Network Lag [Merged]

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: slycere.1296


I would like to chime in that we are experiencing this problem too. Me and my son are veterans of GW and actively play GW2.

I contacted support about this problem but was only told that I was having packet losses and was advised to contact my ISP. I did, even talking to a senior network engineer of theirs and he told me that based on my Ping Plotter report I submitted to NCSoft technical support, the problem is not theirs but starts on the server farm in Dallas with the IP of having a DNS entry of This IP, as well as (which belongs to NCSoft), is where packet losses occur — sometimes as high as 30% loss. All these happened after the 3/20 update/maintenance.

Perusing this thread as well as other threads in this section, I can see that this problem is prevalent at the moment. The game is totally unplayable. Because of the massive packet losses, we experience rubber banding, skill delays, freezes and other latency issues that undermine game experience at the least. As with others posting before me, we have no problems with other MMO games or site on the Internet. We stream high definition movies with no hiccups and download and upload files with no issues. I believe this is not a problem on our part, nor on our ISP, nor on a freak internet routing issue, but on your end which I know can be rectified (As me and others have said, we didn’t have this problem prior to the 3/20 maintenance).

Please help/advise.

Shyld Slycere, Synful Slycere, Syn Slycere,
Bryndle Slycere, Bryl Slycere, Flytes Slycere,
Shyde Slycere – Northern Shiverpeaks

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drensky.9567


Hi. I’m also experiencing lag/delay after using skills. It all started after the recent patch (the March 20 patch, I think). Please help! Thank you. I’m from Blackgate.


Drensky – Neckromancer

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sevtrisen.5247


I’m from the Philippines aswell… Also having the same problems like those who posted before me who are from the same area. :S
It’s getting kinda frustrating now… -_-

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dokz.1879


i am also from philippines experiencing lag for 3 days. skill delays. no problem with my isp(

(edited by dokz.1879)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


I too from the philippines experiencing quite some lag . It’s not our isp. you see there’s different countries experiencing lag.. i hope it get’s fixed im already missing 4 days of my life because of this unplayable lag. i really like the game and i can tell i am ADDICTED to it. that’s why i am so frustrated.. hands are itchy to go WVW and do dungeons .. i hope it gets fixed. Thanks

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yid.3024


I have been experiencing consistent 1~3 second lag across all parts of the game for several days. Skill activation, NPC interaction, item interaction, everything basically. The game has been pretty much unplayable for me for days now.

Everything else on the internet works just as fine as always, including web browsing, downloads, streaming, other online games, speed tests, ping tests, etc. I have been playing gw2 for many months now, and this issue never happened before. I would usually get about .2~.4 seconds latency, but never to this amount.

I am playing in Korea, on NA server. I am seeing that I am not the only one who’s been suddenly struck by this issue recently. I’d appreciate it if anet could make a response, other than ‘contact your isp’.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vaasgoth.3601


yep, as expected they are referring me back to my ISP while i just called them the other day telling me they found no problems… I just sent an e-mail to PLDT for them to check and finalize as to where the problem really originates and along with it I attached the pingplotter results and also I forwarded the e-mail sent by Anet/NCSoft… I’m being passed around like a pingpong ball here… if this does’nt go well and if pldt confirmed that it was really not on their part I’m calling it quits and wait for the next big thing…

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fura Bucho.6194

Fura Bucho.6194

Im from brazil and im having same issues, since last update. I gave up playing several times because the game become impossible to play. I hope they fix this problem soon…

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: walpurian.7150


I got delay in game like 1-4 sec on abilties and it’s annoying. I haven’t been playing like for 3-4 months and it wasn’t used to be like this. What can be done pls respond. Thank you.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Warruz.8096


Noticed a fair bit of lag when running HotW path 3 yesterday. Never had that issue before

Why was Crab Toss Removed? –

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Palespyder.4613


Developers broke the game…

Same thing, lagging out completely 3 times today to the point the server kicks me.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Solaraie.9163


same issue here. we get 1-4 secs delay on abilities since the last update. the game is unplayable now.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


lag lag lag lag lag lag!!

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheGoodChild.7034


isn’t there any response here from Arenanet? There are thousands of players affected by this issue, and WE ARE waiting for some kind of RESPONSE from you…If you are the ones in our shoes you will know how frustrating our situation is..Any Response would be helpful,rather than leaving us hanging here ..clueless if there will be a solution to our problem or not.You should not underestimate the impact of this problem on your market..Big things come from small beginnings..even problems.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caligo.4763


@TheGoodChild I was mulling over the same question “Why it does seem that ANet not care or even not respond and seem to only refer people to their ISP and don’t acknowledge that their might be a problem on their side, too.” I fear the answer(s) might be pretty easy. I guess the people who experience frequent sever network lag are just a small minority compared to the combined number of GW2 players. And a company usually can not keep every customer happy. Just a wild guess: fixing the latency problem for a few people compared to they whole GW2 customer base is not worth the time and effort (obviously even not responding in a general kind of way) compared to keeping the majority happy with putting their effort in content update etc. But the answer might be even simpler: They don’t have a clue and this is something you usually don’t acknowledge either. But who knows maybe the answers is a compete different one but this is what I can think of as the most likeliest answers.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RobbySpry.2671


I live in Sweden and am playing on Far Shiverpeaks.

Since a month back the game has lagged so badly that i can’t play it any longer. The lags seems to circulate in severity. Everything can run smooth for 30 seconds, then skills start taking three seconds to activate, then ten seconds, then i start rubber-banding.

And then finally, one of two things happen:

1. The game appears to be running smoothly as all enemies and characters around me run around fine, but i keep taking damage even if i’m far away from enemies, i can’t activate any skills, and eventually get killed from this. It’s as if my PC is sending no data to the servers for several MINUTES, but is only receiving data as all characters around me move smoothly.

2. The above happens, plus i disconnect from the server.

Sometimes the last step happens within five minutes after i log in, sometimes after an hour. But during this time the previous mentioned lags are still there going back and forth with skills taking between two and ten seconds to activate.

ArenaNet, you really need to help us diagnose these issues for them to go away because they only happen in GW2. I don’t have any lags elswhere, so i couldn’t possible figure out this on my own.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evon Skyfyre.9673

Evon Skyfyre.9673

Server: Dragonbrand Broadband: Comcast

General exploration is fine, small groups are fine as well. However, events like the Frozen Maw etc.. I slow to a crawl and can barely move. I thought maybe it was just me but the others said the same thing. Melee was almost impossible. I had to forgo doing all the stages and just position my Guardian near the final boss and pray I wasn’t tossed back. Ranged (thief, engineer) were ok since I could do the same but still attack anything in range. I thought it was my video card and purchased a new one with 2g of ram etc, same problem. I’ve read GW2 sends calls to my cpu not my gpu so a new card was a waste. Hope they can fix this somehow, as is I have to pass on group events. I was fine from launch until recently. What changed?

(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


@Caligo if that is the case then it’s just a bad customer service right there! i mean 1 of the reasons i played this game because of the trust ppl had given ANET for prioritizing the needs of the players and doing week per week maintenance to make the game balanced. but what i’m experiencing now is just horrible and no signs that ANET should be worthy of the TRUST ppl has given them. i mean if you don’t know how to handle a big population of players or unable to handle big changes. then DONT do it! pushing your limits is a good thing but make sure you don’t bring hardships to other people! especially to your customers -.-

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jarettellis.7813


Found this thread so i thought i would post to.

Past week or so have been having sporadic lag spikes/skill delays. Before it happened once in a while (like if too many people suddenly appeared for an event, or in WvW when the zergs were attacking). But for the past week, even when im in a very low populated area, there will be a massive skill delay (ranging from 3 secs to a staggering 30 seconds or more). I have also noticed that during certain times of the day it can become worse than the rest of the day (specifically 7-12 pm CST). At first i thought it was just my router acting up, untill i would see that MAP chat was exploding with comments of massive lag spikes/horrendous skill delays.

~Edit~ map chat exploded after a 4 minute delay happened to several people.

~Server~Ferguson’s Crossing.

Vikings with Attitude (Zerk)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Force.5861


Still having horrible lag spikes (latency, not video) during large events. I just got disconnected during a dragon event (specifically tequatl, but it happens at all of the major ones) and reconnected into the overflow. I was able to send chat to my party and guild without lag, but my skills were lagging – i was there for more than a minute without casting anything before I was kicked.

I imagine this is related to the server not properly handling the huge zerg of people at one event… but it certainly seems to happen more to me than to anyone else in my group of friends. Is there any guide or help offered so that i can avoid this lag?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


@Force ACtually it happens even though you’re all alone in 1 place. it’s definitely server side. and yes. chats are not lagging but there’s a huge amount of delay on skills and dodges.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CrazyDuck.4610


I notice ALOT of lag pretty often with the trade post.

YouWish – Guard
DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Oujisama.4519


same problem here with other Filipino players, I’m giving some patience about the lag till the next big patch.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Farming Flats.5370

Farming Flats.5370

im playing on a NA server : Yak’s bend , im playing the game since launch and never had lag problem but now since the last big update i often getting huge lag spike and everything stop for a big 10 seconds or getting a disconnect …

But it only happen randomly in Wafarer Foothills and Cursed Shore maps i don’t have problems elsewhere …

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lunchbox.9543


I’ve gotten horrendous lag in many different places. I have tried many different fixes, all working to some degree, but they eventually fall apart. I’ve tried playing on EU and NA servers and I still receive the same lag. I have contacted my ISP, given them trace data, and they’ve told me it’s not on their end.

