Larger interface for 4k

Larger interface for 4k

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Darcwolf.6817


Can we PLEASE get a larger interface for us using 4k displays? The game is beautiful, but what good is that if I can’t read anything even when set to larger interface. I have asked about this several times and it has fallen on deaf ears. I don’t want to sound entitled (I work in a call center) but I dropped $150 on the pre order collectors edition, I paid $100 dollars for HoT pre order, I cash shop occasionally. I just wish some of the money I’m paying you guys could be used towards something like this

Larger interface for 4k

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Patches.7584


This is the forums for the API. You’re in the wrong place, as the API has nothing to do with the in-game interface.

Perhaps you were looking for one of these: