Invisable/missing textures!?

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RobAtrax.5326


I have a problem since I upgraded my video card yesterday. Certain terrain does not load at all, while some will be visible on certain camera angels. Makes jump puzzles interesting. Everything working fine before the video card upgrade so I wont bother quoting all my spec’s…

Have tried all manner of graphic settings to no avail

Video card is 3GB AMD radeon HD 7950


(edited by RobAtrax.5326)

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RobAtrax.5326


Just one reply at a time please.

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RobAtrax.5326


So no1 else has this problem? Ive seen similar threads but nothing quite the same…?

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sky.2154


I, personally, can’t say I’ve seen it. I would recommend you browse the Tech Support forum, as well as make sure you’ve completely removed traces of the old drivers. If you haven’t already, I would also run some tests on your new card… just to make sure it doesn’t happen to be the culprit.

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chase.8415


That looks like a shaders/filtering problem.

Are you sure you have the latest drivers for your card? Are you using the absolute default settings for a gaming profile through the AMD Catalyst control panel?

Do you know how to use device manager to completely uninstall a video driver?

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SomeoneElse.3685


Are you sure you set the card up properly?

Hatarius [FG]
Gunnars Hold EU

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RobAtrax.5326


Thanks for the replies.

So I used the catalyst install program to remove the old drivers before I installed the new drivers.

The new card is the only card listed under device manager, so I assume the old card drivers has been removed completely unless I go picking through explorer.

As for the card settings in catalyst I’ve tried default and experimentation before posting here to no avail.

Ill try the tech support forums again, but last time I couldn’t find an issue that matched. I also have to use the “best performance” preset in the GW2 graphic setting menu order to avoid random crashes.


Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Remove ALL your drivers,including mobo,audio,ethernet,everything,make a complete uninstall and reinstall of all of your current drivers with the appropiate reboots in between and use ccleaner + driversweeper afterwards to make sure there are no left overs.

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RobAtrax.5326


Still no change, I have removed all driver, mobo, sound, PCIe, Video. Thanks for the ccleaner + driversweeper advice they made the whole process much easier.

However no change, I still have missing/transparent textures.

The one in the image only happens when I have the camera close to the ground, others however always seem to be invisible.

Anyone else have similar issues?


Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

definite game bug

there was destructable terrain missing in one of my personal quests last night (Tower Down)

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PCanineBrigade.4916


The one in the image only happens when I have the camera close to the ground, others however always seem to be invisible.
Anyone else have similar issues?

I do. The exact same problem. I’m using ATI Radeon HD 7750. At least it makes the game more interesting, like when I swim in underwater fractals then suddenly statue pops up in my face… NOT. (I was really lucky that I swam randomly past the kraits and still didn’t die. INVISIBLE. WALLS. EVERYWHERE.)
Hopefully it’ll ever get fixed..

(edited by PCanineBrigade.4916)

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cynacide.5926


This happened to a guildmate not long after he started playing gw2. Unfortunately he stopped playing the game. Most floors, some walls, it was almost impossible for him to play the game and most of the time he would group up, cause if you can see through walls and the ground…it’s probably best to follow people :P

I’ve had similar happen to me when I port into LA. I just sit back and wait a moment for it to load all the way and it’s all good. I’m not techy and the severity of it differs, but just letting you know you’re not alone.

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RobAtrax.5326


Jumping puzzles are impossible

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chase.8415


From what you are describing, I’m afraid I may have some bad news.

The very first thing I would do is to make sure you uninstall and completely reinstall windows Direct X. Please make sure you do this and try the game again, before doing anything else.

I would try doing a system restore, if you have this enabled in windows vista and beyond. Unless you disable it yourself manually or ran out of ahrddrive space, there will be snapshots of your computer before major driver updates.

My suggestion would be to restore back to the of the driver and uninstall it completely and then install the video cards drivers.

If this doesn’t work, then I would suggest testing your video cards memory. If certain addresses on the video card is corrupted, textures will start to disappear and cause crashes. Not only that, textures will vanish and reappear depending on the rendering type and angle.

I believe that if its not software related, the video card itself is at fault… most likely from faulty memory. Memory issues are annoying because certain games will work perfectly while others will not; they are hard to troubleshoot.

You are caught in a bind because you have an issue that no one else is experiencing and unfortunately even the paid techs in support can’t give you much information other than update your drivers or reinstall. If all else fails, you’re just going to have to reinstall the operating system or get a new card.

Most tech problems are user related and the paid techs are simply there to help customers who aren’t familiar with computers the best they can. There are several issues that could cause this problem out of the scope of basic techs, because the tech support simply solves problems that happen often; not ones that apply only to you. I’m sorry that you had to experience this; but it won’t be the first time.

(edited by Chase.8415)

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

I think you need to read the thread more Chase.

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chase.8415


I think you need to read the thread more Chase.

You have two options. One would be to wait until the paid techs figure out a solution to the problem, or troubleshoot yourself.

It’s always faster to troubleshoot by yourself, especially with windows 8.

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Chase,you indeed need to read better,the advice you gave has already been given,the rest you said will not help his problem go away whatsoever,test his gpu memory ? this problem is common,while you say its not and he is the first and only one having this problem,is false.If you think otherwise google for “guild wars 2 invisible textures”.

Anyway OP,look at this vid please and see if it helps You need to turn reflections to Off aswell , If it doesn’t make your problem go away,you can still try a -Repair and to delete your Local.dat.

(edited by Caedmon.6798)

Invisable/missing textures!?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

didn’t have any reports of corrupt files in my case, the towers to be destroyed just didn’t appear until destroyed. almost like the mesh data wasn’t wrapping the textures properly.