I was hacked and lost all my stuff :(

I was hacked and lost all my stuff :(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Misfit.5962


On Friday night, I went to log into my account, it wouldn’t accept my password, so I reset it. Being the non-thorough person I am, I have never logged into the website or made a post here in the forums, so I have never set up the security settings on my account.

Well thanks to my stupidity on the matter, when I changed my password, I was immediately locked out of my account because of the Mobile Authenticator, which I never set up because I never knew about it.

So, reading the forums here, I learned they would have to disable the Mobile Authenticator after I submit a ticket and prove who I am with the info on the submission. The ticket number I submitted was 1030889, and they finally got back to me on Sunday night and I was able to log into my account. Thank You very much support team, I have a lot of time and real life money invested in this account and was on pins and needles over losing it.

As it turns out, the reason I wasn’t able to log in on Friday night was because I was being hacked. Yup, they cleaned me out, all my mats are gone, and an ascended armor set and ascended weapons, my inventory bags and whatever was in them, anything that wasn’t account bound in my bank, my laurels which I had been saving for a half year now, over 2 mil in karma, any gold I had, and my character is parked in front of the bank with some stuff in what’s left of my inventory that shows they used the karma to get obsidian shards.

I have immediately logged out and I’m in the process of setting up the Mobile Authenticator on my account in order to get more security. My question is, is there a way I can get my game save reinstated to the point it was before it was hacked, with all my stuff? Or because of my stupidity, am I just out everything i have worked for?

Any response would be appreciated.

I was hacked and lost all my stuff :(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CptTrips.6512


you have to contact the support – maybe by updating your ticket – and ask for a rollback. before this, you mybe should secure your account. scan your computer for malware and set a new and secure password for your email.

I was hacked and lost all my stuff :(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You can find the answers to all your questions in the Knowledge Base located where you first submitted your request.

This Sticky has a link that will lead you there, as well: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/account/Account-Security-and-You/first#post4091159

Do not create a new ticket, but update your current one, once you have read all the pertinent articles.

Good luck.