I just need one solution for HoM issue, just need guidance...

I just need one solution for HoM issue, just need guidance...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mikiejag.5193


I originally created a character for GW2 without a thought to GW1, and then when the HoM did not link I sent a support request.
The accounts were linked correctly, just nothing was showing up. I continued to play and then tried to get into GW1 again to make sure the stuff was actually there. After figuring out the correct (key word) name of the GW1 character I created another one in GW2 with the same name.

As soon as I went into GW2, not only did the stone show up, but I could transport to the HoM and everything was there.

So I can solve my own problem if I can be pointed in the correct direction:

Can I rename my first GW2 to match GW1 and be able to get the items?
Can I just use the second GW2 character and transfer the points and items to the first GW2 character?
Is there a better option?

The GW1 name was something from years ago, (Mikie Ranger), yeah my nickname plus the type…I am older and not as creative…lol and the new character I want to have these items is Mikiejag…

I had thought that is what the GW1 characters name was, not to much guidance out there on how to properly link these things together.

Thanks for any help or assistance you can give me. I only play one character at a time, so starting over is not really an option and would like to think a backend quick fix would work.


I just need one solution for HoM issue, just need guidance...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


It sounds like you just need to get a stone for your character to get him to the HoM, as you seem to have been able to get the items on other characters on the same account. Fortunately this isn’t hard to do at all. Try the following:

  1. In Lion’s Arch, head northwest into Hooligan’s Route.
  2. At the Undermarket Point of Interest, find the charr karma merchant named Scornheart.
  3. View Scornheart’s offerings and, on the second panel, select the Hall of Monuments Portal Stone. The stone is available at no cost.
  4. Use the Portal Stone to access the ruins of the Hall of Monuments.

Each race has a portal to Lion’s Arch in their main city, and from there it’s a short walk up to the top left corner of the city, and into the caves.

I hope this gets you sorted.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade