Kernal/Kicker Crashes and Wont Start Game

Kernal/Kicker Crashes and Wont Start Game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vardmir.2756


When i load up my Kicker/Kernal for GW2 it will log in and work fine on loading all the news info, logging in and out, changing Language ect but as soon as i click that big red play button it crashes!

Before people start ive tried the “Repair” feature which you have to set up yourself (cant say i was a little disapointed that it wasn’t intergrated into the game file already)

Checked all my firewall protocols and allowed access to check to make sure it wasn’t blocking GW for any reason (even turned it off to try and log in)

and as of last night i have done a full delete and Re-Install and still having the same problem.

is anyone else having this issue as well? and does ANYONE know how to resolve this issue!

Kernal/Kicker Crashes and Wont Start Game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I’m not having this exactsame issue but I am having similar issues. However that’s not why I’m posting on this thread. I just wanted to say that they have added the repair thing to the client. Well for the last 2 weeks atleast it does it for me auto now if I had a problem such as being kicked out etc. Well that is to say a pop up comes up asking if I want to run repair, no longer do I need to add the string.

Not sure why you do not get this option but then again I have another friend who has the problem of not even being able to add the repair string, it just wont run with it…….:S

Anyhow I wish you luck resolving this issue.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Kernal/Kicker Crashes and Wont Start Game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vardmir.2756


is anyone else having this problem?

Kernal/Kicker Crashes and Wont Start Game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Syrellaris.9125


Out of curiosity, does it crash with an error, or does it simply disappear?.