Looks like we broke the game.
Hahaha, yup! I tried getting into the mists, there was an infinite loading screen so I closed client and now keep getting network error everytime I try to log in. Probably the same for everyone else.
Hahaha, yup! I tried getting into the mists, there was an infinite loading screen so I closed client and now keep getting network error everytime I try to log in. Probably the same for everyone else.
Yep, exactly the same problem here.
Plays every class though :>
The Dynasty Warriors [DW] – Far Shiverpeaks
Net Error every time I try. Looks pretty broken to me.
same happened to me, now I can’t get back in the game yaay
I am having the same issue. Tried to enter Edge, stayed on loading screen for 5 minutes. I restarted the game and now I can’t log in with any of my characters !!!
Was in the middle of the marionette event then booted. Sucks cause it was going so well too.
I wasn’t even in EotM, I was fighting Marionette. And now I get the error trying to load ANY of my characaters.
Same here, was able to get in, then lots of lag, then boot.
I got in and run around in there but was thrown out and can’t get back into the game at any stage.
So well I guess its a movie tonight :P
haha old but gold
You can still login, provided you load into the game on a character that isn’t currently in LA, then you can proceed to LA normally. However, any character that logged out in the mists or LA is screwed, at least for me.
Hahaha, yup! I tried getting into the mists, there was an infinite loading screen so I closed client and now keep getting network error everytime I try to log in. Probably the same for everyone else.
Yep, exactly the same problem here.
hmm, seems like I’m able to log in now after 5+ tries :>
Plays every class though :>
The Dynasty Warriors [DW] – Far Shiverpeaks
yeah, same here. was in the mists couldn’t use skills or waypoint got kicked out and can’t log back in with that character, I can log in with alt’s on different maps.
haha old but gold
hahahahha genuinely laughed IRL
Yup we blew up lions arch, I cannot get into game at all now, everytime I try it instantly comes up with network error, bravo bravo LOL
Same problem here and I have a public server event in 10 minutes :/
(edited by Billaboong.6821)
My main tried to go to the new map, the program crashed, and now I can’t load the game.
They do test this stuff, right?
O.k now able to log in, am back in LA
My main tried to go to the new map, the program crashed, and now I can’t load the game.
They do test this stuff, right?
You can’t really “test” thousands of players accessing the very same thing at the exact same time, without actually having thousands of players accessing the very same thing at the exact same time.
There are methodologies for testing such multiuser apps.
It’s not the same though. Simulation never accounts for real life.
With proper software you can do a pretty decent job of emulating it. Tweaking, re-testing, et al should have been done before they laid this one out today. Already at least 2 updates since it was put out earlier. I am expecting possibly an update again when I log in tomorrow. We’ll see.