Horizontal Black Lines

Horizontal Black Lines

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reddo Byakko.4782

Reddo Byakko.4782

Hello, I’ve been suffering from a problem since last friday my computer decided to re-update to Win10. Untill then I was able to play the game in full screen mode, but after the update a series of black horizontal lines moving upwards and downwards makes me impossible to do so.

If I change it to windowed fullscreen or run the game with windows7 compatibility mode the game seems to work fine, but it lowers its performace (in the compatibility mode I’ve got a lower fps and a continuous lag even after setting the graphical settings to the minimum)

I’ve tried to reinstall the graphic card drivers and reinstalling the game, but the problem doesn’t seem to fix.

My PC specifications are these:
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GH
RAM: 4.00GB (3.89 avaible)
System type: 64 bit OS, 64 processor. Windows 10 Pro
Graphic Card: Nvidia GeForce 610M
Resolution: 1366*768, 60Hz
Controller Version: 364.51 (08/03/2016)

The video shows the problem (sorry for the bad quality, recorded with a cellphone)

Horizontal Black Lines

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: alteriel valie.4751

alteriel valie.4751

in a forum for another game someone had same problem like you and they posted two solutions!
1st disabling shadowplay seems to fix it
2nd Turned on vertical sync and works great!

Hope one of these solutions will help you

Horizontal Black Lines

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reddo Byakko.4782

Reddo Byakko.4782

I’ve tried doing so and the big lines dissapear, but I still have smaller ones.
Thanks for the tip, but it haven’t worked

Horizontal Black Lines

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: revox.8273


u get the black lines right away or after a few minutes of gameplay?

Horizontal Black Lines

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reddo Byakko.4782

Reddo Byakko.4782

When I change the resolution to one of the fullscreen mod or If I iniciate the game while the resolution is in fullscreen the error doesn’t appear while selecting the character but once I select to play it appears in the loading screen.

Horizontal Black Lines

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: revox.8273


try to rollback the gpu driver to an older version, if this doesnt work delete the driver and reinstall it, maybe something bugged