I can't log on/won't let me
Same here, help pls
I just fired up gw2 for the first time in some time, and have the same problem as you guys.
Yep, same problem here… Error code: 42:1000:7006:1322
Technical Support
Hey all,
First, please check to make sure all TCP ports necessary to play Guild Wars 2 (80, 443, 6112 and port 6600) are fully open both inbound and outbound.
Next, please check to ensure you don’t have the following applications running on your system as they are technically Spyware and known to throw this error: Relevant Knowledge and Premier Opinion.
Should this not resolve the issue for you, the instructions below will change the way Guild Wars 2 connects on your network. In short, this will force all inbound and outbound data to use port 80. Since port 80 is a very common port, it usually has the least amount of issues with transmission of data. To do this:
1. Locate the file “GW2.exe” and right-click it, selecting “Create Shortcut.”
2. Rename this shortcut to “Guild Wars 2 Port Test.”
3. Right-click on this shortcut and select “Properties.”
4. Edit the “Target” line to include /clientport 80 at the end. Note: Please make sure /clientport 80 is outside of the quotes.
— Correctly Formatted Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe” /clientport 80
— Incorrectly Formatted Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe /clientport 80”
5. Once completed, click “Ok” to save your changes. If you get an error trying to save, your target line may not have the correct format. Please try Step 4 again.
6. Double click “Guild Wars 2 Port Test” and try connecting again.
Still not able to connect? Please submit a support ticket!