Lags - Help
yea this happens to me A LOT as well..been having this bug for 3 days now.
and still no response
Similar problem for me, from 3 days
that’s normally latency... it’s got to do with the packets of information being set from your computer to the server indicating that you, by a the life of all that is holy, pressed a button to use a skill. Sometimes this can happen on a High population server due to the high amount of traffic on the server at one time. Of course A-Net has a lot of bandwidth, but sometimes the server has to "stop processing the information to do other things." like a back up of the database tables used to access the game. like Spell tables, Quest Data, Item data, so on and so forth
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[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]
10 sec is not normal :P
Yesterday I was no help at all in CM’s last boss fight…. I would stop attacking and by the time I catch up, I am dead already.
Today is even worse… I am getting full download/upload speed so its not my net.. Unless my ISP is trolling me by cutting off my gaming traffic
I believe it has something to do with the 10/7 patch. Ever since then I’ve had longer loading times (on everything including opening inventory/game menus), ability lag, and an overall decrease in performance in general.
Echoing Demus’s post, since the 7 October patch I’ve experienced a marked increase in loading times (particularly when entering the game or traveling between zones), and noticeable lag with abilities, and inventory and other UI menus. (NA – Tarnished Coast)
Guild: Gaiscioch [GSCH]
Server: Sanctum of Rall (NA)
Yep, same here. They screwed up something badly. Getting MUCH higher load times, getting DC’ed more often (and everywhere). Tonight, I got a DC and the ‘error log’ message. When I fired it up, it wanted to check repair files, so fine. After doing that, it crashed on launch. A computer shutdown/restart got me back in, but sheesh!
Is anyone else thinking this game is getting worse instead of better? I mean, it’s been 1 1/2 months… shouldn’t things be getting smoother?
when I say normal, I mean it in the way I explain later in the paragraph. Only a guess, but that’s what I’ve noticed over the years when its ever happened to me
[XFX R9 270X O.C Edition][Thermaltake 600W PSU]
[Windows 8.1 64-Bit]