I, like many others, are seeking more information from Arena Net and, like may others, have not heard a single world. Time to toss the game into the garbage bin until this can be figure out.

“I’m doing good in the game, so I’m doing good in life!”

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zahl.8564


Region: EU
Server: Seafarer`s Rest
Zone: Queensdale

Major lag-issues, up to 15 seconds. My connection is fine.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evon Skyfyre.9673

Evon Skyfyre.9673

To any and all wondering why Anet has not commented here, it’s simple. They can’t. I doubt very seriously if a developer is allowed to comment on these issues, as that would tell anyone considering the purchase of the game it has said issue, and make them wonder if their computer is up to it, would they need to spend alot on top of the purchase of the game etc. I have run into this in EVERY MMO I have played going back to SWG. The developers show what they feel needs fixing, and the “powers that be” shake their heads and say “How long til the next expansion?” They (PTB) know the issues exist, and it’s not that they don’t care, they are focusing on revenue. Besides whatever trickles in from gem sales etc, they get ZERO monthly income from the game. They have payroll to meet, bills to pay. And most importantly, investors to answer to. They won’t take excuses, they won’t wait. They want paid now. right now, as promised and Dwayna help them if they are late. You think Tony Soprano was tough, try making investors wait. I’d rather face Zaitan for real with a butter knife.

That said, I know all this, and I’m sick and tired of the same old thing happening. GW2 has the chance to be the most innovative, and popular MMO out, it can even nail WOW. They need to address the server issues. If they don’t, when a new, and shiny game comes out, the hard core players will leave, groups will no longer be compitent enough to face the tougher dungeons and alike and the game will go into decline.

But again MMO’s know all this, they want to make what they can, as fast as they can. GW2 is on the same path as every other game. And that is just sad.. GW1 went thru this, the game became an avatar driven chat program. People stood around in LA, and Spamadan and talked smack.

Did I hear correctly they used the same engine as GW1, and just modified it?

(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerath.5729


i even disconnect from the game due to huge delay gap -.- and i got 8gb connection speed :/

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sarnax.8357


I’ve been getting major skill lag today and have DCd 8 times in the last two hours. This is highly unusual. With this game I have at least 1 DC a day but the last two hours has been so tough I cant even really play. And forget about a Chest event. Maybe it has something to do with the update tomorrow. I dunno. But it sure is frustrating for a consumer of their products.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zerath.5729


Those who all got lag and dc problems like me i just found a solution
well i tried everything since this morning (even the most kitten ones) and i just open the game in windowed mode works like charm i know its stupid but worked out for me just try hope its fix your problem aswell…

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: proteininja.5891


Experiencing intermittent network lag. Diagnostic file attached.


Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rochambeau.4076


I average 80 to 90 something fps, my ping is 20-30, and yet the lag is so severe that the game has become virtually unplayable. WTF!? I have died repeatedly due to an inability to execute commands. I would either like to get past level five already, or get my kitten money back. I’m really enjoying playing this game (what little I can) but I feel like I just blew 70 dollars and now I’m just going to have to deal with it…. I don’t make much, and this purchase was a big deal for me.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rochambeau.4076


Haha, they replaced * with kitten. That’s the most wonderful language filter I have ever seen.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caligo.4763


Just have to time to take look into the forum. If ANet would be interested I could tell them (again) also why. At the moment the game is UNPLAYABLE again due to lag.This latency problem persists now for me for ~three weeks. Most interestingly, weekends seem to be better than weekdays but that might be coincidence. But who knows? I just was thinking that ANet somehow “turn things down” during the week anticipating less traffic that this might lead to the horrible lag I continuously experience especially during weekdays. But that is just a wild guess.

To any and all wondering why Anet has not commented here, it’s simple. They can’t. I doubt very seriously if a developer is allowed to comment on these issues, as that would tell anyone considering the purchase of the game it has said issue, and make them wonder if their computer is up to it, would they need to spend alot on top of the purchase of the game etc. I have run into this in EVERY MMO I have played going back to SWG. The developers show what they feel needs fixing, and the “powers that be” shake their heads and say “How long til the next expansion?” They (PTB) know the issues exist, and it’s not that they don’t care, they are focusing on revenue.

