International friend banned for botting?

International friend banned for botting?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shinju.1083


Karu (Qooo Qooo) is a Malaysian who plays on US servers, and was just banned while we were talking to him on Skype while we were playing. He was reported for being a bot and got banned almost an hour ago. He has over 6000 achievement points, does dungeons with us almost daily, and fractals if we go, and he talks in Guild Chat.

It honestly seems like he was profiled because he’s an international who doesn’t speak English well, he has a character named Qooo Qooo, and he plays as a ranger.

He put in a support ticket not long ago, but he wasn’t able to make a forum topic of his own, I’m guessing because he was banned, so I made one for him. Being his friend, it bothers me that he was banned so easily when it’s obvious he’s not a bot. Here is the number for the support ticket he created: #130306-001869

Shinju [SoF] Ranger

Girl Gamer

(edited by Shinju.1083)

International friend banned for botting?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bhenry.6134


I also play with Karu (Qooo Qooo) on several occasions and know for a fact that he is NOT a bot. There is no way that someone who talks in guild chat, runs dungeons, fotm, wvw, and other events people ask him to come along for could be a bot. The way I see it someone simply profiled him and then he got banned for it, which I find inexcusable. Obviously no one really thought to hard on this subject before they simply banned him. If anyone would have cared to at least contact him they would have easily been able to tell that isn’t a bot and is instead one of the nicest players around. I really hope this gets taken care of quickly and he is able to come back to play soon, if not then it seems like Guild Wars 2 just lost a very valuable player.

(edited by bhenry.6134)

International friend banned for botting?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kestin.2368


I’ll vouch for Karu. I’ve been in voice chats with him, we’ve run dungeons together, and he’s helped me get some vistas. Whether it’s his profession or his nationality, he was apparently banned without any investigation, as any number of simple checks would have proven his humanity.

I know there are a lot of actual bots out there, but reports still need to be looked into.

Lore fanatic, achievement hound, map completionist, PvEer, filthy casual.

International friend banned for botting?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lux.7169


I play with Karu every day and we talk on Skype/Vent. There is no way he is botting. He literally told me on skype the second he got banned for botting that he was banned—if he really is botting then he must sit at his computer watching it do the work as he types in-game and talks on Skype =\

I feel like more research into the account needs to be done before profiling someone as a bot. Karu is the kindest player ever and to see him banned without a thorough investigation is a shame. I hope he gets his account back soon—he is a dear friend to the guild and to the gw2 community.


International friend banned for botting?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

This thread is entirely inappropriate. There is not need for a “testimonials” thread for this or any banned player. We don’t accept them in the forums, as a point of fact. If the player is not guilty of botting, the account will be restored — it’s that simple. It substantially slows the process to have other people write posts or — Dwayna forbid! — submit tickets about this situation. Please allow time for this to get reviewed and resolved, as I know it will be.

We do not “profile” someone for his English-speaking skills, or his location. We look at account activity and a lot of other parameters before an account is suspended or terminated.

If your friend still needs help after three days — highly unlikely because we’re helping players so quickly — feel free to post in the Tickets for Review thread, which is at the top of this Account Support sub-forum.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)