Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kernnun.9840


reposting this in right forum thread

I have now tried everything I could find online to fix this “bug”.

After a month off the game I came back to a few updates, now the game runs at 1-8 FPS at my usual settings.

I used to be running between 60-90 FPS, at High settings. (auto detect.)

Currently using ;

Windows 7 Ultimate. 64
i7 920 – at about 3ghz
GeForce GTX 560Ti

I have tried:

-Turned ingame GFX down to a mere minimal.
-Different sets of Nvidia Drivers. (old and new+ beta)
-Different Motherboard Drivers.
-Reinstalled the game. (download)
-Reinstalling Windows. (and later the game again.)
-Lots of work arounds found online regarding same issue.

Still no effect..

When I turn the camera it drops to 1 FPS, standing still at lowest settings I get around 8…
Seems to me there is a GFX card issue, but all my other games are running fine.

To name a few games I have tried to run at High settings with above 60FPS.

-Battlefield 3
-Mass Effect 3
-Mafia 2

All runs greate after reinstall and on ALL drivers I have tried.

Thanks for any answers.


Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kernnun.9840



Downloaded TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.6.6

And I am only using 5-10% GPU load Ingame….?
Tried all the things stated in the sticky post to about Nvidia cards.

Still can’t figure this out..

Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolarNova.1052


Run GPUID and see what PCIE port ur running the 560ti on. It should be a PCIE 3.0/2.0 X16. If it reports X1 ..thats ur problem.

I personaly use Nvidia 306.97 drivers, so try using those if u havnt already.

Set all AA options for GW2 in Nvidia Control panel to application controlled.
Ambient occlusion – off
Antialaizing transparancy – off
Texture filtering -antistrophic sample optimsation – off

Try these ingame settings.

1920x 1080 Vsnc On
All checkboxes ticked
All setings max EXCEPT the following:
Reflections: Set to terrain and sky
Shadows: Set to high
Sampling: Set to native.

You should get good fps with those settings.

3930k 4.6ghz | NH-D14 Cooler | P9x79 Pro MB | 16gb 1866mhz G.Skill | 128gb SSD + 2×500gb HDD
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |

(edited by SolarNova.1052)

Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kernnun.9840


Idle it says;
PCI-E 1.1×16 @ x16 1.1

When I start the game it jumps up and stays on;
PCI-E 2.0×16 @ x16 2.0

Tried your setting recomendations, jumped to 12 FPS in Lions Arch looking at a wall..

Thanks for reply


Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolarNova.1052


Try running GW2 as administrator ..set its priority to high under task manager.

You sure the global and GW2 settings under Nvida control panel are all ok?

CUDA cores set to all?

Windows power management ..always set to high performance. .and the high performance profile has all power saving features off and things running 100% all the time ?

EDIT: try updating your Adobe Flash support for ur Browser. The GW2 UI uses features from it it seems and can cause weired issues. If it doesnt help try turning off hardware excelleration for Adobe Flash ..and finaly if that fails ..uninstall Adobe Flash alltogether.

Oh and Test ur FPS outside of LA, like when doing normal PvE

3930k 4.6ghz | NH-D14 Cooler | P9x79 Pro MB | 16gb 1866mhz G.Skill | 128gb SSD + 2×500gb HDD
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |

(edited by SolarNova.1052)

Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolarNova.1052


If none of that helps then it is HIGHLY likely its just all that ur CPU can handle.
GW2 is heavily CPU bound and the Intel i7 920 has very poor single thread perofmance(GW2 needs VERY strong single thread perfomance)..its actually about the same as a old Core 2 Quad Q 6850 ..which i run on my old computer which also has FPS as bad as ur reporting in LA.

3930k 4.6ghz | NH-D14 Cooler | P9x79 Pro MB | 16gb 1866mhz G.Skill | 128gb SSD + 2×500gb HDD
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |

(edited by SolarNova.1052)

Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kernnun.9840


All of the above tried and checked.
Still nothing.

single tear

Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kernnun.9840


I have used to run this game on 90 FPS. I have been playing since Alpha

Been away for amonth, now this…

Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mack.1574


I feel your pain mate .. I’m in the same boat.

It’s pitiful ..


Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolarNova.1052


When u had 90fps i doubt it was in LA. If it was it was likely in a cutdown version ..like u said ..it was Alpha. I wasnt in GW2 at that point tbh.
Even with the rig u see in my sig i can drop down to 30fps in LA, averaging around 45.

Outside LA u should get much better performance. Except in WvW

3930k 4.6ghz | NH-D14 Cooler | P9x79 Pro MB | 16gb 1866mhz G.Skill | 128gb SSD + 2×500gb HDD
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |

Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kernnun.9840


Well avarage was around 60 fps, tho could hit 90.

And I had that last month..


Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Volksgra.1342


Hello mates,
I have the same problem, thanks to SolarNova now I know the problem.
This my rig:

-GTX 560 TI OC 1GB
-Quad Q6660 2,4ghz

It shows “Bus Interface: PCI-E 1.1×16@x16 1.1”
So, its problem of the motherboard? I have an old motherboard and now I know what is the problem.

What decent motherboard should I buy?
Thanks in advance

Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ilithis Mithilander.3265

Ilithis Mithilander.3265

I would recommend a straight up rebuild if you want a new motherboard since the Q6660 is getting old in terms of a gaming machine.

Primary Guild: Testing Eternity [TE]
Chloe (Version 3):
[i7 930 @ 4.1Ghz (1.3875V) w/Cooler Master 120M][Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 970 (stock)]

Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kirito.4138


All of the above tried and checked.
Still nothing.

single tear

  • Try with vsync off, actually hurts you when you cant keep above 60fps
  • Windowed mode any difference?
  • Any core parking? (see Part 4.1)
  • GPU clock speed throttled?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rampage.7145


Jesus christ the i7 920 is a beast CPU, old but more than capable to move this game… Whoever says it is a slow CPU or poor in single thread performance has no idea about how a CPU compare to another… that being said, i doubt the problem is related to ur video card since it shows 5% usage which sounds about right for 10 FPS, u can discard any sofware bug by installing a brand new copy of windows (dualboot) and install only the drivers and GW2. But first u should clean ur mobo, open ur case, unplug the videocard and memory sticks and using a compressed air can or a hair dryer blow air inside and clean everything specially inside the PCI slots and memory slots, dust is known for causing hardaware problems.

Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kernnun.9840


The i7-920 mite be “old” but is still a darn beast, it’s still one of the most overclocked out there.

Anywho, I found an old 9600GT card in my PC graveyard room, swapped the cards and I now got 60 FPS in Lions Arch at MED settings… wth? O.o

Has to be something with the 560Ti card and GW2.

I swapped out my GTX 275 with the 560Ti on spare PC and the same thing happend there. ( FPS dropped to below 10. )

Though all other games run FINE on both PC’s using the 560Ti!

IDK.. I give up.

IDK.. I give up.

Low FPS on GTX 560Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MaRko.3165


Since the issue seems to follow the card there appears to be only one answer.

“I was playing Farmville and a kitten MMO GW2 broke out of it…”
I cut my gaming teeth on Adventure&ZorkI,II,III.