Patcher problem
somebody please help.
run a chkdsk and try deleting local.dat
following that, if it still doesn’t work try starting gw2.exe with the -repair command switch
tried all, doesn’t work
EDIT: a screebie of my gw2 folder. maybe i am missing something. i deleted my sweetfx cuz it lags. maybe i got a file deleted. sadly, i have emptied my recycle bin.
(edited by Moderator)
Hy i have the same problem and i would sugjest this Downlad the game compleatly from their site and try to play that way bc the problem lies in the tmp file that the launcher download’s (or tryes to) it cannot be opened due it beeing corupted/not fully downloaded.
i would downloade the game ad tellyou if it works but ^^" 120 kb/s takes a Loong time and i cant let my PC run for that long (personal matters).
those padlocks on the icons look like your current account doesn’t have permission to make changes to them.
maybe thats your problem?
umm… what do you mean by that;/ i mea i get what you mean but i could i not have permission im administrator on my PC
and um btw the same thing happens when i try to install the game i deleted evry gw2 file on my pc and now tryed nstalling from a CD and the same problem occures.
those padlocks on the icons look like your current account doesn’t have permission to make changes to them.
maybe thats your problem?
it has been like since i first played. works fine then it doesn’t work now.
i backed up my Gw2.dat and i will try reinstalling.
(edited by iAsuno.9654)
well, nvm, i looked into those padlocks and it just means the files are private but that folder has sharing enables
it is working now. reinstalled my gw2 through my cd and pasted my backed up gw2.dat.