Mini pet banking issues
Get an invisible bag and put your mini-pet in there, it won’t auto-deposit.
You can also find or get a “Box Safe” for yourself. These function like standard bags, but the contents don’t show up in merchant trades nor does depositing materials take anything from that box.
Yes, it’s a bit stupid that pets get deposited with everything else (it’s not like people are going to be farming pets…). Hopefully they’ll fix that so that pets only get deposited if you select them individually (or add a way to call any pet from your collection). Until then, as Lokk said, get an invisible bag and make sure you keep the pet there.
I wish I didn’t have to sacrifice bag space for my Rytlock.
It is a bit odd that hunter pets (which have an impact on gameplay) don’t take up any “space” while miniatures take up a bag slot.
Hopefully this is just a temporary system, and in the future we’ll be able to call minis directly from the collection.