Login client causes lag

Login client causes lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Edryila.1673



Whenever I first open up the client to login, I can notice a 1-2 second delay on the interface for all of my other windows/computer. For instance, just scrolling my mouse over icons, it takes a little bit for them to highlight. I have also noticed that sometimes when I am downloading a patch, my screen crashes and I receive the video card has stopped responding and has successfully recovered message. I also have a very low framerate in game, and thought these two things might be connected. I don’t have any problems running any other program. I have also tried repairing my GW2 client, but it has not worked so far. Any help would be appreciated.


Login client causes lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Edryila.1673


Also, the lag only occurs at the login client, once the full game is up, the rest of the computer is fine.