Over a year to respond to a ticket?

Over a year to respond to a ticket?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Biscuits Lightfoot.9621

Biscuits Lightfoot.9621

Thank you for your support request. Our response is included below. If you have other questions, please reply to this e-mail.

Account Verification

Discussion Thread
Response Via Email (GM Zorbis) 09/12/2012 04:10 PM
Hello Biscuits,

I’d like to help you with this, but I’ll need a little more information. Please reply to this issue with as much of the following information as you can:

-Your Guild Wars 2 Serial Code:
-Your Guild Wars 2 Display Name (ex: MyName.1234):
-Your Guild Wars 1 Account Name (if you have one):

If you are not able to provide your serial code, please provide the following based on your method of purchase:

If purchased direct from buy.guildwars2.com;
· Order ID
· Last four digits (ONLY) of the credit/debit card used
· PayPal® Transaction ID or the Invoice ID associated with the purchase

If purchased from a retailer;
· Current login name of the account
· Display Name
· The name of a character on the account
· The account’s DateCreated within 72 hours

Guild Wars 2 officially launched on August 28th. Players who pre-purchased a Collector’s Edition box from a retail location will need to apply the serial code effective immediately in order to continue to play. If this does not apply to you or you didn’t purchase Guild Wars 2 in this way, please disregard this paragraph.

You can get all the latest news by watching the main site http://www.guildwars2.com/ , the blog http://www.arena.net/blog/ , our Twitter #!/guildwars2 , and our Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GuildWars2

[GM] Zorbis
Guild Wars Support Team
Auto-Response 09/08/2012 03:14 PM

Thank you for contacting NCsoft! We have been receiving an overwhelming response to Guild Wars 2 and we are doing our very best to answer questions as quickly as possible. You are receiving this automated message based on information provided in your original submission that indicates that we may be able to answer your question with the information provided below.

Reset Password & E-mail Authentication
If you were previously experiencing an issue resetting your password or authenticating your email address, please follow the directions below.

1. Go to https://account.guildwars2.com/recovery
2. In the Email / Account Name field, enter the email address used for your Guild Wars 2 account.
3. In the Serial Code field, enter the serial code you registered to the account.
4. In the Character Name field, enter the name of an existing character on your account.
5. Click Verify.
Be sure to set your account password to a strong, unique password that you’ve never used anywhere else!

Additional information regarding the Guild Wars Account E-mail Authentication System can be found here: http://en.support.guildwars2.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/9192

Spam / Phishing Attempts
If you were notified of an email change request or confirmation, please try logging into the Guild Wars 2 forums (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum) to confirm that your account name has not been changed.

If you do not have a Guild Wars account, please disregard the email. We also suggest that you secure the email account by changing the password, in addition to, the passwords of any other accounts that may be associated to the email that received this message from our account system.

Please do not create a new ticket for this issue as it will cause delays. However, replying to this email will allow us to assist you based on when you first contacted us regarding the issue.

If your issue is resolved and you no longer need assistance, please do the following:

1. Log in to your support account by clicking the My Stuff Tab above.
If you do not recall your login information, use the Forgot your support login or password? link.
2. Click the Questions button or link.
3. Find the 12-digit reference number matching the one on the support request you wish to close.
4. Click the subject line to the right of that reference number.
5. Under Do you want a response?, select No, I don’t need this question answered now.
6. Click Submit.

Your support request will be moved to Closed status.

NOTE: Anything typed in the Add additional information to your question box will not be seen by our support staff if the No, I don’t need this question answered now option is selected.

That was on September 12th 2012 on the 19th I replied to the email with the requested information. That email was NEVER responded to. I had to purchase the game again just to make a forum post about it. My Hall of Monuments items were also tagged to the other account. I would much rather play on my original account; but, your customer service is ABSOLUTELY atrocious. Please find a way to resolve this issue.

Over a year to respond to a ticket?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


The way support works has changed a few months back.

However, I do not understand why you would wait a year before doing something.

Your ticket number could have been posted in the sticky for tickets 3 days and older way back then. You were also able to add to your ticket back then, so you could have asked why you were not getting an answer.

Support is always willing to help and yes it sometimes takes longer then one would want.
But to be honest, you could have done a lot more then wait a year, buying a new game just to post and then call support atrocious. You could have gotten loads of tips on how to get help right here on the forum, just by giving it a little effort.

Also, you do not need access to the forum to be able to contact support.

Over a year to respond to a ticket?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Biscuits Lightfoot.9621

Biscuits Lightfoot.9621

No I don’t tbh I had given up on it back then b/c I was fed up with the process. I had thought I lost all the information during a hurricane so I didn’t even bother with it after that. Now I just happened across the email. I could honestly care less what YOU would do. Not responding to an email is NOT my fault and I should NOT have to chase their support down. IE atrocious.

Over a year to respond to a ticket?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Well if you gave up on it, why are you whining about it now?

I’m just being honest and hurricanes suck. But that still doesn’t mean the fault is all on the support side of things either.

Over a year to respond to a ticket?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Biscuits Lightfoot.9621

Biscuits Lightfoot.9621

Here’s the real question. Why do you care enough to waste your time not being helpful?

Over a year to respond to a ticket?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

As a customer, if I don’t get a response, I follow up. You admit you did not. And you know, from the previous comments, that it was our intention to respond to each and every person as quickly as possible, even during a very busy time.

We value our players and we do our best to help each one. Sometimes, issues beyond our control, such as ISPs blocking our mails make it impossible for us to respond or to get our response all the way through to the player. Sometimes an agent errs and closes a ticket when meaning to respond. In each case, we very much want to help, but this is a partnership, and the player owns some responsibility, too. When you didn’t hear, you should have written again, posted in the forums in the Tickets for Review thread. Essentially, you should have helped us help you.

If you want help with that account, go to the top of the page, click “Support” and then “Submit a request” and a team member will assist you.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events