Need a tip about new PC spec.
If you are looking for a pc who can run on high settings in WvW, you will need a lot more than what you can get now. I don’t think there is 1 pc powerful enough on earth to do that. (maybe some server park from nasa can do the job)
You won’t be able to play on high settings with a GTX 650. Also, if you go the AMD route, go with the FX-8350. If you go the intel route, an i5-3570K or i7-3770K.
Chloe (Version 3):
[i7 930 @ 4.1Ghz (1.3875V) w/Cooler Master 120M][Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 970 (stock)]
To do what u want to do in WvW, specialy on high settings ur gunan need these 2 things.
GPU: Nvidia 660ti / AMD 7870 XT / AMD 7950
CPU: Intel i5 3570k/ Intel i5 2550k / AMD FX 8350 (All OC to ~4.5ghz)
Those are NEEDED, anythign less and u wont be ‘smooth’ in WvW .. hell even the AMD would buckle in BIG wvw battles that i mean it wil ldrop under 30fps. The Intel will keep u above 30 FPS but they do cost a fair chunk more.
The FPS figures are for intenses high population WvW battles, bassicaly the worst GW2 can throw at u.
Highly recommend u build the rig urself as it will save u a bunch and ensure high quality parts. Cost wise ur looking in the region of $800.
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |
(edited by SolarNova.1052)
Thank you SolarNova, I’ll reconsider my chose keeping in mind those GPUs/CPUs.
If you can put a few 100$ more, you can take a sapphire 7970 vapor x. It has 3Gb, and run default at a higher frequency than the normal ones. But it will not affect your graphics for GW 2. Just a plus for other games :p
the 7870xt is the best bang for your buck now.
something else to keep in mind is the Ivy Bridge TIM issue.
in short they used very cheap shoddy TIM between the core and IHS causing excessive heat to be trapped in the core, many of us have started to worry that the chips will fail or start to thermal throttle even before the warranty periods up…
they likely will survive the 3 years intel covers them for, but beyond that…as the TIM gets worse and worse….
honestly it dosnt matter how well you build for this game, your not gonna get 30+fps at all times, the games just not well suited to running on any system made today….or in the past 5 years……..give it a few years maybe we will have systems that can run the game smooth……and honestly, i got a feeling thats what anets waiting for, rather then actually fixing their kitten…..
I know some say they get stable 30+fps, and its quite possible, I have seen weird situations where old amd phenom II 945’s and the like where getting better more stable fps then 3960x chips at 4.8……the sign of a game/app that needs serious work is when the perf is so inconsistent AND dosnt scale with newer faster hardware worth a kitten…..
solarnova’s suggestions good, but honestly, do not be surprised when you dont stay above 30fps no matter how much you spend…many people dont(check this forum, people with chips even higher end then sn’s have fps issues……gotta love anet!!!)
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
Uh don’t bring me down Jazhara… Ive already ordered the PC with i5 3570k, 7870xt; spent about 900$ (prices in Poland are a bit higher). I’m gonna post later how they work for me with guild wars, cheers!
No matter what kind of spec u buy ur FPS will drop while recording, specially in i5s, also in WvW ur FPS will go all the way down to 20s in major fights no matter what processor u buy (yes even a 1000$ CPU). So u have to be realistic before buying something, GW2 will just perform bad, personally i can play a 3rd person RPG game at 20 FPS during a major fight and still consider it enjoyable but some ppl just don’t, if u are one of those ppls then consider finding a different game.
So long as that CPU is OC’ed (~4.5ghz) u will very very rarely see sub 30 FPS.
When recording u will likely see an overall reduction in FPS but i wouldnt expect it to be by much. Dont worry about the TIM issues, worst case scenario u will have to pop the lid (very carefully) after the warrenty runs out and replace the TIM with better stuff.
Anyway u will be pleasently surprised with the performance asuming no hitches with sofware specialy after playing Gw2 on ur laptop.
have fun
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |
No matter what kind of spec u buy ur FPS will drop while recording, specially in i5s, also in WvW ur FPS will go all the way down to 20s in major fights no matter what processor u buy (yes even a 1000$ CPU). So u have to be realistic before buying something, GW2 will just perform bad, personally i can play a 3rd person RPG game at 20 FPS during a major fight and still consider it enjoyable but some ppl just don’t, if u are one of those ppls then consider finding a different game.
Dunno what you’re running, but I’ve never dropped under 100fps. Even while recording…
GTX980 Strix ~ 32GB RAM
Crucial m4 256Gb SSD ~ Seagate 1TB 7.2k RPM HDD
No matter what kind of spec u buy ur FPS will drop while recording, specially in i5s, also in WvW ur FPS will go all the way down to 20s in major fights no matter what processor u buy (yes even a 1000$ CPU). So u have to be realistic before buying something, GW2 will just perform bad, personally i can play a 3rd person RPG game at 20 FPS during a major fight and still consider it enjoyable but some ppl just don’t, if u are one of those ppls then consider finding a different game.
