Guild Wars shuts down computer at startup
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Aristo Shearrin.5107
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Aristo Shearrin.5107
Recently Guild Wars 2 is being weird on my laptop. I have had the game for 2 years and have been playing with the same settings, sometimes I don’t even have a cooling fan, and everything still runs smoothly. But now sometimes while playing GW would just automatically switches into the background along with the warning that my battery is dying (I have been plugging in the whole time and everything was fully charged.) And then as soon as GW is in the background, everything went back to normal. And as soon as I switch back to the game, same thing happens.
This can happen right at the start of game, on the character select screen, when the computer is not even warm yet, or at any time afterwards when is it fairly hot but nothing I’ve never seen.
To give some context, my laptop has had battery issues for a while, so here I am thinking it was to do with battery, so I removed the battery and plugged the laptop in and use it like a desktop. The game becomes normal then for a couple of times.
Today, still without battery, as soon as I clicked Play and hear like 1 second of the intro theme, my laptop shuts down. No restarting, it just went black. For 3 times in a row.
Anyone experiencing the same thing?
Hello Aristo Shearrin,
Recently Guild Wars 2 is being weird on my laptop. I have had the game for 2 years and have been playing with the same settings, sometimes I don’t even have a cooling fan, and everything still runs smoothly.
Sound good this far.
But now sometimes while playing GW would just automatically switches into the background along with the warning that my battery is dying (I have been plugging in the whole time and everything was fully charged.) And then as soon as GW is in the background, everything went back to normal. And as soon as I switch back to the game, same thing happens.
I think you did use Windows?
Depending from your version you can deactivate this over the power management or over the battery icon. In Windows 7 with service pack its something like “Warn me if my battery may need replacement”. Otherwise please use the registry (
You can use this as a test or as you have done just remove the battery. If the battery is broken this should happen if you have connect your power adapter. There seems to be something wrong with your system or hardware.
Is the power adapter OK?
Could there be a short circuit? Did you move the laptop before this has happened?
This can happen right at the start of game, on the character select screen, when the computer is not even warm yet, or at any time afterwards when is it fairly hot but nothing I’ve never seen.
To give some context, my laptop has had battery issues for a while, so here I am thinking it was to do with battery, so I removed the battery and plugged the laptop in and use it like a desktop. The game becomes normal then for a couple of times.
As I have mentioned above it sound like a hardware or Windows problem somehow.
A broken battery can cause some trouble if an internal short circuit happens.
Did you clean your laptop from time to time?
Today, still without battery, as soon as I clicked Play and hear like 1 second of the intro theme, my laptop shuts down. No restarting, it just went black. For 3 times in a row.
Anyone experiencing the same thing?
This as well sound like a hardware problem.
But if you think it is a software problem you could try out the command line commands.
Please have a look at this Guild Wars Wiki
For example you can make the following:
Instead of launching the game, this command creates a detailed diagnostic file that contains diagnostic data that can be used for troubleshooting. The file, NetworkDiag.log, will be located in your game directory or "Documents\Guild Wars . If you want to use this feature, be sure to create a separate shortcut for it.
Enables the creation of a log file, used mostly by Support. The path for the generated file usually is:
Windows: %APPDATA%\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.log.
macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Guild Wars 2/p_drive/User/Application Data/Guild Wars 2/Gw2.log
Note: %APPDATA% is an Environment Variable, which usually translates into C:\Users\<Your Windows Account Name>\AppData\Roaming by default. See Environment Variable.
Both will give you some more hints.
You can also try to repair your GW2.
Start the client, checks the files for errors and repairs them as needed. This can take a long time (1/2 hour or an hour) to run as it checks the entire contents of the 20-30 gigabyte archive.
This is rarely necessary as the archive is always checking for errors as it runs; if it finds an error, it will schedule a repair for the next time the game starts.
The archive reads and writes certain parts of the disk fairly frequently; if you are getting a lot of disk errors, this is a sign that your drive may be dying.
If you think there must be something broken.
You can have a look at the DirectX diagnostic tool itself.
Windows Key + R => Open run => Type : “dxdiag” => Press OK (or run)
There you can have a look at the system information and the system makes some tests with internal resources. And will give you some usefully information.
(You could also do some burn in tests or other performance and load tests)
Also check out your drivers. The game has been updated and changed over years. So fare the specifications could have changed. Maybe your laptop is now to weak for your settings or maybe you only need the newest drivers.
If your settings making problems you could try to delete the settings file. But please keep in mind that your login information has been stored there. If you have forgotten the password you should try to find it out first.
You will find this file at:
C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2\
There are two files, the first file is in clear text as xml:
GFXSettings.Gw2.exe.xml or
There you will find the graphic settings.
The account setting are stored inside the Local.dat file.
In some threads you will find a black screen or crashing problems with GW2 and the solution of those user has been to delete the Local.dat file. If you think you will try this please remember that there are stored your login information and some more stuff I don’t know.
Well I hope this will give you a lead to track down your problems.
Have a nice day.
Most likely, your power adapter is failing.
I had a similiar problem with my desktop.
Had to switch a setting in my power options.
Control panel > Hardware and Sound > Power options > and choose the High performance preferred plan.
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