MacBook Pro (with Intel Iris Graphics) & GW2
MacBook Pro (with Intel Iris Graphics) & GW2
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892
My advice is if you want to buy a Mac buy it because you want a Mac. If you want a gaming laptop buy something else. While I feel comfortable saying the Mac you want would work fairly well, the GW2 Mac client is buggy and get’s very little support at this time. Have a read around this forum.
tl;dr Buy a Mac because you want a Mac. If gaming is a priority buy something else.
It doesn’t sound like he’s buying it just to play GW2. It will definitely do good on best performance. I’m not sure how much higher the graphics can go on it and still perform well, as I don’t have a similar computer. Hopefully someone else can give you better info.
You might be able to preview it. Basically, install GW2 onto a flash drive, take it to an apple store or best buy, ask them if you can see how well it runs on that exact computer before you buy it (put a copy of the .dat file on there as well for minimal amount of downloading).
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Thanks for the reply guys.
I really wanted to buy a Mac. But I also play GW2 on a daily basis and I’d like to play it with a good performance. In my current computer I play it on the lowest settings and I hate it, because the game kitten many beautiful landscapes. I don’t mind using the lowest settings on WvW, as long as it is playable and has a good frame rate. But in PvE I’d like to have at least some “medium” (nearly high) graphics (not including world bosses or special events with lots of players).
I’d like to play other games also, but I don’t have the need to play every game in the best visual settings. I can settle for some medium quality and good performance.
MacBook Pro (with Intel Iris Graphics) & GW2
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892
It doesn’t sound like he’s buying it just to play GW2.
Oh, don’t get me wrong and no offense to the OP. I only bring it up because I wonder how much playing GW2 is a factor in the decision of buying a Mac in threads such as these. Macs are wonderful, yet very expensive machines. If GW2 is a priority then I suggest buying something else.
It doesn’t sound like he’s buying it just to play GW2.
Oh, don’t get me wrong and no offense to the OP. I only bring it up because I wonder how much playing GW2 is a factor in the decision of buying a Mac in threads such as these. Macs are wonderful, yet very expensive machines. If GW2 is a priority then I suggest buying something else.
Guild Wars 2 is definitely a priority, and thanks for the opinion ^^
MacBook Pro (with Intel Iris Graphics) & GW2
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892
It doesn’t sound like he’s buying it just to play GW2.
Oh, don’t get me wrong and no offense to the OP. I only bring it up because I wonder how much playing GW2 is a factor in the decision of buying a Mac in threads such as these. Macs are wonderful, yet very expensive machines. If GW2 is a priority then I suggest buying something else.
Guild Wars 2 is definitely a priority, and thanks for the opinion ^^
Then I suggest you buy a Windows machine. GW2 was made for Windows and the OSX client is unpredictable at times with little support and no update from Anet as to the future of the Mac client. For example the a patch a few back pretty much broke the Mac client as far as FPS and made it unplayable in group events. It took until the next patch for an improvement and still some are experiencing problems. There have been patches that broke the ability for Mac customers to buy gems and required customer work arounds. I mention these things because we, as Mac client users seem to never know what might be broken next and if the Mac client is being tested when Anet works on updates. Toss in the very lack of support (look around this forum) and I suggest if GW2 is a priority then get a Windows machine.
MacBook Pro (with Intel Iris Graphics) & GW2
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Vampirate.7054
i use MacBook Pro Intel Core i7 15" inch running great.
Quad-Core Intel Xeon E5
3.7 GHz
Memory: 16 GB
for my GW2 is a PRIORITY ONLY. and LOVE it.
(edited by Vampirate.7054)
Thanks for the reply guys.
I really wanted to buy a Mac. But I also play GW2 on a daily basis and I’d like to play it with a good performance.
Then you’ll be playing on Windows anyway, and you might as well buy a real gaming machine for it. None of the entry-level Macs is configured in a way to provide good gaming performance. You’d need to pick the high-end models, and those are ridiculously expensive.
Thanks for the help to all of you guys!
I have a MacBook Pro
Processor: 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory: 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Graphics: Intel Iris Pro 1024 MB
PLUS it Has an: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M with 2048 MB
Trust me the Mac Beta is so bad that i can run better graphics etc on my HP Laptop i5 with a Crappy Graphics.
Even with all this on my MacBook i can still on have Best Performance admittedly i can add a few tiny extra animations and sky and water shadows but thats it anything more and u will Lag so bad in WvW or Bosses it makes it unplayable.
would love AreanNet to sort it soooooon Plz
MacBook Pro (with Intel Iris Graphics) & GW2
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: darksome.1697
I have a MacBook Pro
Processor: 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory: 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000
AMD Radeon HD 6750M 1024 MB
Same experience as Fabby above. Best Performance, everything on low, lowest or none.
My machines stats are in my sig, I run on I run my setting at what the attachment shows and usually it runs quite well. I get 35-60 FPS doing regular PvE or Dungeons and 15-35 in WvW or World events depending on where what and how big the zerg is.
MacBook Pro (with Intel Iris Graphics) & GW2
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ManBearPig.7308
My machines stats are in my sig, I run on I run my setting at what the attachment shows and usually it runs quite well. I get 35-60 FPS doing regular PvE or Dungeons and 15-35 in WvW or World events depending on where what and how big the zerg is.
I was curious how the game held up on a MBPro running Retina graphics. That’s actually really good! My MBAir is playable too, but obviously I’m running on a lot lower settings.