PC just shuts down

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amen.2630


Since i ever installed GW2 my Laptop just shuts down only in the mitddle of playing,
it happens allways once or twice everyday in the middle of running somewhere or just standig around, without some explicit reason.
My laptop is not overheating for sure,
maybe couse i play it with the highest resolution but it shouldnt usually be a problem, couse other games with this or higher resolution run smoothly and it wouldkitten me off to play a game with lower settings, what do i have a gamer laptop for then?
I dont use 3D or anything special.

- Core i7 2630QM / 2 GHz (2.9 GHz) / 6 MB Cache
- Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit-Edition
- 750 GB HDD + 750 GB HDD + 7200 rpm
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M
- 1.5 GB GDDR5

I will try to update the grafic-driver if its available, just want to report the issue anyway.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZaxanRazor.6235


It really does sound like overheating – have you got a program like RealTemp installed and running to keep an eye on them?

The only other thing that causes sudden power loss is PSU failure, seeing as it’s a laptop that might mean a problem with the power regulation on the motherboard.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KerrMD.2617


PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amen.2630


I actually now used the RealTemp and logged the temperature,
right before the crash it has only 70°C
so absolutly normal, just like i guessed
but now it restarted itself without me pushing the button for a new start,
so its not just a shut down, its auto-restart!

I downloaded now GeForce GTX 460M which was auto-detected by:
even if i actually should had it already, but will report how its going.

(edited by Amen.2630)

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sardris.8509


Same thing’s happening to me… on an Asus G73JW, very similar specs, same graphics card. I’m not even getting a BSOD, the PC simply shuts down with no apparent rhyme nor reason. I’ve cleaned it out with a compressed air can, the cooling fans are spinning no problem, and the CPU and GPU aren’t overheating. This only happens with GW2.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShankZilla.6849


Same thing as Sardris and Amen with my G73SW. Temps are fine, Drivers are up to date.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Refraction.1892


Sudden shutdowns are usually a result of a short on the circuitry or overvolting of certain components, which may only present itself when the temperature rises (bad solder joints etc can be like this). The behaviour is a result of the PSU triggering a protection mechanism designed to stop your PC frying.

I would try stress testing your CPU for a long period of time (Prime95 is good for this), see if that does the same thing, if not, do the same with your GPU (Furmark creates some serious heat :P) and see if it happens then.

If either one crashes however, you are likely going to have to replace the whole board if it is a laptop unless you can get it repaired in a service centre for Asus.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: greyphantom.4891


This has a game problem. Period.

Please relate to hardware. I built two identical systems, my wife and mine. Her gtx280 failed. I replaced it with a gtx460.

My system never shuts down unless I am in a story line instance. It generally shuts down right as I finish it. To prevent me from jumping off the roof. My wife let me redo the instance with her system. Bingo.

gtx280 (SHUTDOWN)
gtx460… cleared to finish.

Their software has a hardware problem inherent. Fix it.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RedZebra.2345


Hey Amen i also have G73SW. If you do autodetect Gforce you probably have the old drivers. Go to Nvidia.com select drivers, select beta and legacy, fill in your gtx460m and operating system. Select beta 306.02, runs stable on this laptop.
tip. use throttlestop for monitoring, you will see load, multiplier settings, temp of all cores seperatly + gpu temp and can set warnings and lower clocks when temp rise above a certain value. But around 70 is normal for gpu, the vent is adjusting to that temperature. Oh yeah i don’t know where you get 2 – 2,9ghz. Normal 2,9ghz is turbo mode, but asus is overclocking i7 to 2,6ghz instead of 2ghz, Same for your gtx 460 it’s also standard oc’d. And for the ones who saying it’s overheating look at the specs of this G73SW cooling systems it’s better than most desktops. I used to oc in stwor another 20% my gpu running at 80 celsius without any problem (which is still 20% below specified max temp).
edit : seems to be a new beta driver out didn’t check that one yet

(edited by RedZebra.2345)

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drintar.1246


This has a game problem. Period.

Please relate to hardware. I built two identical systems, my wife and mine. Her gtx280 failed. I replaced it with a gtx460.

My system never shuts down unless I am in a story line instance. It generally shuts down right as I finish it. To prevent me from jumping off the roof. My wife let me redo the instance with her system. Bingo.

gtx280 (SHUTDOWN)
gtx460… cleared to finish.

