(edited by Moderator)
Is this name allowed?
Since it’s blocked by the forum filter, can I assume it’s not allowed ingame either?
Forum doesnt block words to my knowledge, but “kittens” them instead. If i choose to quote your mesasge – i’ll see kitten in it. So word being removed from post is probably some sort of forum bug. If forum kittens that word – you can justly report any player with that word in name.
Thing is, I did report the player but no actions were taken…2 months later they still have the name. But if I use the word word should appear here
See? It gets censored.
In order to have an intelligent discussion, let me point out that the word/name that ThiBash is asking about it like “darp” but with a “e” for the “a.” Having said that, I understand that some people can see the word as somewhat offensive. However, we discussed this as a team and we feel it’s pretty commonly used to mean not-very-bright, silly, stupid. We don’t block silly or stupid.
I understand you may see the word as a jab at mentally disabled people, but our feeling is that this word is quite different than using [the “R” word for a mentally challenged individual] and therefore we have not been taking action against the former word.
I’m open to your thoughts about it, but again, that’s our general feeling, keeping in mind that we’re not trying to censor every possible word of every possible level of offense, but words that are quite clearly offensive, and seldom have multiple or confused meanings.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Testing , testing
End of test.
You could name your character (for example) “Mentally challenged Logan” instead of “R trd Logan”.
But still … it’s Logan after all. What i’m trying to say here is … i don’t like Logan (nor Kormir)
(So much for intelligent discussion)
To be honest, I didn’t know it also meant that. The reason I asked wheter it was allowed is because it’s also a common abbreviation for dirty arotic role-player and I’ve seen people use it to harass role-players in previous games I played.
However, if you feel it’s ok then I know enough. I only wanted to know wheter I should report players with the name. I don’t want to clog up your inboxes if I don’t have to. :-)
In order to have an intelligent discussion, let me point out that the word/name that ThiBash is asking about it like “darp” but with a “e” for the “a.” Having said that, I understand that some people can see the word as somewhat offensive. However, we discussed this as a team and we feel it’s pretty commonly used to mean not-very-bright, silly, stupid. We don’t block silly or stupid.
I understand you may see the word as a jab at mentally disabled people, but our feeling is that this word is quite different than using [the “R” word for a mentally challenged individual] and therefore we have not been taking action against the former word.
I’m open to your thoughts about it, but again, that’s our general feeling, keeping in mind that we’re not trying to censor every possible word of every possible level of offense, but words that are quite clearly offensive, and seldom have multiple or confused meanings.
so why is it filtered on the forum then if it’s fine in game?
so why is it filtered on the forum then if it’s fine in game?
That seems like a valid question
so why is it filtered on the forum then if it’s fine in game?
That seems like a valid question
It is a valid question. The game’s Name and Word Filter is not adopted into the forums; a different person determined what to include in the forum’s filter. He is out of the office but I will inquire about this. (And ThiBash — I did not know of any relation between the word and role-playing. I will broaden the question to other team members to see if we want to include it, but our initial instinct is still that it probably does not need to be added.)
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Very well. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. It’s much appreciated.
Thanks for the quick and accurate response Gaile. makes total sense. Maybe the person programing the forum filter was aware of the issue thibash mentioned. I had never heard of the relation the the word either
I’ve done some googling and it seems it’s not as common as I thought it was (I played on a roleplying server back then so I guess it was kinda server related). That means it’s probably a non-issue and as such, I think the word’s ok.