HD6950 outperforms GTX570

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Generetic.1203



My friend and I have the same pc.
i5 2500 k
8gigs ram
same mobo
diff video card.

He gets a stable 60+ fps and in crowded areas, events and WvW 40+. He has the HD6950

I have the gtx 570 and sometimes go down to 25 fps in events and WvW.

The gtx 570 outperforms the HD6950 in any game besides this one.
Is this because Gw2 has better support for ATI ??


HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Guild wars 2 uses direct X 9. If his card is faster at rendering direct X 9 then he might get better fps. He might have a lower driver overhead on his card. This might explain the difference in speed.

In other note?
What is your gpu bandwith speed? This matter more than anything I said above because gw2 eats through bandwidth

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kirito.4138


Did your friend overclock his 2500k but you did not?

Any background tasks eating CPU?

Whats the CPU/GPU usage for both of you? (Read Q5 on how to)

The only exclusive skyhammer stream

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Generetic.1203


he didn’t overclock his. I oc’d mine tho. i rund at 4.6 ghz. I should get at least 10 fps more than him but i dont. and both gpu and cpu usage r fine

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kirito.4138


something is wrong with your setup, might be something with drivers or background processes. When it dips to 25fps what is cpu/gpu load?

The only exclusive skyhammer stream

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Generetic.1203


nvm…I just tested smthg. I went back to stock clocks on my video card and the fps remained the same. So I guess Gw2 is hardly using my gpu. Anyway to fix this ? bcs I have seen people on youtube with this video card and cpu and they ahd amazing fps in WvW

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kirito.4138


Use the tools in (Q5) to monitor your CPU/GPU usage load and if its being throttled or not and check up on the temps.

The only exclusive skyhammer stream

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Try running the game on default factory clock speeds for both graphics card and CPU. I heard some people were getting issues with fps by even overclocking their CPUs.

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Generetic.1203


I did try the stock clocks. same fps.
Cpu running over 90% and gpu only 60%.
Any known fixes :/ ?

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Criusis.8752


no “fix”. it’s simple fact that amd has better perfomance than the same class of nvidia, in this specific game. there’s test report even when gw2 in beta…

The Tiny Master of Evil——-Apate Veigar

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerk.9701


My friend and I have the same pc.
i5 2500 k
8gigs ram
same mobo
diff video card.

He gets a stable 60+ fps and in crowded areas, events and WvW 40+. He has the HD6950

I have the gtx 570 and sometimes go down to 25 fps in events and WvW.

The gtx 570 outperforms the HD6950 in any game besides this one.
Is this because Gw2 has better support for ATI ??


To many things to vary results, drivers, how well your PC is setup, background programs running, ISP, monitor rez, ingame settings.

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Swedemon.4670


The 6950 has a better texel rate and memory bandwidth than the 570. It lacks in only the pixel rate. The texel rate is actually won by quite a margin which may explain the FPS difference.


HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Generetic.1203


I guess I’ll just have to live with this. It’s bs tho. I get 57-78 fps in bf3 on ultra in 64player matches and even more fps in other games. oh well. At least AMD has one game where their cards work better.

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Holy Shadow.1672

Holy Shadow.1672

I guess I’ll just have to live with this. It’s bs tho. I get 57-78 fps in bf3 on ultra in 64player matches and even more fps in other games. oh well. At least AMD has one game where their cards work better.

It is indeed bad. Geforce 670 Phantom here, invested a lot of money into my first rig which was dedicated for GW2. And the game fails at optimalization for Nvidia.. I just can’t believe it

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rampage.7145


AMD cards allways beats Nvidia cards at higher res gaming cuz of the memory bus/bandwith, so no surprises here, GW2 uses a lot of bus bandwith, AMD cards will perform a lot better, actually High end AMD cards are allways better at higher res/details pretty much at any title that isn’t sponsored by nvidia

(edited by Rampage.7145)

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

AMD cards allways beats Nvidia cards at higher res gaming cuz of the memory bus/bandwith,

The last 3 generations of nvidia gfx card have alwas had the highest peak framebuffer performance in the high end segment
This generation also includes a high bandwidth midend (660ti) as well

AMD only implemented 384bit memory interfaces recently with the 7900 series

GW2 uses a lot of bus bandwith,

False, GW2 does not even saturate a 550ti’s memory controller at 1920×1200, so unless you’re throwing 4k res at a 580/680, framebuffer is NOT the problem.

AMD cards will perform a lot better, actually High end AMD cards are allways better at higher res/details pretty much at any title that isn’t sponsored by nvidia

Fanboys can vacate the thread that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The real problem has a number of prime causes

one, is that GW2 uses unoptimised software culling techniques which forces cpu usage up, starving the gpu to a degree and, two, current WHQL nvidia drivers are not efficiently optimised for the game resulting in an inefficient machine code being generated by the nv d3d9 recompiler.

another reason for framedrops where gpu usage drops while cpu usage remains the same is trying to use Transparency Multisampling, however i only really experienced that on the full screen map when zooming in and out.

(edited by Squall Leonhart.2075)

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


ALso the new 310.54 beta drivers improve performance quite a bit too.

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

those were inherited from the 310 drivers before it afaik, via profile changes.

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Megido.9456


Well from the first post you didnt mention on what res, settings your playing sooo…

Atm i have i7-3770 – 4ghz, 16 gb 1866 ram, ssd disk and a clocker hd7850 (1000 core ,1250 memo).

I cant realy see how is he able to play all the wvw and events at an stable 40+ fps rate.
I play on 1920×1200 full hd and maxed settings ( only shadows med and reflection off in wvw cuz of that bug with lowering fps when you turn around) and there are times i droped to around 20 fps in thoes HUGE wvw battles. I just dont belive you will get stable 60+ fps in all the crowded areas followed with 40+ on events and wvw when even ppl with gtx670, hd7950 and cpus oced to 4,6+ drop to 20-30 range somtimes. We are speaking about full hd and max or almost max settings here.