Dunno what you’re running, but I’ve never dropped under 100fps. Even while recording…
i7 2600k 5ghz recording in WvW frames drop, guaranteed, as a person who plays WvW only in GW2 i can guarantee no matter what CPU u have FPS will drop in WvW during heavy fights, close to teens.
If u never droped from 100 FPS i dare u to make a video a post in on youtube, go to stonemist castle during a fight start frapsing if u get 100 FPS constantly (not watching to the sky ofc xD) i’ll give you 20.000$
No matter what kind of spec u buy ur FPS will drop while recording, specially in i5s, also in WvW ur FPS will go all the way down to 20s in major fights no matter what processor u buy (yes even a 1000$ CPU). So u have to be realistic before buying something, GW2 will just perform bad, personally i can play a 3rd person RPG game at 20 FPS during a major fight and still consider it enjoyable but some ppl just don’t, if u are one of those ppls then consider finding a different game.
Dunno what you’re running, but I’ve never dropped under 100fps. Even while recording…
i7 2600k 5ghz recording in WvW frames drop, guaranteed, as a person who plays WvW only in GW2 i can guarantee no matter what CPU u have FPS will drop in WvW during heavy fights, close to teens.
If u never droped from 100 FPS i dare u to make a video a post in on youtube, go to stonemist castle during a fight start frapsing if u get 100 FPS constantly (not watching to the sky ofc xD) i’ll give you 20.000$
some people are full of kitten… way does this guy get 100fps without staring at a wall/sly/floor, speciall in wvwvw……that or hes got some kind of black magic allowing his cpu and videocards to out perform a 3930k 4.6ghz……
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
No black magic here. My rates do not drop in WvW.
But this is a tech support forum, not a kitten talking forum, so carry on gentlemen.
GTX980 Strix ~ 32GB RAM
Crucial m4 256Gb SSD ~ Seagate 1TB 7.2k RPM HDD
No black magic here. My rates do not drop in WvW.
But this is a tech support forum, not a kitten talking forum, so carry on gentlemen.
50.000$ if u prove it with a video. 100.00$ if u pay me to go to ur place and watch it live.
No black magic here. My rates do not drop in WvW.
But this is a tech support forum, not a kitten talking forum, so carry on gentlemen.
50.000$ if u prove it with a video. 100.00$ if u pay me to go to ur place and watch it live.
Yeah…maybe its not black magic, but its definitely some kind of magic. Teach me your ways.
Chloe (Version 3):
[i7 930 @ 4.1Ghz (1.3875V) w/Cooler Master 120M][Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 970 (stock)]
Friend can maintain 40fps in wvw battles on his x79 system
your still spounting this kitten?
you also had the audacity to claim RadeonPro is nolonger supported, and that AMD users dont have, alot of features nvidia users have……
if an app nolonger being supported means the developer commented and is putting out updates and helping people with fixes as long ago as yesterday, then gw2 is really in trouble, i havent see a dev of gw2 comment on anything in a long time.
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
your still spounting this kitten?
you also had the audacity to claim RadeonPro is nolonger supported, and that AMD users dont have, alot of features nvidia users have……
if an app nolonger being supported means the developer commented and is putting out updates and helping people with fixes as long ago as yesterday, then gw2 is really in trouble, i havent see a dev of gw2 comment on anything in a long time.
Please kitten, you think people with eyefinity/surround are cheating. GTFOH
Your fanboy rage is traversing into another thread….just so you know.
(edited by Raijinn.9065)
you clearly didnt read what i said, so i will say it again.
from the perspective of some developers eyefinity/surround are an infair advantage, because not everybody can afford them/has them, this is anets excuse for not allowing people to use programable keyboards/mice(mmo mice/keyboards) as intended, because “not everybody has them so its not fair”
my view is, if they are going to hold that stance when theres free macros software, AND keyboards/mice that are programmable can be found pretty cheap, they should hold it to things like eyefinity/surround.
I personally find it a bit kitten that people are threatened with banning if they use their keyboard/mouse/joystick/gamepad as it was designed to be used…..(programmable buttons)
Oh and Im sorry your attempt to discredit me has failed, perhaps you could stop ejaculating faecal matter from your oral orifice/fingers…..if you notice, all of my claims/facts have links to back them up……yours dont seem to have anything but your fanboi bile to back them up.
