Guild Influence Problem
We have a ticket from 8/26 and 8/28 that we still have had zero response on.
The ticket from 8/28 had significantly more detail, but was, in essence, a duplicate. Today I updated 8/26’s ticket with the detail, and closed the ticket from 8/28 to help streamline the process as previously suggested in the forums.
Essentially, two players – one being myself – used their Tome of Influence from the upgraded prepurchase for our guild. At the time both players were only in one guild and showed as representing our guild. Neither Tome provided any influence increase to the guild. It is also not listed in the guild history. The guild is Tyrian Assault Response Team. [TART] The server is Blackgate.
In the ticket itself are further details including player tags.
I understand you are experiencing a high volume of tickets, but any help, or really any response at all, would be appreciated as I have not received any communication regarding these tickets…one which was submitted 8/26, two weeks ago.
Two weeks without even a form letter regarding a real world money issue…. Please respond with something… I’ve been posting with this issue, since the forums went live, in any area that seems relevant.. game bugs, account issues, old/unresolved tickets, etc.. Still – no reply… We’re big fans, but the silence is deafening…
Ya, I love this game. It is so disheartening to spend real world money and go so long without some sort of response. Please give us something A-Net!