Made two accounts instead of verifying
I have the exact same problem, even though I typed in the same account name. I haven’t gotten any answers yet, but I submitted at 3 AM on the 4th.
I’v replied to them again. Lets see if I get an answer that helps this time… Hopefully a bit shorter than a 7 day wait this time.
I (Loyheta.7294) am in the same situation as well. My entry info was identical except I added my GW1 info into it. The registration decided that it would make an account with that email instead of the one I chose. I am going on 8 days waiting
I did the exact same! I entered my GW1 info into it because it was asking if I had a GW account so I automatically though it was to link it. I felt stupid after but a little better now I know that someone else is having the same problem.