Kernal/Kicker Crashes and Wont Start Game
I’m not having this exactsame issue but I am having similar issues. However that’s not why I’m posting on this thread. I just wanted to say that they have added the repair thing to the client. Well for the last 2 weeks atleast it does it for me auto now if I had a problem such as being kicked out etc. Well that is to say a pop up comes up asking if I want to run repair, no longer do I need to add the string.
Not sure why you do not get this option but then again I have another friend who has the problem of not even being able to add the repair string, it just wont run with it…….:S
Anyhow I wish you luck resolving this issue.
Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?
is anyone else having this problem?
Out of curiosity, does it crash with an error, or does it simply disappear?.