Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: athlondude.5384



I have already opened a Ticket on this but I figured I would post and see if anyone else has run into this. The other day I went to put something in our Guild’s Stash and what was a nearly full guild bank was bone dry, no weapons, no armor, no nothing. I looked at the log and among the few other guild members mentioned there, the last person in there took everything, and was merely listed as “Unkown User”. Unlike the other names mentioned there it would not give me any information when I put my cursor over the name “Unkown User”, it would not display the person’s name or show wether or not they were online. To my knowledge this person was not a guild member, and I have no clue how he got into the stash. I am at a loss. The only thing I can think of is I got into a heated discussion with another individual and it ended with him threatening me saying ""I’d get offline if I were you!" about 45 minutes after that the Guild Stash was empty. I dont know if anyone else has had this happened to them, but I’d sure like to hear if you have and if you found anything out that I haven’t.

Windows 7 64 bit OS, Intel Core I5 3570 CPU
ASRock Z75 Pro3 MB, EVGA Geforce GTX 570
Gskill DDR3 1600 RAM, X-FI Extreme Gamer SC

(edited by athlondude.5384)

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Slark.1263


I am not sure why it would say “Unknown User” but here is some possibilities.

1. Guild Member cleared out the bank then deleted that character.
2. Guild Member cleared out the bank then got banned for something.
3. Guild Member was actually named “Unknown User” who was recruited by someone without your knowledge.

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: athlondude.5384


I just dont know, its freakin weird. I doubt anyone has been doing any recruiting, I went through the guild logs and I couldnt see where anyone joined that I hadn’t invited. The guild member getting banned thing, I’m not sure, but I would think it would tell me the name of the person who accessed the long regardless, but I cant be sure. I checked the guild logs, and I cant find anyone by the name of Unkown User joining our guild, nor the name of the individual I suspect of commiting the act. However It does make me wonder if someone didnt have multiple accounts because I got an e-mail from someone in our guild last night talking about how he really liked being in our guild and would like to really get in and help people and be a real role model for other people in our guild and aspired to become a guild officer (the only other individuals now that can access the guild stash). He also sent me 6 silver which was the amount of money we had in our stash when it got looted. Considering that most of my guild members rarely have rarely talked to me beyond “thanks for the invite” I found that a little suspicious, so I sent him his 6 silver back, said no thank you, and booted and blocked him from the guild. At this point I’m not taking any chances.

Windows 7 64 bit OS, Intel Core I5 3570 CPU
ASRock Z75 Pro3 MB, EVGA Geforce GTX 570
Gskill DDR3 1600 RAM, X-FI Extreme Gamer SC

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silver Bride.4685

Silver Bride.4685

In other games I have noticed that if someone deletes a character, transfers to another server, etc., their name shows up as “Unknown User” or something similar in the guild logs. But here it shows your account name as well as your character name, and these names don’t change if you just change servers. So it sounds like this person may have deleted the entire account. Isn’t there a way ArenaNet can look at the logs and determine who “Unknown User” was?

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DenverRalphy.4185


My guess is that somebody in your guild with access to the guild bank created an alt, raided the guild bank, then deleted said alt.

In my past experiences with other MMO’s, when the guild bank suddenly turns up empty, somebody in the guild isn’t being honest. Usually followed up with an excuse accusing a family sibling of logging in on their account.

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: athlondude.5384


Well, whatever, however, whoever, its BS. I already took all the action I could on my own. I booted all new members that joined that day, restricted access to the guild to myself and my circle of friends that created the guild, and reported the incedent to support. Its a shame we were at 125 members at the time of the incedent, booted 13 peeps that day over this mess. Thats fine tho, I have a few things in the works to help catch the person, should it happen again.

Windows 7 64 bit OS, Intel Core I5 3570 CPU
ASRock Z75 Pro3 MB, EVGA Geforce GTX 570
Gskill DDR3 1600 RAM, X-FI Extreme Gamer SC

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Slark.1263


Guild Bank should always be limited to Officers and higher just for this reason. It’s always nice to allow others to grab stuff as needed, but there is always…ALWAYS….one person that will ruin it for everyone.

Booting the 13 people was a little overboard since only 1 did it, and it may have even been one of your circle of friends. I have seen a fair number of guilds that one of the co-founders of a guild actually robs the guild bank and takes off.

Even if you knew for sure who it was, it is not a bannable offense unless he used a bug to gain access to the bank when he did not have the proper guild rank. If this was what happened I am sure the forum would be in a rage about it being broke.

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Why would you kick 13 (presumed) innocent members of the guild, just because they are new? A new member is unlikely to have been given access to the bank, it was most likely an established member of the guild who has been waiting for an opportunity to get the most out of his theft.

I would say that either one of your “good friends” is not as trustworthy as you think, or else his account has been compromised and someone else used his account to create a new toon, access the guild bank, emptied it, then mailed the stuff to another account and deleted the new toon to cover his tracks. In this case the victim may not even know his account is compromised, and it will certainly happen again if he doesn’t change his password.

(edited by tolunart.2095)

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: athlondude.5384


Why would you kick 13 (presumed) innocent members of the guild, just because they are new? A new member is unlikely to have been given access to the bank, it was most likely an established member of the guild who has been waiting for an opportunity to get the most out of his theft.

Because the Guild bank log gave me no information concering the individual who drained the account, as where it would tell me the users of all the other players and wether or not they were online. The way the whole thing went down was just plain fishy, and I wasnt taking any chances. Yeah it was a judgement call and a tough one at that, but it was a place to start, expecially considering nothing had happened until that day.

Windows 7 64 bit OS, Intel Core I5 3570 CPU
ASRock Z75 Pro3 MB, EVGA Geforce GTX 570
Gskill DDR3 1600 RAM, X-FI Extreme Gamer SC

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tolunart.2095


That is what’s called a “knee jerk” reaction. In other words, you reacted to the problem without thinking about it at all, the same way that your knee reacts to being tapped by a hard object.

All I can say is, I’m glad I’m not in your guild.

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: athlondude.5384


Guild Bank should always be limited to Officers and higher just for this reason. It’s always nice to allow others to grab stuff as needed, but there is always…ALWAYS….one person that will ruin it for everyone.

Booting the 13 people was a little overboard since only 1 did it, and it may have even been one of your circle of friends. I have seen a fair number of guilds that one of the co-founders of a guild actually robs the guild bank and takes off.

Even if you knew for sure who it was, it is not a bannable offense unless he used a bug to gain access to the bank when he did not have the proper guild rank. If this was what happened I am sure the forum would be in a rage about it being broke.

How is booting 13 people over board? Its not like I just kicked out 13 random people, I just booted all the people that joined that day. I know it wasnt any of the founding members because they were at work. Considering that the log gave no further info concerning the individual who pulled it off, I tend to think it was some sort of bug or hack that he used to do it. Even if it wasn’t a bug I would ban them from my guild, thats just not cool, and I wont tolerate it. As far as the forum being in a rage about it being broke, shoot hardly anyone used it, the thing was packed full of equipment, good stuff too, but hardly anyone who had access used it. LOL I even logged on a couple of times and did nothing but talk to the guild members online to see if they needed anything so I could e-mail it to them.

Windows 7 64 bit OS, Intel Core I5 3570 CPU
ASRock Z75 Pro3 MB, EVGA Geforce GTX 570
Gskill DDR3 1600 RAM, X-FI Extreme Gamer SC

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: athlondude.5384


That is what’s called a “knee jerk” reaction. In other words, you reacted to the problem without thinking about it at all, the same way that your knee reacts to being tapped by a hard object.

All I can say is, I’m glad I’m not in your guild.

