Last file won't download!

Last file won't download!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: The dude abides.7605

The dude abides.7605

I have had this problem the last 2 days. The last 2 downloads have both stopped at the very last file and don’t even attempt to download it. Where should I go from here? My lvl 59 guardian wants my attention >.<

Last file won't download!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: XcomCaveRat.4059


Are you using mobile internet connection by any chance?

Anyway, I have no experience with this issue myself, but check this thread for some possible solutions..


Last file won't download!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mayam.8976


I’d refer you to this thread here also maybe:

I’m trying to assist another player with the same issue that me and several others overcame around the official game launch. At first glance it may not sound like the exact same problem but trust me. I’m like 99% sure the fixes proposed and proven in that thread (well, the threads linked to in that thread) will fix your issue as well. Best of luck friend. Hope this helps you get back up and running.

I’ve made it my personal mission in the community of GW2 to smite this issue because it became personal for me :P! I went through days of a frustrating gamer’s hell trying to fix it for myself before A-net had launched the official forums here and myself and many others were trial and error-ing this issue out on Curse-gaming’s “guildwars2guru” forums. Almost 1 full day of which was spent personally experimenting with repeated, forceful applications of forehead to keyboard! :P

(edited by Mayam.8976)