Launcher connection issue
Having this same issue. East coast customer with Cox.
Starting to wonder about regional connex issues. Also noticing some sites like Amazon, CNN, WashingtonPost etc are not accessible.
Also, checking WoW forums, looks like Blizz is having repeated server crashes across alot of realms.
Hopefully it’s not malicious activity. I see hackathon2013 is spinning up.
I am having the same issue. I am in the east coast with Cox as well.
Another Mid-Atlantic customer with Cox here. At least we know it’s not our problem.
Having the same problem in Brazil, so maybe it’s a server problem?
Problem seems cleared up here.
Confirmed corrected for us too.
Now my curiosity is piqued.
Wonder what the issue was?
Having this problem too now ._.
Having the same problem. Play GW2 then, connection lost. Game crashed and cant log back in. Keep getting the same loading issue. Connection Error: Retrying
Also getting the “connection error” message here, though the game was fine last night.
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
I am also having the same issue with the connection error and I have Cox