Is this email legit?

Is this email legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Welderman.9452


just got this email, was wondering if it is legit? —-
"""A log-in attempt from the following location is currently awaiting your authorization.

City: Guangzhou
Region: 30
Country: CN

This location is approximated based on information provided by your Internet Service Provider. If in doubt, deny the request and try again.

If you are certain this log-in attempt was not made by you, then someone else knows your log-in credentials and you should change your password immediately via Account Management.

For security purposes, we alert you each time your account is accessed from an unrecognized location. To authenticate this log-in attempt, please click the link below: """"

- i won`t post the link, but if it is legit, what do i do now? still click the link in the email?

hope someone can help.

Is this email legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lozerette.2153


Were you logging into the game at the time? If not, I would recommend that you reset your password. I would also recommend that you never click on links in emails that you have any doubt about. You can always navigate to the site directly and reset your pass that way.

Is this email legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Peeps be busy over in China.. Every single one of these posts is from someone in China.. Wish they would just block all of China’s IP’s from connecting to US servers.

Is this email legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: anonymouse.9053


Peeps be busy over in China.. Every single one of these posts is from someone in China.. Wish they would just block all of China’s IP’s from connecting to US servers.

If they blocked IP ranges, those in China would just use proxies to change their IP addresses. Then they’d still be able to connect to US servers.

Is this email legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drintar.1246


just got this email, was wondering if it is legit? —-
"""A log-in attempt from the following location is currently awaiting your authorization.

City: Guangzhou
Region: 30
Country: CN

This location is approximated based on information provided by your Internet Service Provider. If in doubt, deny the request and try again.

If you are certain this log-in attempt was not made by you, then someone else knows your log-in credentials and you should change your password immediately via Account Management.

For security purposes, we alert you each time your account is accessed from an unrecognized location. To authenticate this log-in attempt, please click the link below: """"

- i won`t post the link, but if it is legit, what do i do now? still click the link in the email?

hope someone can help.

Bolded the important sentence NO unless you want to give them access you do not want to click the link.

Is this email legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spectorx.9762


Peeps be busy over in China.. Every single one of these posts is from someone in China.. Wish they would just block all of China’s IP’s from connecting to US servers.

If they blocked IP ranges, those in China would just use proxies to change their IP addresses. Then they’d still be able to connect to US servers.

Easy fix. They already have a tracert going in on login. Ban the proxies IP address also. It’s pretty apparent that they have no problem banning people, people who just bought the game at that.. Might as well be ban happy with proxy servers and CN Ip’s. It’s not hard.

Is this email legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Welderman.9452


ok thanks a lot people, just setting up a new email address and password, just one more question, does everyone log into the game, with their email address as their `account name`? i know i do, cant remember if i got a choice not to or not, just wondered thats all. if thats the case,., then it seems odd that we have to log in with our email addresses.

thanks for the help, appreciated.

Is this email legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lady Lozza.9670

Lady Lozza.9670

Welderman, so far as I know NCSoft is trying to move all games to a “log into game with email” system. It’s fairly standard for other MMOs and the original GW did it this way. NCSoft’s classic user name system (as it stands) cannot handle numbers, symbols, nor is it case sensitive so be thankful you aren’t being asked to use it. In any case I’m guessing it wouldn’t work for GW2 simply due to the sheer number of players. (I think it’s only 15 characters long – only so many combinations with those restrictions.)

Is this email legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CloneCharlz.9157


yes please ban all Chinese IP’s because i’ve just had one hack my account, lost all my items and money, i’ve had about 3 e-mails from China! I hate them!

Is this email legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lady Lozza.9670

Lady Lozza.9670

Firstly when you say ban all Chinese IPs you are talking about banning more than a few expats as well who want to play on English speaking servers because they themselves are English speakers.

Secondly when you say ban all proxies, you are also talking about banning all SSH tunnel services which are invaluable to the ping deficient players in Australia and New Zealand.

Anet should be offering us the ability to perma-block countries/IPs/regions as we choose. That way we are in charge of what is blocked on our accounts and can be as discriminatory as we choose without affecting others.

Is this email legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DrakeWurrum.6049


Were you logging into the game at the time? If not, I would recommend that you reset your password. I would also recommend that you never click on links in emails that you have any doubt about. You can always navigate to the site directly and reset your pass that way.


Don’t worry about whether or not it’s legit. It doesn’t matter. Either way, you don’t click the link.

You’re obviously NOT accessing your account from that location, so why would you click the link?

I hope you haven’t forgotten my role in this little story. I’m the leading man.
You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

Is this email legit?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sai Ree.5960

Sai Ree.5960

Have had hacking attempts as well, three times now, even when i was logged in. I forwarded all three mails back to Anet support and made a ticket 4 days ago (nr. 120911-003780) because when i try to change my password, it says there’s an error and to contact support. I’d really would like to be able to change it!