High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Gaile Gray
Rubbers, if ANets intentions were to sweep this under the rug they would not have replied to any of the threads. Right now this thread is in the dev tracker thus giving it more exposure.
I also doubt very much they will share details on what they are doing on their end… it would give cues to the hackers.
True, and true. This thread, and several others you see, are evidence of us giving as much transparency to and by our players. We’re not trying to stifle things, or brush them off, or hide them. Case in point: I just “bumped” a thread that hadn’t had posts in more than 2 days to make it more visible, not less.
Please have confidence we are reviewing each compromise, helping as much as we are able, and carefully monitoring our processes and security every hour of every day.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: lekyii.9856
well a officer from my guild got hacked and we lost the gold for the commander that was on the guild bank, and since the System dont refund gold from the guild bank we cant do nothing.
And Since the Hacker got in the email adress he lost all the info about the game(Serial number and CC info)he cant get his account back…
So tell me what should we do now?
should we start all over again since we lost in 1 day all the work that we had done in the last 3 months or stop playing?
(edited by lekyii.9856)
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294
Gold in a Guild Bank is available to anyone with access. So when you have a large guild with a lot of people having access to the coinage, any one person could take it all without fear of retaliation from Anet (or so I believe).
The way I see it, if Anet were to have the ability to refund Guild Bank Gold each time someone “claimed” to have had it all stolen, that would add multiple layers of headache for the Anet Support Team. There’d be no way for them to determine if someone took it legitimately or not. So it would seem it falls under the “Gentlemen’s Agreement” thinking, where you place the trust that others won’t use it wrongly.
This is a big reason why my guild doesn’t put anything of high value in there. If someone were to need a large amount of Gold, we’d probably all be on Vent at the same time, to make the transfer via Guild Bank quickly.
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Gaile Gray
We are very sorry that guild banks are not part of the restoration system, but as pointed out in this thread, there is a great deal of complexity in restoring an individual account, and restoring a guild bank is many, many times more complex.
To do a restoration properly, while protecting the game economy and impacts every single players, we would need to investigate every single account that had access to the guild bank to see what happened before, during, and after the event. To do otherwise could have major negative impacts on the game economy, if players could “hide the gold” and then ask for a roll-back of the whole guild bank.
Consider that guild banks potentially hold a lot of combined wealth, and that confirms that the impact on everyone who plays the game, over time, could be considerable.
It’s possible that sometime in the future we will be able to restore guild banks, just as we very soon will be able to restore individual accounts. We would like to do this, but we know that if we initiate that service, we must do that sensibly and accurately, for the good of the game.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
The rest of the post still stands. Should they implement restoration for accounts and guilds? Absolutely. Will jumping up and down make it happen faster? Nope.
Rome wasn’t built in a day and don’t use the guild bank for valuables.
(edited by Moderator)
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: lekyii.9856
We are very sorry that guild banks are not part of the restoration system, but as pointed out in this thread, there is a great deal of complexity in restoring an individual account, and restoring a guild bank is many, many times more complex.
To do a restoration properly, while protecting the game economy and impacts every single players, we would need to investigate every single account that had access to the guild bank to see what happened before, during, and after the event. To do otherwise could have major negative impacts on the game economy, if players could “hide the gold” and then ask for a roll-back of the whole guild bank.
Consider that guild banks potentially hold a lot of combined wealth, and that confirms that the impact on everyone who plays the game, over time, could be considerable.
It’s possible that sometime in the future we will be able to restore guild banks, just as we very soon will be able to restore individual accounts. We would like to do this, but we know that if we initiate that service, we must do that sensibly and accurately, for the good of the game.
Since he got hacked i think that is easy to see in the logs what happend…
he(hacker) logged in the game, blocked everyone in the guild and in the friend list and since the account hacked was a officer account he took all the gold from the guild bank as i can see in the log of the guild bank (ex: abc.0000 withdraw 100g. 14hours ago)
What happends next?? i assume he send the gold using in-game mail to another account to sell it or something.
it is possible to see that in the logs ?
(edited by lekyii.9856)
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: lekyii.9856
Gold in a Guild Bank is available to anyone with access. So when you have a large guild with a lot of people having access to the coinage, any one person could take it all without fear of retaliation from Anet (or so I believe).
The way I see it, if Anet were to have the ability to refund Guild Bank Gold each time someone “claimed” to have had it all stolen, that would add multiple layers of headache for the Anet Support Team. There’d be no way for them to determine if someone took it legitimately or not. So it would seem it falls under the “Gentlemen’s Agreement” thinking, where you place the trust that others won’t use it wrongly.
This is a big reason why my guild doesn’t put anything of high value in there. If someone were to need a large amount of Gold, we’d probably all be on Vent at the same time, to make the transfer via Guild Bank quickly.
