Item restoration

Item restoration

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maranwe.6513


Hm, is there any chance to get some items back? What hackers sold on AH or send to another character.

Item restoration

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zack.3721


GaileGray – “First, we do not have and will not be able to offer a service that restores a single character or a specific item. In the future we will be able to offer a service that will restore the entire account to a period close to the compromise incident.
Account Restorations are not available yet but should be available pretty soon. Do keep in mind that the entire account is “rolled-back” so any progress made while you wait or until the service is complete will be lost. I like people to know this so they realize the way the system works.”

As of now rollbacks / restorations are not available.

Item restoration

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ferinkmb.5690


Unfortunately, no. Gaile has informed us that this is not an option at the moment, but they are indeed coming up with a solution for the future.

Take that as you will.

Item restoration

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maranwe.6513


well, I do not want to restore my character or sold gear from my character but items sold on AH – easy to check what was sold. It shouldn’t be a problem to send it back.
or I just wait

but they should add something to protect our accounts.

(edited by Maranwe.6513)

Item restoration

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zomil.2783


Too bad we dont get ANY answer about the rollback. Yea Gaile said 6(!) days ago that they cant do it YET and still gathering information. But I think most of the people dont care that Anet cant do it YET, they want to kow when Anet can do it. We dont need an exact time just say something, 1-2week? 1-2month? half year? I think a lot of people can wait if it is avaible in 1-2week, but we are going to play and try to get the lost things again if Anet says 1-2month.

Item restoration

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maranwe.6513


well, my options are:
1. play with current character and gather all again
2. stop playing and wait for “Rollback” service – no ETA so it can takes months
3. delete current character/s and start over and get all again – nobody gives me coins and another items for now