Low res shadow/texture rendering.

Low res shadow/texture rendering.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sodiumsmotts.3890



Hi all, was just curious if anyone else is experiencing the same issues as me, ever since the latest patch (Seeds of Truth) I am seeing this really low res shadow/texture detail in the distance of environments. I run everything at it’s highest settings, and haven’t experienced it before. I was wondering if there is a setting I can change to make it.. well, not do this any more? You can see it here http://imgur.com/idCn1xd

Low res shadow/texture rendering.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caedmon.6798



If youre using Nvidia,and you have geforce experience installed it might be automaticlly change settings based on your system specs,might be possible that it has enabled AO.If so check geforce exp to change its settings so it wont do it automatically.

Low res shadow/texture rendering.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tota.4893


I was wondering if there is a setting I can change to make it.. well, not do this any more?

That setting’s almost certainly “Ambient Occlusion” in your Nvidia Control Panel. The effect doesn’t interact correctly with in-game fog, drawing its extra shading on top of it.

Low res shadow/texture rendering.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sodiumsmotts.3890


Aha, thanks! This fixed it. Strange, I almost certainly turned it off before, thanks though!