Lags in PvP since Friday

Lags in PvP since Friday

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JuThai.7941


Since Friday, March 14th I’ve been having lags in the Heart of the Mists, Solo Arena, Hot Join and Team Arena – in all of PvP. Don’t have them in any other part of the game.
I’m not the only one – talked to guild members and some have heavy lags like I do and some don’t.

What is the reason for this and when will it be fixed?

Lags in PvP since Friday

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


Me too! Omg im getting so frusterated. Lag everyday, random dc when im in tourny which i neeeever ever had before. (Playing on desolation). It seriously is unplayable for me. Its not my internet connection.