Wow dude, really, I just asked if anyone had this happen to them, and your gonna judge me for take precautions over a possible security issue? Do you know how many of my members are now worried that someone might get their credit card info because of this? Doesn’t it make sense that if someone did hack into our stash and get that stuff they might be able to get into other things? And I’m not suppose to take action about it? Sorry if thats the way you feel dude, but I dont feel one bit bad about it. I didnt have issues till that day, the whole went down in a very off the wall manner, and it was unsettling enough that I wasn’t just gonna sit and wait for it to happen again.

Windows 7 64 bit OS, Intel Core I5 3570 CPU
ASRock Z75 Pro3 MB, EVGA Geforce GTX 570
Gskill DDR3 1600 RAM, X-FI Extreme Gamer SC

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tolunart.2095


LOL how does someone looting the guild bank translate into stealing credit card #s?

This kind of thing is not a unique situation. In the majority of cases, it’s someone you thought you could trust, not the guy who just joined today and has a probie level membership.

You seem like someone who radically overreacted to an issue without considering every possibility.

This sort of thing happens in real life too. Over the past few years I’ve seen many people arrested and convicted for embezzling money from charity organizations, Little League teams and the like. In every case it wasn’t someone who walked in off the street and got access to their accounts, it was a trusted employee who had worked there for many years.

There is very very little chance that a brand new member could hack his way into your guild bank, while the chance that a senior member either looted it himself or was hacked and the hacker looted your bank is much higher.

(edited by tolunart.2095)

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: athlondude.5384



Thats an easy answer, most of my senior members used their credit card to buy gems in the Black Lion Company. I dont know if you have ever been a victim of credit card fraud but I have, and so have some of the founding members. We also have our own teamspeak server that has been hacked so pardon us for being cautious. Considering we have no information on the individual who did this, and that the log tells us nothing more than what we have we tend to believe he gained access by unconventional means. If you want to call it overreacting so be it, if your glad your not in our guild thats fine to, I didnt post this to recruit. I am looking for answers, and my officers are looking for answers, thats why I posted this. To those who did put their two cents worth in and actually tried to help thanks.

Windows 7 64 bit OS, Intel Core I5 3570 CPU
ASRock Z75 Pro3 MB, EVGA Geforce GTX 570
Gskill DDR3 1600 RAM, X-FI Extreme Gamer SC

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Siliconhobbit.4361



I think, given the circumstances, you should be more concerned about this quote from your 2nd post, than anything else happening in your guild:

“Considering that most of my guild members rarely have rarely talked to me beyond ‘thanks for the invite’…

Perhaps looking into this issue more could give you a better insight on what really happened? Good Luck to you.

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Braveryd.3286


This just happened to our guild as well. He is one our more trusted guys too. He was at a movie and then his account got hacked and emptied out everything. Hopefully Arenanet’s customer services will help us out.

Borlis Pass – Order of the Beard [OB]
“Strength, Honor, Beard”

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ThroneOfGWII.7801


Is there any info on the Anet forum/website that discusses ‘GUILD THEFT’ issues.
As it seem to have had happened to our guild except in this case the log still show names of the users.
An answer from Anet CS would be nice too.

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Baldavier.4132


This happened to my guild, on Desolation server. Unknown User logged in the bank list and on the same day ‘Cyrah.3280’ left the guild. At the time there wasn’t extremely expensive stuff in the bank but is there any way we can find out which account really did this?

Guild Stash Cleaned out by Unkown User?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: athlondude.5384


Yeah the guy I had words with before all this went down, his username was “nate guild wars.6824” and he was a royal jerk. He is the one I suspect pulling this off and he was not in our guild. I still havent heard jack from ArenaNet, but hopefully the will let me know what is going on before too long.

Windows 7 64 bit OS, Intel Core I5 3570 CPU
ASRock Z75 Pro3 MB, EVGA Geforce GTX 570
Gskill DDR3 1600 RAM, X-FI Extreme Gamer SC