Low FPS, with this rig?????
WvWvW is an issue for everyone. GW2 is very CPU-bound atm. Only thing us users can do is Overclock our CPU. Having better GPU in WvW doesn’t improve fps.
Read Q11, on what the developer had to say about it.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
(edited by kirito.4138)
Kirito, man, i am severly disappointed that I am running a kitten near perfect rig for gaming and im having issues. I cannot be the only one.
You are not the only one, everyone is experiencing it.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
ahh ok man, so, do you think that CPU is bottlenecked? It is a very decent cpu, and I have hard time believing its bottlenecking
My gameplay even in large WvWvW battles is smooth, and my GPU setup is slightly below the 690.
A fps drops seems expected in large battles. If the game is CPU limited in these cases, which there’s evidence for, your high end GPU is under utilized. It doesn’t bother me as the gameplay is still smooth for me.
You might get some improvement when you can OC. I am running at 4.6 Ghz with an i7 3770.
So i have to overclock the 3820. Well, I am running a 750 powersupply and the 690 is a kitten hog, so I am installing a 1050 to better allow me to overclock. Still, the fact that this system handles anything BUT gw2 bothers me. I imagine if i overclock to 4.6, it will smooth out the performance, but it will still underutilize this GPU. I must have been drunk when I bought it, but it is nice with every other game.
ahh ok man, so, do you think that CPU is bottlenecked? It is a very decent cpu, and I have hard time believing its bottlenecking
The poorly written and not optimized game engine by ArenaNet is the bottleneck on WvWvW…! :p
It is so “simple”.
i would like to think it is my cpu (which is kitten good) and its GW2 non-optimized game engine hahah.
ahh ok man, so, do you think that CPU is bottlenecked? It is a very decent cpu, and I have hard time believing its bottlenecking
Yes, in WvWvW your CPU is very likely to be bottlenecked. That is why alot of people recommend OCing.
Read Q7-8 it explains why and how you can measure/confirm it yourself.
i would like to think it is my cpu (which is kitten good) and its GW2 non-optimized game engine hahah.
It is both. Since you can’t fix the code yourself your only option is to counter it by overclocking.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
well, that’s directx 9 for you, with it’s single core optimization but hey, you’ll be able to enjoy directx 11 multi-core usage and it’s performance boost (about 15-20% for most people) in a year or two, when this game isn’t so popular anymore.
Indeed your rig is great.
BUT..As people have said GW2 is a massive hog of single thread performance. You will needo to OC to 4.5ghz or above to see any good fps in large WvWvW fights.
Even the best CPU out, the 3960X, would be having the exact same problems.
EDIT: Correct me if im wrong but ..the 3820 .isnt that the bottom LGA2011 cpu ..that isnt a K series iirc. .so OC’ing will be a PITA…. GL.
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |
SolarNova, it’s not too bad to overclock, but it just takes a LOT of power. My 750 power supply cannot support an overclock of my cpu and the kitten 690, so I had to order a new power supply. I went with a 1050. I should be able to overclock to 4.5 ghz no sweat, but who knows. Ill make sure I overclock while maintaining stability. Maximum PC overclocked it to 4.8 ghz i believe with no issue.
This is why I no longer play GW2, the lack of willingness to implement & improve multithreaded performance has left many people, including me, unable to play the game in an acceptable state.
Why such poor support may you ask? I put it firmly down to DX9 & cost. Multithreaded applications can be difficult and error prone to optimise especially on DX9, something which AN didn’t want to spend a lot of time & money doing, unfortunately they are way behind the curve in this mentality and the game has suffered.
After numerous promises of significant improvements in optimisations throughout BWE events, they failed to deliver. On the bright side, it’s kinda taught me a valuable lesson;
Don’t invest in something you cannot confirm.
Something’s wrong with your rigs you guys, maybe it’s your internet connection? I got an I7 3.4 gig with GTX 560 ti and everything’s running buttery-smooth in WvW. With tons of enemies around, it -can- go down to around 25ish FPS exceptionally but generally is around 40+. sometines 50+. Unless you guys consider anything less than 60 FPS “laggy” ? Never know, some like their games “utterly perfect”….shrugs
I actually concider everything NOT 60fps, laggy and not playable, i’d rather not play then play with less then 60fps. Just a few fps drops like from 60 →56 and i can feel it instantly. is also why i dont do wvw.
People who play proper pvp games ..FPS’s & Action/Fighter games in particular need 60fps at the minimum and constantly ..otherwise it can affect your performance.
