Mail: The Guild Wars 2 Customer Support Team

Mail: The Guild Wars 2 Customer Support Team

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Begur.3205



Just logged into game and received email with header: The Guild Wars 2 Customer Support Team.
Mail contains 3 unlocked BLTC chests and text saying that this is “replacement items”.

I did not submit any support tickets about BLTC chests/keys issues. However I do open around 15 chests in one turn several days ago. May be this is somehow related.

Question is:
Does this chests automatically mailed to me after support/game itself decides that something goes wrong with my open chests/keys and I can use them?
Or this is a mistake of support team/game and chests shall be removed from mail?

Mail: The Guild Wars 2 Customer Support Team

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AwwGee.5628



To quote:

Sure I can tell you what this is about. You see, over the weekend of December 15th, a problem developed where a small number of players who unlocked Black Lion Chests received two rather than the intended three items per chest. The issue was corrected with a build on Monday and all chests are functioning properly now.

To ensure that players get all their chest rewards, we checked to see who opened Black Lion Chests and was affected by this issue during the period in question. We discovered your account during that investigation so we sent you the Black Lion Chests via in-game mail.

No worries — it’s all good!