Their software has a hardware problem inherent. Fix it.

Or you know it’s a heat problem on your end because a 280 runs hotter and draws more power than a 460 IIRC.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: greyphantom.4891


Let me be more explicit. The copmputers sit in the same room. Their is no temperature problem.

I can play GW2 for hours. I go into an instance. It will always go into powersave/shut down as I finish.

I have even left it idling. Go eat dinner. Fine. Hits the final mob, boom, power save. No voltage or temp warning. It only happens in instances. Not WvW, not plain leveling. A story line instance.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rolo.9248


70C? What is 70C? The CPU, GPU, motherboard? If supporting components are overheating (bad airflow in that tiny, tiny space), you’ll get the same result. That is one possibility that isn’t ruled out yet.

However, I’m more inclined to go with power: either a fault or the components are drawing more than what the power system can give. To test this, lower your clocks (say, 20%) to see if the problem subisdes. (This would also lower heat generation.)

Additionally, power is regulated on desktop motherboards (look around the CPU socket), not just laptops.

I did have one story instance lock up right when I finished and it was going back to the ‘real’ world. However, I was fiddling with GPU overclocking at the time so I can’t say whether it was a software issue or hardware (lockups suggest hardware, crashes suggest software mostly)

i5-2500K 4.2GHz | 8GB Mushkin DDR3-2133 | Gigabyte Z68XP-UD4, GTX580-882/2033
Crucial m4 128GB SSD (64GB SRT cache) | WD 2TB 2002FAEX | Antec Twelve Hundred
When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee

(edited by Rolo.9248)

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RedZebra.2345


greyphantom, if it’s the game, why your other identical system isn’t behaving the same ? Besides the fact, that from the moment you install different software (even the smallest program can cause bugs) please stick to the post or create your own one.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RedZebra.2345


Rolo 70 is the gpu temp, the cpu sits around 60. Don’t compare laptop components with desktops ones. ex. I7 2630 which is the mobile one is specified until 100 celsius. The power supply shouldn’t be a problem it’s 150w, didn’t have a problem with it while oc under full load, however some G73SW owners who oc’d cpu and gpu claimed to have power failures and use a 200w one. But yeah as you say it won’t arm to check it.

(edited by RedZebra.2345)

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276

Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support

@Amen – Could you please attach a Game Advisor report to the thread so we can see why you might be experiencing this issue?

You can download the Game Advisor application by clicking the link below:


(Note: you will be automatically prompted to download the application after clicking the link)

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rolo.9248


Rolo 70 is the gpu temp, the cpu sits around 60. Don’t compare laptop components with desktops ones. ex. I7 2630 which is the mobile one is specified until 100 celsius. The power supply shouldn’t be a problem it’s 150w, didn’t have a problem with it while oc under full load, however some G73SW owners who oc’d cpu and gpu claimed to have power failures and use a 200w one. But yeah as you say it won’t arm to check it.

Desktop TJmax is also 100C (in the design sheet and I’ve personally tested it; the stock coolers make it easy, hehe). That’s not my concern, my concern, in your shoes, would be case/motherboard temperature and power delivery. Quantity of power (W) isn’t the only issue, quality of it is also, especially when your VRMs may be getting heated to where they are out of tolerance.

The easiest way to check for either is to lower clocks. The only way I can think to eliminate heat is to run it outside its shell, which is likely not practical.

TBH, I quit buying Asus ~2006 with the P5W deluxe and NV51 being my last; their quality nosedived. I don’t know what it is now as I have no recent first-hand experience.

I just noticed Amen said his auto-restarted rather than shut down in OP. Is it restarting because of a BSOD (turn off auto-restart option) or spontaneously rebooting? If the former, post the STOP code (should be in Event Log); if the latter….power supply is 99.9% the cause.

i5-2500K 4.2GHz | 8GB Mushkin DDR3-2133 | Gigabyte Z68XP-UD4, GTX580-882/2033
Crucial m4 128GB SSD (64GB SRT cache) | WD 2TB 2002FAEX | Antec Twelve Hundred
When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee

(edited by Rolo.9248)

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dallbee.2746


I had a very similar problem after installing GW2, actually.

