Hideously Bad Account Access Process

Hideously Bad Account Access Process

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DarkMarmot.8374


So, I came home to find a crying child locked out of the GW client. For any other game, for practically any other online service, I could just request a password reset link be sent to my email. But not this one.

Cookies enable me to log into the forums — but, to change my password — from within these forums, I need to know the old password (which is apparently not being accepted). There’s no method to simply request a new one UNLESS one kept the serial — which I didn’t keep — and they never emailed to me upon registration (which would’ve been nice).

Clicking the ‘forgot your password’ link on the game client takes me to:

Which shows only the words:
Not Available.

It’s as if they’re trying to anger their customers to the point they quit (in order to reduce bandwidth bills…..?)

It’s simply so unfriendly, I’m somewhat aghast. Even companies that deal in real money (Paypal, my bank, etc.) have simpler and easier processes in place. If I had, God forbid, included the phone activation as well, it would probably involve negotiating between Sprint and Korea to get this resolved.

So now I get to wait to see if they’ve been able to improve their support process in the slightest… But other forum posts have left me with little hope.

Incident: 121018-000008

Hideously Bad Account Access Process

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

I’m sorry that your child locked him- or herself out of the account, and that you did not retain the serial code, or were not sent it. Hopefully while this is getting looked into, the team can address that, too.

But basically:

  • You submitted a ticket. That’s good.
  • Then you came to the forums and spent a bunch of pixels complaining about service that the team hasn’t had time to perform? That’s not so good.
  • And you offer up a weak “conspiracy theory” about us not wanting to help people? That’s nothing short of insulting.

Please give the team time to address your issue. That is what they are committed to doing, and that is what they will do. If you have input about how to improve the process, share it in your tickets so that we can make improvements.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events