MMORPG’s like GW2 have alot easier gameplay and skill is pritty much irrelivant in most pvp cases. .thus requiring 60fps at minimum is not REQUIRED ..but ..those who are used to 60fps ..will hate being below it..simply becouse they are used to the butter smooth gameplay 60fps+ gives.
I persoanly can put up with anything down to 30 fps in MMORPG’s ..though the 30-40 fps zone starts to bug me tbh ..so i try to keep above 40 fps at all times, whilst constantly aiming for 60fps. Thankfulyl i rarely drop below 45fps in GW2 ..when i do its no lower than 30 and its only for a split second or 2. i also insist on max eye candy
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |
I admit I find it hard to understand why 60fps is needed. I don’t know where the exact point of unplayability is, but for me it never happens in this game – it’s always playable unless there’s network issues.
I experience no anxiety when the fps drops, because the game still feels smooth. The only time I experience obvious stutter is when I turn too quickly, and only in some cases such as porting to a new area.
Not saying some people are not more sensitive to fps than others, but I am puzzled by how that makes the game totally unplayable as a few people imply. It’s just a game after all
(edited by michaeljhuman.3940)
Some people have pickier eyes than others. Once you get used to 60fps+ drops can be noticeable and bug you mentally. I notice when it drops, it annoys me, but still very playable.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
The Only CPUs what would be a severe bottleneck are those older then the Phenom II X4s and equivalent Intel CPUs. If you have a CPU at or after those that are on a fairly decent OC or even stock paired with a good GPU and ram then you shouldn’t be having too many issues maxing this game out, How ever since this game has some Very severely needed optimizations, just about anyone even those with completely over the top PC’s are having issues, which is ridiculous considering the processing power some of these PCs have both CPU and GPU wize.
Since the GW2 engine is based off the GW1 engine you’d think the performance would be similar even after the changes but its not, which you would think they would have noticed that at Anet and did something about it before release :/.
The main problem probably is the Havok physics engine they use, it is built in within the game engine, so 100 ppl on the screen, means thousands on clothing, hair and eviroment physical animations calculations for the CPU, performance it is expected to be awfull. They should have use NVIDIA physx (which also run on the GPU), ppl with AMD cards would not enjoy the feature, but hey, i don’t think anyone would care about that, personally i preffer good performance than silly physics and i think 90% ppl would have the same opinion right now. The second great issue is the game not supporting dx11, dx9 is poorly optimized for multithread rendering, full dx11 support would bump up performance in 15-20% atleast on mid-high end systems with good video cards and quad+ core CPUs, but to give us dx11 they would need to rewrite the whole game code (not gonna happen anytime soon).
Don’t get me wrong, the physics looks great, but probably systems will keep up with that kind of stuff comfortably in the 2015. But no dx11 support is almost insulting for a AAA title in 2012, first dx11 cards came out in 2009 for god sake stop making dx9 only titles pls.
(edited by Rampage.7145)
Actually that brings up another idea, why not make Physic’s in general an option/setting that we the player can then adjust. I think your on to something with the physic’s lol that never came to mind when I was getting those FPS hits at random, but it could also be a combination of physic’s and a culling issue which would lead to a pretty massive hit performance wise.
Many MMOs including Tera which, also uses The Unreal Engine 3 don’t have any issue with 100 ppl on the screen, so i don’t think culling is such of an issue for modern gaming setups. Arenanet just added too much stuff into that old game engine too much dynamic lighting, physic’s, huge eviroments, the game looks awesome but the engine cannot handle those things efficiently specially without Dx11, that is about it, so to counter that u need absolutelly overkill systems to make the game run farily ok. Which is fun is the said the didn’t added Dx11 support, cuz that would exclude a lot of ppl from having some game content LOL good job on that The wrecked us all to make ppl with ancient dx9 and dx10 cards feel good.
(edited by Rampage.7145)
Rampage hate to burst your bubble ..but have u even tried doing Rifts in Tera :P ..its a slide show no matter how good your computer is. Tera is great ..up to a point ..then it falls flat on its face. And that point is Rifts ..100+people + NPC’s + Spells ..its insane. Atleast the fps in pvp is ok in that game.
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |
I came from runes of magic and siege battles with 30+ players was even worse. Lots of lag, people port around, and non stop client crashes. On top of that GMs was banning people because other players report each other claiming hacks via porting around.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
ROFL noob GMs FTW! hahahaha Runes of magic is a free game, from Taiwan, not even close to an AAA title like GW2, so runes of magic is not a good to compare. Tera is good to compare, it is another AAA title using the same game engine. and yeah also looks pretty good, not as good as GW2 to be fair but very very sharp. and yeah Solar i played RIft for over a yeah it sucks big time. Also SWOTOR which sucks even more they used pretty cheap graphical engines research a little about that But GW2 use a proved succesfull (in another MMO) engine+this is not the first time this guys make a MMO, there was a GW1 right?