Thats not true, you can “cut” the guild bank permissions and give only to officers, that is what my guild does
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Rubbers.5261
Gaile Gray, I am sorry that my last post might have been heated, Its possible I took what was happening the wrong way. Now reading these posts, as well as the ones that have been on reddit.com/r/guildwars2 the past couple days, it does seem to be very strange to be happening so frequently and to certain people with a lot of gold. No its not like its happening to everybody, but the amount of hacked accounts is for sure alarming, and I dont want that to be minimized. I know, or very much hope, that arena net at the very least can see where in game mail has went. So the culprits of such hacks should be able to be found, yet it seems like its not being treated on arena nets end as even an issue needing to be investigated. Yet more and more people this is happening to, and they are saying they were also never emailed, and some even had authenticator’s. I’ve also heard many theories of why this may be happening so much now, such as this being a direct result of the anti-bot/gold seller campaign.
Whatever the company’s conclusion may be, I know myself that there had to be something overlooked or some kind of problem with the system, weather it be in the customer support, website, or the game client itself because I know I did everything I was supposed to do.
I think the main question that people have been hacked, including myself, would like answers is :
When this system comes out to be able to restore accounts, will we be able to get what we lost back as well, or is it gone for good?
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Perfectxshot.6712
When this system comes out to be able to restore accounts, will we be able to get what we lost back as well, or is it gone for good?
That is the big question, and if Anet is unable to restore account lost before this is put into place, will we be given compensation for at least major losses (EX: legendaries, large amounts of gold, etc…)
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Serenity.6149
well a officer from my guild got hacked and we lost the gold for the commander that was on the guild bank, and since the System dont refund gold from the guild bank we cant do nothing.
And Since the Hacker got in the email adress he lost all the info about the game(Serial number and CC info)he cant get his account back…
So tell me what should we do now?
should we start all over again since we lost in 1 day all the work that we had done in the last 3 months or stop playing?
When your game experience is affected due to a personal e-mail account (your officer’s, in this case) being compromised, I’m not sure what you expect ANet to do about it. The more important issue at hand is whether an exploit exists that allows game accounts to be targeted and compromised.
As an aside, @Gaile, I just wanted to thank you for your work in the forums. I can tell that it’s often a thankless job, and I don’t remember any other game where actual attention is given to forum posts to the same extent that you do.
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael.4791
…Now reading these posts, as well as the ones that have been on reddit.com/r/guildwars2 the past couple days, it does seem to be very strange to be happening so frequently and to certain people with a lot of gold. No its not like its happening to everybody, but the amount of hacked accounts is for sure alarming, and I dont want that to be minimized…
These numbers are known by nobody except Anet employees. Any guess coming from some posts here or elsewhere are necessarily bound to be wrong.
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: AnonEMouse.7932
When this system comes out to be able to restore accounts, will we be able to get what we lost back as well, or is it gone for good?
That is the big question, and if Anet is unable to restore account lost before this is put into place, will we be given compensation for at least major losses (EX: legendaries, large amounts of gold, etc…)
When this feature was introduced in GW1, any hacks that happened before it was introduced could NOT be undone by doing an account rollback. It would only affect accounts hacked after rollbacks went active.
With that being the case the chances of you getting a rollback are close to zero. And as Anet don’t have a compensation scheme either, you’ll find you won’t get anything back until rollbacks are active, and even then it’ll only be if your account was hacked after it went active.
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Perfectxshot.6712
When this feature was introduced in GW1, any hacks that happened before it was introduced could NOT be undone by doing an account rollback. It would only affect accounts hacked after rollbacks went active.
With that being the case the chances of you getting a rollback are close to zero. And as Anet don’t have a compensation scheme either, you’ll find you won’t get anything back until rollbacks are active, and even then it’ll only be if your account was hacked after it went active.
ya, a while back it was said that it will most likely be that those already hacked wont be getting a rollback (that part is just hoping with the sliver of a chance, but expecting it to be as was said). Also, seeing them regenerate and send the karkha chest to those that did receive it, makes me hope that if they don’t give us rollbacks, that they’re able to do something of that nature, or maybe just in mail, to give us the few things that took a lot of time to acquire. I don’t mind getting full exotic/runes/sigils etc… back, that’s not an issue, i just miss my legendary and don’t wanna work for that again haha…
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Iruwen.3164
What happends next?? i assume he send the gold using in-game mail to another account to sell it or something.
it is possible to see that in the logs ?
I’m wondering about that too, this should be traceable and the buyer should be banned as well. Or maybe this already happens silently and people just don’t dare to complain afterwards :p
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Maetel.2130
Since this is the main topic I post here again…
3 weeks have passed after have been hacked, I’ve been waiting quietly lately but that doesn’t mean it’s fair.
Stopped playing after Karka event and now a new event is coming, but I won’t partecipate because if I do I’ll lose any progress in case ARS will help me.
Gaile, this is not a personal attack, but I don’t think it’s fair sending mails only to few people. I thought ‘eh, in few days I’ll receive one too’, but even if you said you would have posted news in few days, till today this isn’t happened :/
I only know that after all of this if ARS won’t rollback my account (while other ones hacked in the same day of mine have been), it’ll be VERY bad move.
Thanks for the attention
(edited by Maetel.2130)
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kantankerus.6081
Ran across this thread last night…read the whole thing and it has me very concerned. Was there a root cause discovered for the individual compromises? Was the initial vector always an email compromise followed by account access and subsequent password resets?