Lag spikes and disconnection.

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aran Draconis.7340

Aran Draconis.7340

A lot of times when I’m in a fractal or in the new Lost Shore zone I get very odd major lag spikes. I say odd because for about 5-10 minutes after it starts I can still run around an entire zone but am unable to interact with anything. Party members, guild members and friends can all see my chat up until I get a disconnect message. Any help with this would be appreciated since it makes it nearly impossible to progress through the Fractals of the Mists or do any of the events and other new content.

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nabos.2095


exactly the same here

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LastDay.3524


Same. It’s a strange issue.
Sometimes I can play 12 hours and not have any problems.

Other times I get issues many times a day.
I get these spikes where either the chat OR the game lags like crazy.

Sometimes both, yes, but it’s odd how often the connection to one part of GW2 can work fine while the connection to other drops.

Restarting my router seems to fix this sometimes.
I’ve had this issue for much longer.
Started after Halloween, sometime around the dye fix patch.

I’m connecting from Finland so it should have nothing to do with the issues fastweb has had.


Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: darktalker.7394


same here in Paris, FRANCE.

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aran Draconis.7340

Aran Draconis.7340

Nothing that I’ve done fixes it, it’s only been since the new content release and only in areas where the world events and other new content is taking place. It makes progressing through the fractals a nightmare. I was just helping some friends get to difficulty tier 2 and disconnected once we had started the third fractal. So they have to try to 4 man it, granted it’s not impossible to do so but it’s still a pain.

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aran Draconis.7340

Aran Draconis.7340

Also, it wouldn’t be so bad if they made it so that you could join a fractal that’s in progress, especially if you had already been in the group that was in that fractal. It’s a little ridiculous that you can’t get back in after a DC.

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: massivevoid.5846


I have been having lag for a month now and nothing has been done.

Great game, but poor support. One time event and it is so unplayable. I am done with this.

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aran Draconis.7340

Aran Draconis.7340

Okay, I had originally thought this was just happening in areas with new content, but no, it’s happening everywhere. I had to just stop playing tonight after disconnecting about 20 times in a 2 hour time span. It makes it impossible to run dungeons, just got out of AC missed loot on half the bosses and the final reward due to these lag spikes and disconnects.

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Notious.5408


i always dc in fractal but not anywhere else. very dissapointing when im in the 3rd part of the dungeon and i dc and its not a 1 time issue but many times. just managed to get to lvl 2 of fractal of continuos dc in the dungeon. Please assist with this issue. Thank you.

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chris Ryan.8971

Chris Ryan.8971

I am also getting this. Sometimes It starts after I can, not sure if that has anything to do with it.
It comes up with a message “Unable to connect to the login server”. Sometimes this message comes in after a few minutes of lag/freeze. Sometimes when I relog.

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deutero.9084


Same problem being faced here in India. At first I thought it was just the new area, but it’s happening in sPVP and WvWvW. Checked out my internet speed to see if my ISP has messed up anything, but everything is working fine on that end as well (checked out through speedtest). I got so frustrated today, had to shut the game down! Please fix this.

I’m on an ATi 6850 and a core i5 2500k with 4gb of RAM.

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shawker.9587


Let me just to say, the word “unplayable”.
For me at least at this moment. thanks.

Server: Blackgate
Profession: Dolyak Ass Kicker

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saldor.4905


Since 6 hours now I get periodic disconnects (DC) every 20 minutes. I tried the -diag tool to track it back. I tried infinite pings to see where its located, but I can not point the issue. Until yesterday I never had DC problems since gamestart like that. I have no clue what I can do but to stop playing gw2. I only stand in Lions arch on trading post and the problem repeats and repeats.

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JSmiley.5089


We have also been getting disconnected at random times for the last week or so. I even went and replaced the router and modem with new ones for the weekend event last Thursday.

Managed to barely finish the finale event and then I got d/c’d 10 mins later. Sometimes both of us get d/c’d and sometimes only one of us.

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

Ping shot up to unplayable levels within the last hour, for between the 20th and 30th night in a row.

How many weeks does this have to keep going before the servers get some reasonable bandwidth?

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nalora.7964


Last night and this morning have finally ended Guild Wars 2 for me. I cannot stay logged on for more than one minute before it stutters, lags, then gives me an error. I have done all that I can do on this end. It is not my end. It is the server side. Hope you fix it someday.

DEMAND Bunny Slippers and a bathrobe!

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tankxx.6184


Same problem here… Lag spikes after 5-15min (the timing is really random) then disconnected from server/booted to the character select screen.

Lag spikes and disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jonah.9741


Getting disconnected at random, lag spike, then booted onto the selection screen. Making fractals impossible, can’t even get past level 3! Pretty much unplayable at the moment. Checked everything my side, internet connection is fine etc, only this game has problems.