Lag Lag Lag

Lag Lag Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sligh.2789


The last patch introduced lag to my game. Unresponsive skills, stop action choppiness to my screen. Todays patch has now made it worse. I always heard people complaining about this type of thing, and now I have it. What are they doing to the game that makes it so unbelievably bad to play and watch the screen? I have an old rig, and never had these issues until that last patch. Egad it is bad.

Lag Lag Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: chibbi.3706


Same for me. I’ve been having constant lag since the last patch, it’s a nightmare.

I have 0 lags and a constant <40ping when playing other games like LoL.

Lag Lag Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sigmar.8614


Same, at first I thought it was just WvW but then I decided to check out the “Scarlet wars” recap and I got lag even in the conversation …and then the screen just turned black. No error, no nothing, just a black screen while music continues to play. What the heck is this ?