My system at the time was running a Corsair 850W PSU, Core i5-2500K @3.8GHz CPU, 16GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 RAM and a 1GB MSI GTX 460 Cyclone.

I’m extremely careful about keeping my system well-tuned and running at a stable clip and have never, ever experienced any kind of spontaneous thermal or power-related shutdown. However after having installed GW2, it became not at all uncommon for my system to simply hard-reboot in the middle of a gaming session; sometimes playtime would last 3 or 4 hours, sometimes no more than 30 minutes.

The PC would simply power off and then just as quickly power back on, sure as if I’d tapped the power switch. Windows would crab about not shutting down cleanly, I’d tell it to shut up and keep booting, and that would be that.

Under no other circumstance, whether playing other games, watching videos or encoding audio & video content, did it ever so much as hiccup.
Ambient temps stayed pretty stable at around 28C throughout and my CPU & GPU temps never peaked above approx ~58-63C.

I ruled out my initial suspect – the power supply – with a simple multimeter test, which returned upwards of 85% on all rails and held pretty dang stable under load. I sincerely doubted the CPU was the culprit so really didn’t even test that.
The only remaining weak link was the video card, which was getting a bit long in the tooth anyway and due for replacement so I just bit the bullet and bumped up to a Gigabyte 2GB GTX 670.

I ran dungeons last night for about 4 hours and didn’t experience any further issues whatsoever. Further testing will be required over the weekend, but the outlook so far is good.

Moral of the story: Your issue probably IS hardware-related, but could very well be something other than the power subsystem. This behavior, at least for me, was triggered by something GW2 is requesting that the video card do which it either isn’t able to deliver or isn’t even able to process. What that would be, I don’t know, however given the number of other GPU-related issues and inconsistencies I’ve seen on this forum it’s hardly shocking news.

(edited by dallbee.2746)

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Senior Doichan.2190

Senior Doichan.2190

Me too – brand new top of the line ASUS laptop with vents bigger than Michelle Obama’s butt. Random hard resets – this game has a major problem and arenanet’s silence is only confirmation as these gaming laptops are EVERYWHERE and this problem is systemic – just look at this thread.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Refraction.1892


If the game was at fault, this issue would be rampent, but most people aren’t getting hard resets or blue screens.

These style issues are generally either driver problems or hardware faults. Software can never directly make your computer hard reset and if it did, everybody would suffer.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZaxanRazor.6235


If the game was at fault, this issue would be rampent, but most people aren’t getting hard resets or blue screens.

These style issues are generally either driver problems or hardware faults. Software can never directly make your computer hard reset and if it did, everybody would suffer.

Just need to back this post up. This is 100% true. Those having the issue are in the minority and it would indeed be affecting absolutely everyone if it was solely related to the game.

Hard resets are only caused by high-level failures – so hardware or software that directly interacts with hardware like drivers. Games are nowhere near this level.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RedZebra.2345


Most of the time you correct here, but code can cause system specific problems. An error in code can sometimes only affect the last of thenth of % of clients. That’s why those companies run beta test and have their quality departments.
A flaw in hardware is somethimes corrected by drivers (without you knowing it) , same is for software using the drivers. You would be surprised when knowing the exact specs of a hardware component, how easy it is to kill or overload it in software. But most of the time it’s a not intenioned bad coding of game or drivers or even hardware problem which is causing the problems. Also the same supply or cpu is not even the same for everyone, some high end chips (with broken parts or,…) are sometimes sold in lower catagories as they meet the specification of those, but are they good ?
Conclusion: most of the time it’s a combination causing the few % to have problems.
But saying “it’s not the game” is saying the same as “it is the game” .
Comparing systems., loaded processes, reading different forums can help alot to find and solve a problem. Saying it’s the game or not won’t help.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZaxanRazor.6235


I’m not saying it’s just their system, I’m just saying it’s a combination of their system and the game.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RedZebra.2345


“Games are nowhere near this level.” you said, but ok you corrected. Fyi the game is running good on my system, but i have some m8’s were it’s not. We could solve one system, just by looking on different forums (in this case windows services related).
That’s why if someone found a solution for his specific problem , they share it here. Would it be the drivers, would it be running a video in the background for keeping your card at high clocks, or wathever… , it can help sometimes the one who as a problem. But these last posts don’t add value

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rolo.9248


Yes, many laptops are having issues running this very demanding app—that’s a testament to the laptops in question, not the app.

