Multiple Monitor woes!

Multiple Monitor woes!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: vahdyx.4502



Hello Support,

I used to play this game on a laptop with a GTX970M, single monitor, no issues. Since then I upgraded to a gaming desktop GTX970 with one monitor. No issues.

I recently was promoted at work and was required to buy three monitors. It’s awesome, love having more than one, but it’s quite the cumbersome task to “work around” this issue (more on this later)

Since adding a two more monitors, I’m experiencing a problem when I click the mouse buttons close to the edge of the screen, it will minimize the game.

Here’s what I’ve done to troubleshoot so far…

*Reinstalled the game
*Bought a new gaming MMO mouse
*Bought a new monitor 144Hz gaming monitor as the main gaming monitor
*Reorganized monitor order
*Bought a GTX1080
*Reformatted my computer
*Installed third party “monitor lock” apps (more on this later)

All to no avail, minus the monitor lock applications, but there’s glitches with those. It will make it so the game will never minimize, but the software glitches the game and causes the game to go into a one to one mouse movement, as if my right mouse key is stuck. So it’s basically useless for me as well.

Essentially the only fix is to unplug my two monitors and run the game that way and when I’m done playing I replug them back in. It’s not ideal and not fun.

Is there a fix for this?

Multiple Monitor woes!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: crepuscular.9047


I think the fix is, stop playing games at work?

Ci7-4471 + Corsair Hydro H100i | EVGA GTX980Ti Hybrid | Corsair Vengeance Pro 16GB | Samsung EVO PRO

Multiple Monitor woes!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: vahdyx.4502


Thanks, but no that’s not my problem. I work from home, so my gaming PC is also my work PC. I have three monitors, no issues until I added three monitors. Now when I game (on one monitor) it clicks out of the game into the second or third monitor and gives me issues.

Is there a fix?

Multiple Monitor woes!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sirsquishy.2619


The issue is that you are not running the game windowed. When you click outside of the game it will minimize and lose focus. the fix is to change the settings in game from Full Screen to ‘windowed-Full screen’. and that will fix the issue.

Multiple Monitor woes!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silmar Alech.4305

Silmar Alech.4305

Everyone with multiple monitors and running the game fullscreen has this problem. GW2 isn’t able to keep the mouse inside its screen area under certain circumstances, even if it is running true fullscreen.
Some rightclick/leftclick/mouse movement combinations near the window border allow the mouse to escape out of the fullscreen application. If you now press a mouse key while the mouse is escaped, the app under the mouse is activated. Since that is on another monitor on the desktop, that app or desktop gets activated and GW2 deactivated. Since GW2 was running fullscreen, it is minimized.

Many games have this problem. I also tried some monitor lock applications. One of them even worked really well, but the hotkey handling was cumbersome. So I made my own cursor locker, very simple, in autohotkey script. It monitors the Windows message queue for mouse movement messages, and if GW2 is active and a message is encountered and that message would move the mouse outside the window, it is dropped. So the mouse isn’t able to leave the window, since the message about this never arrives.

If you want to try another locker, this is it:
Instructions on how to use are in the script comments at the top. With it, I never have any of the glitches you describe.

Multiple Monitor woes!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bryon.3164


I know this is sorta necroing a thread. And my solution may not work for every body. I am on Win 10, and running 2 monitors with a track ball. I had been running the game fine with that setup fine for years. Now I don’t know if it was a windows update, a driver update, or it was a dumb mistake by me. But for the past month I’ve had this mouse escaping problem. What I did. I opened my control panel, clicked “Mouse” properties. That is the window where you can change your pointers, wheel scroll speed, pointer speed. I looked through all of those tabs looking for anything. On the “Pointer Options” tab, right under the pointer speed slider there is a check box. It says “Enhanced pointer precision”. Mine was ticked. I cleared it out. Problem solved. Again I don’t know what turned on that option. It may have been me. I don’t remember doing it, so I don’t know

Multiple Monitor woes!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashantara.8731


This is not an issue with the game. When you set it to full-screen and then click outside of that screen, it will naturally minimize (like any other games) as you indicate that you want to do something outside of the running full-screen application (namely on your desktop).

You need to set it to Windowed Fullscrene instead, which will solve the issue.

(edited by Ashantara.8731)