Yep, I came to a similar conclusion. That also would mean that my problems will probably never be solved. And since customer service also seem just to be the typical “cutomer firewall” which bounces the customer back to the ISP, drivers, hardware etc. there is no hope in getting help there either. I’m just waiting for the next update and see if anything changes. I doubt it but hope dies last. If nothing changes there is a very good chance that I will say bye-bye to the game (what would be a shame because it is a good MMO in general) and never come back. And of course never consider giving ANet products another chance. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice… And ANet shouldn’t even hope that I will recommend any of their products to anybody in the future. Oh no, the exact opposite will be the case…

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578



Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reginmund.4781


hah for days i really thought it was just me. to my bros from philippines i’m also using pldt mydsl(i got the one with about 1mbps of bandwidth).
i noticed when downloading files or watching videos, i get a decent bandwidth of about 120kbps.
but when playing gw2 and during wvw or dynamic events my bandwidth isnt even getting highers than 40kbps. i think somewhere between our isp and Anet is limiting our bandwidth…
if you want to see you bandwidth usage yourself, you can google BitMeter OS. it’s free and very nice

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Beckrock.5970


I also experience extreme lag, every other game and other net uses works just fine. The game right now i unplayable. thing is it comes and goes, yesterday i could not play early in the day but eavning just fine. Tested this morning, super lag = unplayable.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Freakinout.6732


Well, another day of nothing but lag. Cant run an instance or even access the trading post. Even my chat has a 3 second delay. Great job Anet! Way to be on top of this. Get it fixed or all you will have left is the WvW players.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: noelclover.9408


I’m on Henge of Denravi, living in Malaysia and I noticed lag creeping into a previously smooth game since the latest patch. As this is a relatively new (though annoying) matter for me I am hesitant to put any blame on the games servers, though everything else that requires Internet Access is running smoothly.

After I’m elected, bribing me will be considered a “gold sink” :)
-John Smith

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lanimal.6541


The lag is unbearable for me. I am on the Tarnished Coast server and its definitely network lag. I play mostly WvWvW and its close to unplayable for the last week. I had no issues before that.


Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Horus.5401


August 28th 2012 —-> Today : Lag wars 2 …

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ronnie Hu.1694

Ronnie Hu.1694

i have very terrible lag today

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyle.5931


After the latest patch, I am facing network lag problem for the first time. I am playing from Malaysia and I am using a 25mbps line, this shouldn’t be happening.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: stanzataz.8901


I am playing from Washington, DC and the current state of this game is unplayable due to the skill latency after the March patch. Up until a week ago everything was running smoothly. I mostly run spvp & tpvp and the lag is present regardless the amount of participants. I’ve heard the lag may be account specific as some accounts hasn’t received this poor condition.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kulugo.7549


never had latency issues before this patch.
i’m in Dubai, UAE and playing on Tarnished Coast (NA Server).

locally I get 9mbps and on an Austin TX server I get a decent 5mbps.

ISP = Etisalat


Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evon Skyfyre.9673

Evon Skyfyre.9673

I fixed my lag issues (well sorta) . I had to move to a medium pop server, and run the game in xp compatibility mode (on windows 7). Otherwise it crashes every 5 minutes or less. It’s not the best work around but it works. I can play for long periods of time, even join in against a world boss and not be frozen. In addition I disabled QoS on my router and in windows (not sure if that helped but I wanted to be complete in my steps).

I also ran the repair.. As I said, it’s doable.. but only just..

Anet, you really need to step up and be a bit more visible/vocal on this. Every game has problems, it’s how they deal with them, in a timely fashion, that sets them apart.

(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Angel Sarem.1274

Angel Sarem.1274

I am experiencing intermittent network lag since the recently update on 26 March 2013 the lagging is horrible it everything around me get freeze and all the skill cant even use properly never had this lag before. The game keep getting disconnected from server (Sanctum of Rall) and also the intermittent lag last from 1-3 mins before it get disconnected. can anet team do something about it ?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Evon Skyfyre.9673

Evon Skyfyre.9673

Angel, if your server shows as very high, try guesting on a medium server and see how you do. It helped me..

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DAOWAce.2571


Unplayable lag on Sorrow’s Furnace right now. Started to get this way within the last hour; guess all the kids are coming home from school.

The trading post is also overloaded and not working most of the time.

Hell, even the site is slow now; showing their entire infrastructure is under heavy load.

This is exactly what it was like during the initial launch of Guild Wars 2, and why I eventually quit. I cannot believe Arena Net haven’t solved this issue by now.

(edited by DAOWAce.2571)

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pablauto.4210


I’m having serious problems with lag.

I did all the FOTM with lag, my group had to resurrect me 100 times.
I made my daily without problem with no lag. But when I went to COE had lag again.

My fps is at 30 40 the problem is lag.

I I reseted my modem and not improved. I’m with this problem for many hours.
Sorry for my english.