Graphics Crash
Same deal. I really want to enjoy this game but my Comp freezes up regularly. No other game gives me this issue
Alaryk, if your problems just started today, odds are good that ANET broke something with today’s patch. Hopefully they’ll get it fixed soon.
Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here…
Something is up just did a memory check and everything is ok, I ran battle field 3 and that ran ok, crosses fingers they fix what ever this is.
Been having a similar issue since patching yesterday, game will run fine for a while, then my computer will randomly freeze up requiring a manual shut down, paired with static noise.
Tuesday morning before the patch my computer hard locks up, need to manually boot the system and all day Tuesday I use ccleaner to go through my registry then my antivirus to make sure everything is alright. On top of that I run a memory diagnostic to make everything is ok with that and Wed the game was running fine. Now Thursday morning I start the game run around and it locks up again and a hard reboot is the only way to go. The question is what did you Tech guys do from wed to Thursday? or what can I do to help you guys figure out why the game just locks up?
By the way the reason I ran the memory diagnostic was the first lock up of the game caused my computer to blue screen memory dump. So I hope this gives some insight as to what it could be, maybe its my computer but everything runs fine game wise other than GW2 right now.
P.S. lets fix this before beta weekend if we can.
I’m having the exact same problem. Other games, streaming, browsing, etc all work fine. GW2 client works fine for 5-15 mins, then the machine locks up completely and powering off is the only thing that works. Doesn’t matter if the game is full screen or windowed. This started for me, it seems, on Wednesday. Hard to justify joining a dungeon or fotm run when you’re just going to crash…
It seems to be an issue with the registry and after I use ccleaner to fix any issues the game runs fine, so try using ccleaner or any anti-virus protection you have that fixes the registry and see if that works for you. So far that is my theory on since that seems to have solved my issue for now, I’ll post again if my computer crashes again.