A guilde had disable 2/4 cores to keep it from locking up whilst playing GW2.


At least one of these isn’t keeping up.

i5-2500K 4.2GHz | 8GB Mushkin DDR3-2133 | Gigabyte Z68XP-UD4, GTX580-882/2033
Crucial m4 128GB SSD (64GB SRT cache) | WD 2TB 2002FAEX | Antec Twelve Hundred
When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Trixter.1369


I get this too.

- i7 950 @ 4.2
- 6GB DDR3 1600MHz
- ATI HD6970
- 256GB SSD / 1TB HDD
- Win 7 x64

Tried switching out the PSU, ran multiple passes with memtest on each stick. Messed with GPU & CPU voltages. Ran everything stock. Nothing. Still getting random restarts.

CPU – Idle 40c in-game ~60c
GPU – idle 45c in-game ~65c

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: vault.6401


Try underclocking your GPUs and closing your web browsers before launching the game.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zipzo.6753


I have an ASUS G73SW like most people in this thread and experience this infrequently. To clarify for those reading…

This is NOT a shutdown. It is a hard reset. Laptops submitted to overheating will shutdown, not hard reset.

The computer just reboots.

Clearly there is an issue with compatibility here because pretty much any unlucky soul who happens to own this specific laptop has this issue. In the case that it might be over heating I’ve taken measures to test this like monitoring temps and lowering all settings in game and limiting FPS…it still happens. This is a major issue that must be addressed.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Eulanna.9458


Like others here I have an Asus G73SW (A1) and have had to put a temporary hold on my GW2 playing because it will cause a hard reset 1-2 times during my short (no longer than 2hr) gaming sessions.

The reason for my time out is that the hard resets have (likely) caused my current problem where windows crashes during start up. Start up repair – not fun to run!

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rolo.9248


This is NOT a shutdown. It is a hard reset. Laptops submitted to overheating will shutdown, not hard reset.

The computer just reboots.

99.44% of the time this is the PSU failing to meet the load.

Clearly there is an issue with compatibility here because pretty much any unlucky soul who happens to own this specific laptop has this issue.

Actually, this is lamp-lighting the laptop for not being able to perform under heavy load. GW2 is written against the OS, not specific hardware.

The reason for my time out is that the hard resets have (likely) caused my current problem where windows crashes during start up. Start up repair – not fun to run!

Windows isn’t crashing during startup; if you read the screen, it is telling you that it did not shut down properly and is giving you options to recover if necessary.

BTW, “crash” means code failed to execute and typically provides an error code.

i5-2500K 4.2GHz | 8GB Mushkin DDR3-2133 | Gigabyte Z68XP-UD4, GTX580-882/2033
Crucial m4 128GB SSD (64GB SRT cache) | WD 2TB 2002FAEX | Antec Twelve Hundred
When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Eulanna.9458


Rolo – thanks for the clarification on terms. I do know better and the difference, just posting here to join the bandwagon. It’s still not really optimal and I hope it gets sorted soon.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: God Of Fissures.8627

God Of Fissures.8627

The BIOS has an automatic feature where it will do an immediate shutdown of the system if the “detected” temperature of certain components exceeds a certain number.

This leads to one of two possibilities.

1. Your computer is indeed overheating and the sensors are detecting that.
2. Your computer is not overheating and the sensors are faulty.

i7-3770K (Delidded) @ 4.6GHz | nVidia GTX TITAN X@ 1468/7800
ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866MHz @ 2400MHz
Samsung 840 PRO 512GB SSD | Windows 10 x64

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zipzo.6753


This is NOT a shutdown. It is a hard reset. Laptops submitted to overheating will shutdown, not hard reset.

The computer just reboots.

99.44% of the time this is the PSU failing to meet the load.

Clearly there is an issue with compatibility here because pretty much any unlucky soul who happens to own this specific laptop has this issue.

Actually, this is lamp-lighting the laptop for not being able to perform under heavy load. GW2 is written against the OS, not specific hardware.

