Looking To Upgrade, Need Help
Monitor resolution, operating system, and can you overclock the processor.
1920×1080, Windows 8 Pro, and I don’t know how to overclock.
There is no way you are going to be able to play the game on high graphics on 1920×1080 with that set up; especially at 60fps. I can help you out with a build ,but I first need to know what the max budget you are able to afford is, and are you in the U.S.?
GPU wise – AMD 7870XT
CPU wise – FX 8350 (asuming ur motherboard accepts it) + good cooler, then learn to OC.
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |
I don’t want to upgrade multiple pieces, just want to know what the biggest thing to upgrade would be.
Also have a second monitor, 1680×1050.
I don’t want to upgrade multiple pieces, just want to know what the biggest thing to upgrade would be.
Oh. I’m so sorry lol. I misunderstood. I guess I’m going blind. Anyways based on the system you currently have. I’d recommend getting a new gpu first, as that would help out tremendously. I do not know how much you are willing to spend on a new videocard, so I’ll just link several cards based on different price ranges; from least expensive/ powerful, to the more powerful and expensive cards. for the $100-130 range I’d suggest the amd 7770 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127687
$140-160 Go with the gtx650Ti For these you can get an Asus with dual fans and a slight overclock to the gpu http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121686 you have the EVGA one that has a good overclock, but only 1 fan. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130839
or you can get the 2GB version of the gtx650Ti which programs are starting to take advantage of no days and is considered the norm. but it’s not overclocked. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130840
Now then for the $160-200 dollar range I’d suggest you pick up the Amd 7850, this card destroys all the previous cards mentioned. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202004 For $170 dollars you cannot go wrong with this beast, it will play gw2 on high/max settings with ease. Want to spend even more cash? Then for the $200-230 price range I would pick up the gtx 660. It’s faster than the 7850 and is what I just ordered. Here is the exact card I got. It’s not overclocked, but comes with great fans! and you can manually overclock the card yourself in like 2 minutes. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127702
I hope this helps you out with your gpu selection. I also would suggest the Amd 7870 that costs around $230-260 dollars, It’s faster than the gtx660, but barely.
Your next upgrade should be to pick up some more Memory, that 4gigs is good enough for games and such, but if you pick up 4 more you will be able to multitask so much faster, and it will also help with loading the game.
As for the cpu, I hear that this game doesn’t really care much for Amd processors, but That could be just a bunch of BS. I’d suggest getting a new gpu and more ram before you get a new cpu, because most likely you will have to get a new motherboard with it; also do not worry about not having enough power. That PSU you have will be able to handle any of those videocards with ease.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that if you do not know how to overclock a gpu, don’t stress. It’s extremely easy compared to overclocking a CPU. Just look on youtube for how to overclock your selected video card. I’d look at the overclocked version of the card you seek, and then just match up the core, and memory clock to what ever that is.