Is this a Graphical error; drivers? or a Game issue?

Is this a Graphical error; drivers? or a Game issue?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: STOOOO.2681


hi i am getting this issue quite alot in “cursed shores” and other areas,
terrain being shown over terrain, it makes playing somewhat trippy.
can anyone tell me what it is?
my gfx card is geforce 560ti with 306.23 drivers win 7 64bit 16gb ram.


Is this a Graphical error; drivers? or a Game issue?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zelta.6829


Do you have ambient occlusion enabled in the Nvidia control panel?

Is this a Graphical error; drivers? or a Game issue?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thomas Gallant.3851

Thomas Gallant.3851

I’m guessing that’s what it is, when I have AO on in the control panel, that happens from time to time, they’ll need to fix that, but I don’t know if it’s on the driver side only, or if it’s more on the game side, or a mix of both that needs to be fixed.
Until then, best to keep it turned off.

Is this a Graphical error; drivers? or a Game issue?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grinchey.8142


STOOO, is your performance okay? What is your average FPS in the Human/Charr/Asura zones and at what setting?

Is this a Graphical error; drivers? or a Game issue?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: STOOOO.2681


ye i had AO on; now its off i’ll update you if i get the problem again.

performance is great 60fps most places
I have maxxed everything apart from native sampling,
AA and i put post processing to low.

Thanks for all your input.

Is this a Graphical error; drivers? or a Game issue?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dacooli.6712


I lag badly with gtx 680 btw. ANET FIX.

Is this a Graphical error; drivers? or a Game issue?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fracture.6985


I have also a problem with this, as well as blue lines appearing and flashing as im moving around. I checked my drivers and they are all up to date, the game runs smoothly, i have no issues there.
I set it to virticle sync in the game menu but that didnt help at all, i dont know what to do
I have an Acer aspire 5750 laptop
Intel HD graphics 3000.
8gb DDR3 memory
1000gb hdd

il ad a pic below
i hope someone can help, im a newb at this


Is this a Graphical error; drivers? or a Game issue?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: STOOOO.2681


well it must be the ambient occulsion cause i play all day with no hiccups, thx all for your help.

sorry fracture havent a clue what your issue is.

Is this a Graphical error; drivers? or a Game issue?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amarinth.8534


I have also a problem with this, as well as blue lines appearing and flashing as im moving around. I checked my drivers and they are all up to date, the game runs smoothly, i have no issues there.
I set it to virticle sync in the game menu but that didnt help at all, i dont know what to do
I have an Acer aspire 5750 laptop
Intel HD graphics 3000.
8gb DDR3 memory
1000gb hdd

il ad a pic below
i hope someone can help, im a newb at this

The blue bars/artifacts is a driver issue – it should be fixed with the latest Intel drivers, so if you are still experiencing it chances are likely the graphics driver you’re running isn’t completely up-to-date. In most cases when this happens it’s the result of the laptop-specific drivers being out of date compared to the general drivers from Intel.

What I would do is check Acer’s website and see what the latest Video Driver version is for your laptop and then check Intel’s website or use Google to find out what the latest version is according to Intel. If there’s a discrepancy and Acer hasn’t updated the drivers in a while then you may have a serious problem. You could try to install the drivers directly from Intel, but usually it will refuse to install and just refer you back to Acer.

Laptop-specific drivers are one of my biggest pet peeves – most of the time you’re completely dependant on the manufacturer, which means if there’s a problem and it turns out they’ve stopped updating drivers, you’re up kitten creek without a paddle. :/

(edited by Amarinth.8534)