Offensive pet & other language names

Offensive pet & other language names

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kazerniel.6391


What is the correct reporting option for offensive pet names? I see some horrid ones every once in a while, and so far I always chose report character name, but I’m not sure the support remembers to check the user’s pet names as well. I want to avoid to be seen as spuriously reporting accounts whose character names themselves are not offensive ^^;

In a similar vein I usually just report offensive Hungarian character names with the above option. Stopping to create a support ticket while I’m in the middle of some event is way too much hassle. It would be nice to have maybe a dropdown list of languages in the report name option so that we could select the language, and support wouldn’t need to try to guess. I guess a text field to write the language and/or translation of the name would be even better, but it would be probably be open to trolling and abuse of the system.

Offensive pet & other language names

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You can take a screenshot, and then contact the CS Team (through the ‘Support’ link above/below) at your leisure. Be sure to include the Account Name, as well.

Good luck.