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
you clearly didnt read what i said, so i will say it again.
from the perspective of some developers eyefinity/surround are an infair advantage, because not everybody can afford them/has them, this is anets excuse for not allowing people to use programable keyboards/mice(mmo mice/keyboards) as intended, because “not everybody has them so its not fair”
my view is, if they are going to hold that stance when theres free macros software, AND keyboards/mice that are programmable can be found pretty cheap, they should hold it to things like eyefinity/surround.
I personally find it a bit kitten that people are threatened with banning if they use their keyboard/mouse/joystick/gamepad as it was designed to be used…..(programmable buttons)
Oh and Im sorry your attempt to discredit me has failed, perhaps you could stop ejaculating faecal matter from your oral orifice/fingers…..if you notice, all of my claims/facts have links to back them up……yours dont seem to have anything but your fanboi bile to back them up.
Ok fanboy your rage is getting a little out of hand. Your starting to turn into a little of a troll here. You literally brought another argument right to another thread. Thus, attempting to derail this thread, like I said GTFOH. No one cAres about your views on surround/eyefinity, all I did was tell you my opinion of how idiotic it is. I clearly made you mad enough to follow me into another thread, not mentions anything I have said in it, only in another. Grow up and pm me or something if you wanna keep this up because its getting pathetic.
And for the record because you still do not seem to kittening get it. Your asking for links and stuff and I already addressed it in another thread. Why do you think the readers of this thread care anything about me not knowing radeonpro started getting supported again a few months ago? Why do you keep carrying on about it? Your seriously looking for an ego boost and you need something else that you won’t find on the forums. Dude I don’t use amd cards anymore so I could really care less if radeonpro got support a few months ago, like you said. LMFAO at people using the gw2 tech forum to feel better about themselves.
(edited by Raijinn.9065)
you spounted your friend gets min 40fps….no proof, no youtube videos, no screenshots……i find that very hard to believe seeing as people like solar nova have systems much newer and more powerful then you friends, and they regularly drop to 30fps in wvwvw and even LA….
Oh yeah, and your green fanboi rage is really making me laugh, i mean, im not mad at all, infact i been laughing about this as i talk with friends on mumble…..
sorry it upsets you that i called you out, but if i didnt, Rampage.7145 would have…..just like he called the “i never drop below 100fps” person out….
I must ask UMADBRO?
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
you spounted your friend gets min 40fps….no proof, no youtube videos, no screenshots……i find that very hard to believe seeing as people like solar nova have systems much newer and more powerful then you friends, and they regularly drop to 30fps in wvwvw and even LA….
Oh yeah, and your green fanboi rage is really making me laugh, i mean, im not mad at all, infact i been laughing about this as i talk with friends on mumble…..
sorry it upsets you that i called you out, but if i didnt, Rampage.7145 would have…..just like he called the “i never drop below 100fps” person out….
I must ask UMADBRO?
That’s fine that your calling me out about that, like a fanboy would follow me to another thread. But the problem is, you’ve JUST NOW MENTIONED IT. None of your above posts said anything about my friend getting 40 fps in wvw. You didn’t ask for any proof, details, anything. You only let your fanboy rage take over and continue your anger from another thread about a comment I made on radeonpro. He has a 3930k @ 5ghz and 3 gtx 680, your a moron, that’s sad for a system like that.
The trend your posts are showing is pathetic. You take what I say and repeat it, that’s fine, you have no other choice. I know I’ve been calling you a boy, but I realize now that your a girl, and for that in apologize.
yawns well im bored now, sparing with you is like boxing with a man who has no arms….
still no screenshots.
clearly you are mad, you need to cool down before you puch your monitor.
and yes 40fps is pathetic for any modern high end system of any kind….hell its pathetic for a mid range system….but alas this is anets baby guildwars2, the game that runs like kitten even on the best hardware you can buy today.
and incase you dont read it, i dont hate you, i found you entertaining for a time, but alas, your just a teal fanboi….
have a good one im gonna go get some sleep, its late here, and i gotta be up early.
EDIT: im expecting more Ad hominem attacks by morning….lol.
PCP&C 1200watt TC, Crosshair V F-Z, Sapphire 290x
(edited by Jazhara Knightmage.4389)
Like I said in the other word, go lay down somewhere and dream up your own words.
If you are looking for a pc who can run on high settings in WvW, you will need a lot more than what you can get now. I don’t think there is 1 pc powerful enough on earth to do that. (maybe some server park from nasa can do the job)
There’s nothing better hardware can do about broken software. There’s something wrong with the client, render performance seems to depend on network performance. Every high-end computer I tried failed in larger WvW battles, GPU as well as CPU utilization actually drop. Changing graphics options doesn’t really change anything about that.