Perma banned... What did I do wrong?

Perma banned... What did I do wrong?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HIZLO.2694


A couple of my friends got perma banned for NO reason what so ever. Similar stories as the ones posted above. Has this company ever heard of “Authenticators”? All the big named companies are using them, this is something that should have been implimented on launch. No reason all these accounts should be getting hacked like this and to boot there is NO phone support which makes things 1000 times worse. Who the hell wants to wait for an email based response?

Has anyone heard anything about mobile phone authenticators though?

I got an authenticator for WoW I haven’t been hacked since. I know there are ways around them but I say it’s much more security.

IMO authenticators should have been included to purchasers of the CE…

Yes I agree 100%, With any MMO people invest an enourmous amount of time into their characters. The least ArenaNet can do is make their users feel safe. I have been a WoW player for many years. My account was hacked, but with Blizzard they have phone support so everything was taken care of instantly! Besides that when I got my authenticator I never had a problem since. So if I have one request for this amazing game… Give us authenticators and phone support.

Perma banned... What did I do wrong?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


What does the message say exactly? The message on login usually tells the reason. There is no point on discussing this if such information is not provided.

Perma banned... What did I do wrong?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raziel Kaine.6238

Raziel Kaine.6238

My mate was panned on day 4, I bought him the game at great expense to myself so i could play with him. When he went to log in the message said he was perma banned. He hadn’t used or heard of any exploits, offended anyone in chat or used offensive names. Right away he posted a ticked and has posted 2 now i believe and still not one single reply. Thats almost a week, my $90 has been wasted and the customer service to this point has been NON EXISTENT! shame on you ArenaNet

Perma banned... What did I do wrong?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightingale.6820


The login screen says that I broke the User agreement and/or the rules of conduct.
Something that I to my knowledge haven’t done… (to my knowledge

Also I think the wording on the login screen have changed from yesterday… (if my memory serves me right it mentioned character names last time I checked)

Funny thing that I now suddenly get verification emails when I press login to see the “error” screen….

But after reading the user agreement there are a couple of things that I might be accused of aswell:

Copy software – (I copied the game to 3-4 computers so that me and my friends didn’t have to download it again)

Reporting the same guy twice – I wasn’t sure if gold selling was to be reported as spamming, scamming or botting… (this is what I did the 1-4 min before I got kicked out and banned)

Use the game at an Internet cafĂ© – it’s not an Internet cafe, more of a LAN locale open almost every day of the week. (didn’t know you could get banned for that)

Letting a friend test the game – he have already bought the game… He just wanted to see how the thief played (all character slots he owned where already taken)

Calling my friend(s) by his real name in chat – I only think I did this in party chat, and I don’t really think he minds since I’m fairly certain he did the same thing. We where sitting in the same room and had Skype active to communicate through VoIP while playing so I’m not sure which messages was ingame and which where not…

And none of those things is something that in my mind makes me deserve a permaban…

There are two more things I probably should add while we are at it… I ran up to 2 people ingame (one downed) and ressed him… Without noticing in chat that they said dont ress please
And the last thing I can imagine is that I might have been playing through a VPN service. (don’t think I did this but it’s a possibility)


Perma banned... What did I do wrong?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shannon.9583


They will give up updates eventually. There are a lot of people who choose to use the same email address and password for GW2 as they use for other sites or services or games. Once the login credentials are compromised elsewhere, the GW2 account can be stolen. It seems a lot of GW2 players are the type to use the same login credentials at multiple places, which means there are lot of tickets to go through. Each one takes time to process.

As for accounts being banned AFTER the damage is done, this is not always the case. It depends on how much the person who stole the account gets done before the ban is applied. In any case, a ban to prevent further misuse of the account is better than no ban at all.

A lot of people had their account data changed without any authorization. This was a bug, not the user’s fault.

Even users with good passwords and GW2-unique accounts were burned by this.

(edited by Shannon.9583)

Perma banned... What did I do wrong?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: anonymouse.9053


his was a bug, not the user’s fault.

If you have proof of a bug with their authentication system, you should relay those details to ArenaNet.

Perma banned... What did I do wrong?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tyrraeth.7683


If a password is secure enough, it will take YEARS, often longer than a person’s lifespan, to crack it, unless the RMT gang is using massive clusters of computing resoures (not likely, or they’d be doing other things with their time besides trying to hack into mmo accounts).

Actually, it’s VERY likely they’re using a botnet (e.g. cluster). It’s also quite likely that they’ve figured out the algorithym being used to generate pwd reset URLs. That, combined with scraping google for email addresses, would enable to them script pwd reset attempts. For example: Script grabs an email address from a flat-file list, tries it against the reset web form, then uses the algorithym to generate a probable match to the URL being mailed to that email address. Script then tries the URL. If successful, URL loads in a browser. From there, ownership is an email change away.

What gets me is this: How could they login to the actual game from someone’s account WITHOUT resetting the pwd? I got no pwd reset emails. I was in-game, logged out to reboot my system and when I tried to log back in, I was banned. The only way my account could’ve been compromised is brute force, or possibly by lifting session token information and either dissecting it for info or passing it back to the servers intact. I could probably construct an elaborate scenario as to how that could be done…but if it IS being done, <expletive> is well and truly passed the fan and is currently all over the walls.

Reference# 120828-00307
Date Created: 08/27/2012
RESOLVED 9/9, 3:32pm

Perma banned... What did I do wrong?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: babylon.1647


when all is said and done yes we all have to abide by their rules but they also have a legal obligation to protect my personal details as well.