(edited by Rampage.7145)
You miss understand my statement.. I said have you tried doing rifts in Tera ..not have you tried playing Rift (the game). Granted Rift(the game) performance is kitten all round .. Tera’s performance is great ..untill you go do a rift with 100+ people ..its as bad if not worse than GW2 in WvWvW fights with 100+ people.
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |
(edited by SolarNova.1052)
well, I just received my new power supply (1050) and will overclock tonight to see if i get a remarked performance increase. Still is sad to see the gtx 690 not doing anything above and beyond the 570 i had in their before.
Dont feel bad man. This literally happened to all of us. We are just waiting it out. I just hope some older systems running the first gen i7 are optimized in the future patch as well as newer CPUs. We’ll have to wait and see, but in the mean time, why don’t you cap your fps at 30. This way, you won’t have to deal with smooth fps to a lesser one. That’s what I did anyway…although I never dropped below 30 fps in this game besides in LA.
well, I just received my new power supply (1050) and will overclock tonight to see if i get a remarked performance increase. Still is sad to see the gtx 690 not doing anything above and beyond the 570 i had in their before.
You can gain about ~35% plus fps with overlock and that’s all I think.
Game engine + optimization is bad for WvWvW (now).
End game content is bad too: not good enough for PvP, not good enough for Coop.
We have to fight for only weapon and armor skins.
Not enough…
Am I too negativ and pessimistic? I don’t think so.
The game is not working!
Nearly 10 friends of mine bought GW2 and 8 stopped playing after 1-1.5 month because of these things.
In WoW, from 10 friends of mine 8 stopped playing too. After 2-3-4 years.
This game simply was not ready when released.
They would have release it later, maybe in 2013.
(edited by Moderator)
I have to agree wiht you there Blood ..im already starting to get bored wiht GW2 ..there are some key features that are missing. 1 of the top of my head being a LFG tool that works for dungeons (not a auto dungoen finder).
Then there are some issues that make the game feel ..small.
You got absolutly 0 difference in end game stats on gear..as you said its all looks.
You also have limited customizability with your character in terms of ‘spec’..it sounds like alot having different skills for different weapons.. but in reality ..it just isnt. Theres no choice ..u use a GS ..heres your 5 skills ..no choic ..wanna use a staf . sure ..these 5 skills ..main hand scepter ..sure 3 skills …torch ..2 skills ..no choice -.-
ok rant over lol….
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |
Only thing keeps hooked to GW2 is WvW, it just too kitten fun lol, PVE and dungeons are kind of boring, also not having tanks, healers makes it extra boring, at least to me, so well i will just PVP untill u get sick of it, then get legendaries, then go back to PVP and show off hahaha. This is not WoW, i don’t see how a hardcore Wow player could possibly be happy in GW2. I love how casual the game is tbh, easy to find gear and u can jump whenever u want into PVP u don’t need a guild to progress on the game. Just very different to other MMOs i really love it, just wish wvw was smoother but it is smoother than some other MMOs, 20FPS is enough to me in massive battles, not enjoyable but playable.
(edited by Rampage.7145)
I have almost the same specs as you. A little lower and I run about 50-80 in WvW and anything else. So, not sure.
This game is not optimize for directx 11 rigs, i’m using 7970 with i7-3770 only got 35-45 WITH massive stutter, heck! even my friend with xfire setup still having some stutter, not as bad as mine though. The fact they (devs) still using the good ‘ol directx 9 API to build the game it’s a bad trade off, guess the reason is so the game playable enough to cover many rigs, old and new, or should i say they think it’s playable with older rigs why not the newer one right? NO…that’s our problem right there! and yea i don’t play this game that much anymore, sorry with my current setup this game reach annoying level. To solve performance issue with newer/latest rigs this game must have directx 11 support to seal the deal i guess.
I actually concider everything NOT 60fps, laggy and not playable, i’d rather not play then play with less then 60fps. Just a few fps drops like from 60 ->56 and i can feel it instantly. is also why i dont do wvw.
just whant to say, there is a difference between fps drop and lagg spikes dont think u can feel the difference between 60 and 56 steady fps.
Why in god’s name is my FPS 20-30 in WvW.
Because ArenaNet has no idea how to code games for multicore processors.
Also they used a prehistoric API (DX9).