Player quality option for overcrowded areas

Player quality option for overcrowded areas

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cezton.2415


Is there any way to dumb down the textures and models of other players when dealing with locations where there are just way more people than necessary.

In Orr we only need a handful of people to do an event, yet there is often 50-60+ people just totally lagging the crap out of me. Game runs fine 90% of the time except in these instances where there are way too many people doing the same thing or in WvW.

It’s really frustrating. I can handle a good few people but it just gets painful.

Player quality option for overcrowded areas

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gadzooks.4687


Wish there was an option for this as well, especially in WvW battles.

An option to lower ability FX too would be nice. All those particles flying around sure makes things run slow, and hard to see whats going on.

Player quality option for overcrowded areas

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Revolutia.6507


I would love an option like that. To decrease the mess atleast a bit I put animation on low, it makes it slightly better.