Loyal fan and customer wrongfully banned for "gold trading"

Loyal fan and customer wrongfully banned for "gold trading"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aleks.6319


My account has never been breached (never received an email telling me about unauthorized login attemps, etc), and I barely talk to people in-game. I feel like my soul has been ripped out. I’ve played the original Guild Wars since day 1 (GWAMM and all), and love Guild Wars 2, waiting hours to reserve my name. I don’t know how someone can make a mistake like this.

The salt in the wound is that I’m going to miss the Halloween events, which I was going to complete 100%. I was super close on the clock tower! I feel crushed, emotionally and mentally, and can’t believe this is happening to me. A loyal customer who never participates in any illegal activities, and has went as far as buying a copy of GW2 both for his sister and brother. Gah.

If any Arenanet employee is reading this, please check the logs of EVERYTHING I’ve ever said or done in the game. I’ve never done anything like this.

(As a software developer, I can speculate where things went wrong. Due to work, I wasn’t able to log in for days, so when I logged in my in-game mail was clogged with gold trading message. I reported all of these players, and I think if those players don’t exist anymore, the report might seem fradulent? Because I reported close to ten of these when I first logged in.)

My support “question” reference number is: 121030-000209

—Aleks [In-Game: Aleks][Guild: DIS][Wiki: Aleks]

(edited by Aleks.6319)

Loyal fan and customer wrongfully banned for "gold trading"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moderator.6837



Such issues are meant to be discussed with our customer support team. If you already submitted a ticket, please be patient as posting here on forum will not speed up the process.

Thank you for your understanding.