The reason for my time out is that the hard resets have (likely) caused my current problem where windows crashes during start up. Start up repair – not fun to run!

Windows isn’t crashing during startup; if you read the screen, it is telling you that it did not shut down properly and is giving you options to recover if necessary.

BTW, “crash” means code failed to execute and typically provides an error code.

You and God.fissure are just not getting it. I know it’s really easy to just go “OVERLOAD YOUR PC CANT HANDLE IT”…but I don’t think you’re taking in to account that I can go days (doing very high amounts of activity in conjunction with GW2) and not experience this.

It is by all accounts…and incredibly random event. This would suggest something other than overheating/overload because the consistency is not there.

(edited by Zipzo.6753)

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HCProfessionals.3601


Download SpeedFan and give me some temps on the GPU and CPU please so I can rule out overheating. Also, please use a cooling pad underneath and turn your laptop brightness down to about 75% (you shouldn’t see much difference in-game), but it will reduce the load and heat on your laptop by a lot.

Anything over 85c is unacceptable in my standards. http://www.almico.com/sfdownload.php

Your laptop will have a safety shutdown when it reaches a certain temp.

PHP/MySQL Code Monkey and MCITP. Owner of a Michigan-based Computer Service and Hosting Company.

(edited by HCProfessionals.3601)

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: deltaconnected.4058


TL;DR: Asus is cutting cost on the power brick (can’t supply enough amperage). G__ laptop owners are SOL on this.

Long answer: every gaming notebook Trashsus put out since the G51 has an amp limit in the BIOS that would send the PROCHOT# signal when the system pulls too much power. To prove this, look at your CPU multiplier get locked to it’s lowest when you run furmark and prime95 at the same time (not interested in temps).
Although this is one of the suggested uses of this MSR, it also relies on every single other device on the bus to not use THERMTRIP# until absolutely necessary and not on a hunch (shoddy BIOS coding says hi). PROCHOT (the MSR that controls CPU thermal throttling), in conjunction with THERMTRIP#, will shutdown or restart your PC depending on what the BIOS is programmed to do.

If any of you G73 owners want to try, download MSRTool, in the box next to MSR Number type in “0×1AD” and Read. Paste the number that you get under “EAX” here (will look something like 0×39393939).

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Psyclone.5704


So I’ve had the same issue. Done faily extensive testing, and nothing.

My CPU temp never goes above 65
My GPU Temp never goes above 60
I set processor affinity to one core to test, nothing
I have PSU, GPU, and Processor Stats upon Crash here https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/8auYbTxfGT70UqMVCqC2LzVsoB1-rDcgVc2NnKaFTTI?feat=directlink
Columns in pic are: Current Value, Min Value, Max Value
I have my drivers updated, BIOS, Motherboard, and NVidia are all up to date.
Running GTS250, E8600CPU, 650W PSU

Err.. thats all I got.

Err.. thats all I got.Oh, I can run DayZ (The most processor/gpu intensive game I can think of) for 2-3 hours without issue. Also, every other game I run works fine.

(edited by Psyclone.5704)

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zipzo.6753



Overheating was ruled out the moment the issue wasn’t actually a complete shutdown. It’s a reset. Must this be repeated?


I understand you may be trying to be helpful but speaking nor describing a solution in a way that only those experienced with…whatever the hell it was you just said isn’t helpful to those of us who simply just want to understand why GW2 has this random issue on the G73SW and are not amply educated in the most of the terms and words you used to fill out that post.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: deltaconnected.4058


That’s why I added the short and long description

Copy/pasting my suggestion from the end:
“If any of you G73 owners want to try, download MSRTool, in the box next to MSR Number type in “0×1AD” and Read. Paste the number that you get under “EAX” here (will look something like 0×39393939).”

Using that I (or anyone) can come up a different number that’ll underclock your CPU.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: XcomCaveRat.4059


Here’s an interesting thread on Notebookreview that describes Asus CPU throttling problem.


PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amen.2630


Hello all,

since the moment i downloaded and installed the autodetected driver from this side:

even if i already had it before, the crashing stopped!

Now it shows at the client window of the login a warning about some hardware risks, but never crash my laptop again

(edited by Amen.2630)

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amen.2630



now it restarts my pc like 3 TIMES EVERY HOUR???

it started again sice a few days ago????



