hope you’ll give this a try.
Additionally, what we’re finding is that sometimes there is lag in a transaction — not just a few seconds, but occasionally an hour or more! So before assuming that the issue is permanent:
•Check all your characters.
A: Although my Charr is all I’ve been playing lately, I do check both on a regular basis to make sure. Nothing…
•Log out of the game completely.
A: Many.. many…. times. I have yet to see it.
•Check again several hours later.
A: It has been a little over 48hrs.
•Be aware that even if you cancel a transaction, you will still be dinged for the 15% fee, so that that into account when calculating what you should have.
A: I am well aware and still have not seen anything remotely close to 9g in pickup after canceling 2 accidental orders.
More people are reporting the issue in as well.
I also got the generic response that restoring items isn’t possible, well time to make this public as some people have actual real world transactions involved.
Reddit thread:
The post I put on the Facebook page has been deleted.
A twitter post has been made asking for an update with the #GuildWars2 tag.
If ArenaNet aren’t able to dedicate the resources to make sure ALL transations which take place on the BLTC go through I don’t have faith that their F2P model will work long term.