(I sended you the gameadvisor file btw but on Guild Wars in NCSoft Ask a Question, couse there is no other option there AND in the Guild Wars 2 Support Ask a Question)

(edited by Amen.2630)

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhus.9763


I get the same problem. It seems to only happen once just after I have turned on my computer.

I have monitored temperatures of CPU’s and GPU and there is nothing out of the ordinary. Graphics settings are on lowest and framerate is a healthy ~100fps, but after a minute of gameplay (or just standing in LA) the PC normally then performs a Hard Reset. Please note this is not a crash.

I have attempted to update drivers but as per F-ing usual the so-called Nvidia Installer ALWAYS fails on one component.

I have however had one BSOD during the game, which I have never had on this system before.

i5 Quad core
Geforce GTX460
12gb RAM DDR3

I notice that others with the GTX460 are having the same problem, i wonder if this is purely a generational thing or whether there is some massive conflict between GW2 and the drivers?

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rolo.9248


You and God.fissure are just not getting it. I know it’s really easy to just go “OVERLOAD YOUR PC CANT HANDLE IT”

I neither appreciate the assumption that I didn’t give your post adequate thought nor the misrepresentation of what I said; look at my other posts and you’ll see that’s not my nature (especially since there are dozens of duplicate threads). Based on the presented facts, I responded with actionable items to further troubleshoot.

..but I don’t think you’re taking in to account that I can go days (doing very high amounts of activity in conjunction with GW2) and not experience this.

There’s nothing here to account for since I haven’t seen comparable activities or measurements. Maxing Intel Burn Test, Prime95, and Unigene concurrently for an hour or so without flaw would validate the hardware. Otherwise, GW2 is the most demanding app that I can see.

It is by all accounts…and incredibly random event. This would suggest something other than overheating/overload because the consistency is not there.

There are far too many variables to rely on consistency; you’ll have to create a controlled test to observe.

What is consistent throughout 31 years of PC Mx is that spontaneous reboots are Dove purely (99.44%) caused by insufficient/failed power.

i5-2500K 4.2GHz | 8GB Mushkin DDR3-2133 | Gigabyte Z68XP-UD4, GTX580-882/2033
Crucial m4 128GB SSD (64GB SRT cache) | WD 2TB 2002FAEX | Antec Twelve Hundred
When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee

(edited by Rolo.9248)

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amen.2630


just before the update the restarting issue almost never happened, after the last patch its worse again!

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arvin.3124


I had the same problem and in my case it was indeed temp related, even though I was utterly convinced this wasnt the case and even put in a ridicilous 1200W PSU which I prolly never needed.

I don´t know if you have overclocked your CPU but I had, and I had turned off temperature management after reading somewhere it slowed your system down.

I turned temp management back on and got MSI Afterburner to monitor my GPU fans and set up a custom fan profile and never had the problem again afterwards.

Might be different for you though since you say the game just resets right? Not your entire system?

p.s. If anyone sees a message like, “your video driver failed and just recovered” you know you better watch your temps, almost always related to it even though you might think its fine.

p.p.s. Even though the TJ Max of my Graphics card is also around 100º Celsius. Running it in the high 80´s for a prolonged period of times already shuts the system down in some cases for me. Guild Wars 2 on max settings taxes your system quite hard so it is more likely to show up in this game than say CS:GO

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ranmei.5714


I own a 73SW with GTX 460m, my partner owns a 73JW with the same video card (her laptop is about 1-2 years old now). She has been able to play with no problems since purchase last weekend on the highest settings.

On the other hand my laptop which I bought new barely 5 months ago has been hard resetting on random intervals from 1 minute after logging in to 4 hours or more of not resetting. Most of the time it’s when I’ve just logged into the game that it resets. I don’t remember if the resetting started to occur after a particular patch.

I don’t know what you guys make of this.

PC just shuts down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rolo.9248


Spontaneous reboots (not a BSOD+auto restart) are caused by insufficient/defective power.

i5-2500K 4.2GHz | 8GB Mushkin DDR3-2133 | Gigabyte Z68XP-UD4, GTX580-882/2033
Crucial m4 128GB SSD (64GB SRT cache) | WD 2TB 2002FAEX | Antec Twelve Hundred
When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee